2020-09-22 ONLINE: PRACE Course: Advanced Fortran Topics


Date:Tuesday, September 22 - Friday, September 25, 2020, 10:00-16:00 CEST
Location:Online Course


This online course is targeted at scientists who wish to extend their knowledge of Fortran to cover advanced features of the language.

Topics covered include (still preliminary)

  • Best Practices
    • global objects and interfaces
    • abstract interfaces and the IMPORT statement
    • object based programming
  • Object-Oriented Programming
    • type extension, polymorphism and inheritance
    • binding of procedures to types and objects
    • generic type-bound procedures
    • abstract types and deferred bindings
  • IEEE features and floating point exceptions
  • Interoperability with C
    • mixed language programming patterns
  • Fortran 2003 I/O extensions
  • OO Design Patterns: application of object-oriented programming
    • creation and destruction of objects
    • polymorphic objects and function arguments
    • interacting objects
    • dependency inversion: submodules and plugins
  • Coarrays
    • PGAS concepts and coarray basics
    • dynamic entities
    • advanced synchronization
    • parallel programming patterns
    • recent enhancements: collectives, events, teams, atomic subroutines
    • performance aspects of coarray programming

The course combines lectures and hands-on sessions.


Course participants should have good knowledge of the Fortran 95 standard (such as covered in the February course at LRZ), and also basic UNIX/Linux knowledge (e.g. shell commands, simple scripts, editors like vi or emacs).

Teachers:R. Bader, G. Brietzke, N. Patel (LRZ)
Contact:Dr. Volker Weinberg (LRZ)