Project description

Identifying the best strategies towards a more energy-efficient and sustainable city starts with the understanding of the energy use at the urban level. To do so, the development of tools to measure, analyze, test and compare the current and future urban energy scenarios is a compulsory task. The Chair of Renewable and Sustainable Energy Systems of the Technical University of Munich (ENS TUM) and the Smart Cities Innovation Center of the University of Guadalajara (CICI UdG) are working together to investigate the energy status quo of the CUCEA UdG as a mini-city. The current project has the following objectives:

  1. Develop a low-cost open-source smart meter with focus on power measurements
  2. Develop a robust data management architecture
  3. Collect real-time power consumption data at the building and campus level
  4. Make an inventory of existing appliances
  5. Collect information on energy use and user behavior
  6. Analyze the current electricity consumption at the building and campus level
  7. Develop a probabilistic bottom-up model to simulate the electricity consumption
  8. Simulate and validate the electricity consumption at the building and campus level
  9. Scale the results at the city level

The work of this project will set the path for the smart energy management at the CUCEA UdG and will provide a basis for the development of energy-efficient and sustainable measures at the urban scale. Moreover, the achieved results will be part of the IEEE Smart Cities Initiative, a global platform to share best practices and experiences with the scientific community and other pilot cities.


Main contributors:

Javier Claustro BobadillaUdGHardware
Carlos Francisco Vidal FloresUdGData analysis
Anahi Molar CruzTUMEnergy modeling

Additional contributors:

Victor Manuel Larios RosilloUdGSupervisor
Thomas HamacherTUMSupervisor
Emmanuel Aceves MartínezUdGServer management
Elsa Julieta Cedillo ElíasUdGNetwork management
MarianoUdGElectrical maintenance


Work plan

Okt2018NovDezJan2019FebMärAprMaiJunKick-off meeting-IEEE ISC2-2019
Smart meter
Data collection
Data analysis
Energy demand modeling

Smart energy meter: Galileo

OpenAgGDL: Raspberry Pi | ROS

Smart energy meter: Raspberry Pi | ROS

Smart energy meter: Installation

Smart energy meter: Calibration

Smart meter: Extension

Key findings

Dataset: Smart energy meter (Galileo)

Data collection: Energy meters

Dataset: Smart energy meter (Raspberry Pi | ROS)

Digital energy meter CFE

Dataset: Energy use

Dataset: Appliances

Script: Data extraction

Script: Data analysis

Script: Data visualization

Key findings

Validation: Building level

Validation: CUCEA

Simulation: Building

Simulation: CUCEA

Simulation: GDL

Validation: GDL

Data to model


Paper: Network of smart meters (IoT)

Paper: Electricity consumption at CUCEA UdG

Paper: Modeling electricity demand at the urban scale

Last updated

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