
Apptainer (formerly Singularity before its open-source version was transferred to the Linux Foundation) is a container virtualization platform specifically designed for HPC environments to run complex applications on HPC clusters in a simple, portable, and reproducible way. Containers can be seen as lightweight virtual operating systems with preinstalled and preconfigured software that can be run just like any other program on the cluster. Apptainer most importantly focuses on:

  • Verifiable reproducibility and security, using cryptographic signatures, an immutable container image format, and in-memory decryption.
  • Integration over isolation by default. Easily make use of GPUs, high speed networks, parallel filesystems on a cluster or server by default.
  • Mobility of compute. The single file SIF container format is easy to transport and share.
  • A simple, effective security model. You are the same user inside a container as outside, and cannot gain additional privilege on the host system by default.

Docker containers

You cannot run docker containers natively on the cluster as you are used to on your laptop or workstation. However, you can easily convert docker containers to the native Apptainer SIF container format and use Apptainer as a Drop-In replacement for Docker (as well as Nvidia Container Toolkit in case you want to use GPUs in containers).

Apptainer security

During Apptainer development, special attention was put on its Security Model. Contrary to Docker, Apptainer runs completely in user space without root privileges or service daemons due to Linux/Distribution support for unprivileged user namespace (enabled on all cluster nodes).

A setuid version of Apptainer in principle exists, however it is not needed and would pose a potential security risk, which is why it is not provided to cluster users. 

Modules providing Apptainer

module av apptainer

When loading apptainer we recommend loading it without a version specification since we make bug- and feature-releases available asap but at the same time deprecate old versions at the same pace. Therefore, just use

module load apptainer

The Apptainer modules automatically set two important environment variables:

Environment variablesValueDescription
APPTAINER_CACHEDIR/hpc/gpfs2/scratch/u/${USER}/.apptainerlocation of cached SIF container images generated from remote sources, and any OCI/docker layers used to create them
APPTAINER_TMPDIR/hpc/gpfs2/scratch/u/${USER}/.apptainer/tmpdirtemporary workspace when building a container, or pulling/running an Apptainer container from a Docker/OCI source

It is highly recommended to leave these two variables in place since they ensure that all temporary data as well es container caches are located in your personal scratch directory (not included in cluster backup since they can easily be recreated).

Apptainer is also availabe without loading a module. This one is rather outdated and will be removed at the end of October 2024. Do NOT use it anymore!

Command line (CLI) autocompletion is working as well (type apptainer in the terminal, then press the TAB key).

Apptainer Basics

Apptainer Documentation

Apptainer has a very rich and extensive online documentation as well as man pages and CLI documentation:

apptainer help
$ apptainer help

Linux container platform optimized for High Performance Computing (HPC) and
Enterprise Performance Computing (EPC)

  apptainer [global options...]

  Apptainer containers provide an application virtualization layer enabling
  mobility of compute via both application and environment portability. With
  Apptainer one is capable of building a root file system that runs on any
  other Linux system where Apptainer is installed.

      --build-config    use configuration needed for building containers
  -c, --config string   specify a configuration file (for root or
                        unprivileged installation only) (default
  -d, --debug           print debugging information (highest verbosity)
  -h, --help            help for apptainer
      --nocolor         print without color output (default False)
  -q, --quiet           suppress normal output
  -s, --silent          only print errors
  -v, --verbose         print additional information
      --version         version for apptainer

Available Commands:
  build       Build an Apptainer image
  cache       Manage the local cache
  capability  Manage Linux capabilities for users and groups
  checkpoint  Manage container checkpoint state (experimental)
  completion  Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
  config      Manage various apptainer configuration (root user only)
  delete      Deletes requested image from the library
  exec        Run a command within a container
  help        Help about any command
  inspect     Show metadata for an image
  instance    Manage containers running as services
  key         Manage OpenPGP keys
  keyserver   Manage apptainer keyservers
  oci         Manage OCI containers
  overlay     Manage an EXT3 writable overlay image
  plugin      Manage Apptainer plugins
  pull        Pull an image from a URI
  push        Upload image to the provided URI
  registry    Manage authentication to OCI/Docker registries
  remote      Manage apptainer remote endpoints
  run         Run the user-defined default command within a container
  run-help    Show the user-defined help for an image
  search      Search a Container Library for images
  shell       Run a shell within a container
  sif         Manipulate Singularity Image Format (SIF) images
  sign        Add digital signature(s) to an image
  test        Run the user-defined tests within a container
  verify      Verify digital signature(s) within an image
  version     Show the version for Apptainer

  $ apptainer help <command> [<subcommand>]
  $ apptainer help build
  $ apptainer help instance start

For additional help or support, please visit

Pulling Containers

You can use the pull command to download images from an external resource like an OCI registry and save them to a sif-file.

