2017-02-09 Scientific Workshop: High performance computing in atmosphere modelling and air related environmental hazards

Date:Thursday, February 09, 2017 09:30 - 17:45

VŠB - Technical University of Ostrava, IT4Innovations building (room 207), Studentská 6231/1B, Ostrava


Call for workshop participation

The Czech-Bavarian Competence Team for Supercomputing Applications invites all interested researchers to a workshop on "High performance computing in atmosphere modelling and air related environmental hazards". Contributed presentations are welcome on all related topics, in particular on demands and desired features of (future) simulation software, parallelisation for current and novel HPC platforms, as well as establishing scalable simulation workflows on supercomputing environments. You may want to recall a similar workshop on Seismic Simulation on Current and Future Supercomputers held at IT4Innovations a year ago.
If you wish to give a presentation, please submit a title and short abstract (10-20 lines) via email to Prof. Michael Bader <bader@in.tum.de>.

The workshop is collocated with a PRACE PATC course (February 7-8, separate registration necessary) on Intel MIC Programming, at IT4I, see the course description on https://events.prace-ri.eu/event/583/

To register (with or without proposing a presentation) for the workshop, please fill in the registration form. There is no registration fee for participation.

Michael Bader, Technische Universität München
Arndt Bode, Leibniz Supercomputing Centre
Vít Vondrák , IT4Innovations National Supercomputing Centre

Preliminary schedule

see http://prace.it4i.cz/en/high-performance-computing-in-atmosphere-modelling-and-air-related-environmental-hazards


The workshop is organised within the joint German-Czech Republic project CzeBaCCA


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Contact:Prof. Michael Bader (TUM)