
The GPFS shows optimal performance with sequential read and write patterns (typically large files). Avoid random and high frequency access patterns (typically small files). Avoid the creation of large numbers of small files (>1000) in a single directory. Being a network filesystem there is always a small latency for every I/O operation involved during which your calculation remains idle. Since the GPFS is a shared ressource, the performance for all other users may vary and strongly depend on the filesystem load created by a single user either globally or within a single node.

If you cannot avoid highly frequent I/O operations, it is almost always much more efficient to use the local node filesystem or the RAM disk (see below).

In order to help you decide for the optimal storage for your use case we ran a couple of benchmarks.

Benchmark commands using fio
fio --rw=read --name=/hpc/gpfs2/u/$USER/test --size=50G
fio --rw=read --name=/hpc/gpfs2/u/$USER/test --size=50G --bs=4M
fio --rw=read --name=/home/ltmp/test --size=50G
fio --rw=read --name=/home/ltmp/test --size=50G --bs=4M
fio --rw=read --name=/dev/shm/test --size=50G
fio --rw=read --name=/dev/shm/test --size=50G --bs=4M

fio --rw=write --name=/hpc/gpfs2/u/$USER/test --size=50G
fio --rw=write --name=/hpc/gpfs2/u/$USER/test --size=50G --bs=4M
fio --rw=write --name=/home/ltmp/test --size=50G
fio --rw=write --name=/home/ltmp/test --size=50G --bs=4M
fio --rw=write --name=/dev/shm/test --size=50G
fio --rw=write --name=/dev/shm/test --size=50G --bs=4M

fio --rw=randread --name=/hpc/gpfs2/u/$USER/test --size=1G
fio --rw=randread --name=/hpc/gpfs2/u/$USER/test --size=1G --bs=4M
fio --rw=randread --name=/home/ltmp/test --size=5G
fio --rw=randread --name=/home/ltmp/test --size=5G --bs=4M
fio --rw=randread --name=/dev/shm/test --size=50G
fio --rw=randread --name=/dev/shm/test --size=50G --bs=4M

fio --rw=randwrite --name=/hpc/gpfs2/u/$USER/test --size=1G
fio --rw=randwrite --name=/hpc/gpfs2/u/$USER/test --size=1G --bs=4M
fio --rw=randwrite --name=/home/ltmp/test --size=5G
fio --rw=randwrite --name=/home/ltmp/test --size=5G --bs=4M
fio --rw=randwrite --name=/dev/shm/test --size=50G
fio --rw=randwrite --name=/dev/shm/test --size=50G --bs=4M