ADIOS (Adaptable IO System) is essentially an I/O componentization of different I/O transport methods. The user of scientific applications can use the best I/O method for different computer infrastructures with very little modification of their applications. Instead of being provided as the arguments of APIs, all the required metadata are stored in an external Extensible Markup Language (XML) configuration file, which is readable, editable, and portable for most machines.
Installation and Use of ADIOS on LRZ platforms
ADIOS library version 1.11 is enabled on SuperMUC and it has support for MPI-IO, HDF5 and NETCDF-4.
Enabling ADIOS
To make use of ADIOS, please load the module appropriate.
module load adios
Compiling and Linking ADIOS
Fortran Program
ADIOS_INCLUDE=`$ADIOS_DIR/bin/adios_config -fc` ADIOS_FLIB=`$ADIOS_DIR/bin/adios_config -fl` mpif90 -o arrays_write ${ADIOS_INCLUDE} arrays_write.F90 ${ADIOS_FLIB}
C Program
ADIOS_INCLUDE=`$ADIOS_DIR/bin/adios_config -c` ADIOS_FLIB=`$ADIOS_DIR/bin/adios_config -l` mpicc -o arrays_write ${ADIOS_INCLUDE} arrays_write.c ${ADIOS_FLIB}
Please refer to ADIOS Web Site for more information about the API.