201 - Wie lauten die Installationspfade und Konfigurationspfade?


Installation path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Leibniz-Rechenzentrum\LRZ_Sync_Share

Configuration folder <per user>: C:\Users\<loginname>\AppData\Roaming\LRZ Sync+Share

Log path: C:\Users\<loginname>\AppData\Roaming\LRZ Sync+Share\logs

Base path of top-level folders (data storage): C:\Users\<loginname>\LRZ Sync+Share

(To visualize the hidden files in the Windows explorer, just enter the paths in the address bar or enable this option in the explorer settings before.)


Installation path: /usr/share/LRZ_Sync_Share/

Configuration folder <per user>: /home/<loginname>/.LRZ Sync+Share

Log path: /home/<loginname>/.LRZ Sync+Share/logs

Base path of top-level folders (data storage): /home/<loginname>/LRZ Sync+Share


Installation path: /Applications/LRZ Sync+Share.app

Configuration folder <per user>: /home/<loginname>/.LRZ Sync+Share

Log path: /home/<loginname>/.LRZ Sync+Share/logs

Base path for top-level folders (data storage): /Users/<loginname>/LRZ Sync+Share

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