You can use pull with the docker:// uri to reference OCI images served from an OCI registry. In this case pull does not just download an image file. OCI images are stored in layers, so pull must also combine those layers into a usable Apptainer sif-file. Both layers and Apptainer sif-files will be cached in $APPTAINER_CACHEDIR.

apptainer pull of a Docker container actually runs apptainer build behind the scenes, since we are translating from OCI to SIF. This will also create a sif-file in the current working directory.

If you apptainer pull a Docker container twice, the output file isn’t identical because metadata such as dates from the conversion will vary. This differs from pulling a SIF container (e.g. from an oras:// or library:// URI), which always give you an exact copy of the image.

Pulling from the Docker registry
apptainer pull docker://archlinux
apptainer pull docker://sylabsio/lolcow
apptainer pull docker://
apptainer pull docker://
apptainer pull docker://

Containers From Other Container Registries

You can use docker:// URIs with Apptainer to pull and run containers from OCI registries other than Docker Hub. To do this, you’ll need to include the hostname or IP address of the registry in your docker:// URI. Authentication with other registries is carried out in the same basic manner, but sometimes you’ll need to retrieve your credentials using a specific tool, especially when working with Cloud Service Provider environments.

Running Containers

Default bind-mounts

By default the following directories are automatically available in the container:

Host PathContainer PathCategoryComment
same path. Not mounted if its path contains symlinks resolving to different locations on the host vs inside the container. 
$HOME$HOMEhomesame path.
/dev/devdevIncluding GPU devices and shared memory tmpfs /dev/shm
/etc/resolv.conf/etc/resolv.confresolv_confadapted at container startup to match the requested configuration of the container.
/etc/group/etc/groupgroupadapted at container startup to match the requested configuration of the container.


adapted at container startup to match the requested configuration of the container.





These default mounts can be disabled selectively using the --no-mount and a comma-separated list of categories, or using the --containall flag. For more Details see the Apptainer Documentation.

There are three ways to run a container, mainly differing in what will be executed in the container:

apptainer shell: Run the (default) shell within a container
apptainer shell archlinux.sif
apptainer shell: Run a custom command within a container
apptainer exec archlinux.sif bash script.bash

script.bash can be outside of the container if it is in $PWD or any other path mounted into the container.

apptainer shell: Run the predefined command of a container
apptainer run archlinux.sif

You may also specify a sandbox container (see Building container), however, please use sif-files for production runs.

When running a container directly off a container registry, e.g.

apptainer run docker://archlinux:latest

This does work on the login nodes, but won't work on compute nodes due the absence of internet access (needed to obtain container details).

selected list of options
  -B, --bind stringArray              a user-bind path specification.
                                      spec has the format
                                      src[:dest[:opts]], where src and
                                      dest are outside and inside paths.
                                      If dest is not given, it is set
                                      equal to src.  Mount options
                                      ('opts') may be specified as 'ro'
                                      (read-only) or 'rw' (read/write,
                                      which is the default). Multiple bind
                                      paths can be given by a comma
                                      separated list.
  -e, --cleanenv                      clean environment before running
      --env stringToString            pass environment variable to
                                      contained process (default [])
      --env-file string               pass environment variables from file
                                      to contained process
  -f, --fakeroot                      run container with the appearance of
                                      running as root
  -c, --contain                       use minimal /dev and empty other
                                      directories (e.g. /tmp and $HOME)
                                      instead of sharing filesystems from
                                      your host
  -C, --containall                    contain not only file systems, but
                                      also PID, IPC, and environment
      --no-eval                       do not shell evaluate env vars or
                                      OCI container CMD/ENTRYPOINT/ARGS
      --no-home                       do NOT mount users home directory if
                                      /home is not the current working
      --no-init                       do NOT start shim process with --pid
      --no-mount strings              disable one or more 'mount xxx'
                                      options set in apptainer.conf and/or
                                      specify absolute destination path to
                                      disable a bind path entry, or
                                      'bind-paths' to disable all bind
                                      path entries.
  -W, --workdir string                working directory to be used for
                                      /tmp, /var/tmp and $HOME (if
                                      -c/--contain was also used)
      --nv                            enable Nvidia support
      --nvccli                        use nvidia-container-cli for GPU
                                      setup (experimental)
  -w, --writable                      by default all Apptainer containers
                                      are available as read only. This
                                      option makes the file system
                                      accessible as read/write.
      --writable-tmpfs                makes the file system accessible as
                                      read-write with non persistent data
                                      (with overlay support only)

Example Slurm Job Template for Running Containers

#!/usr/bin/env bash
#SBATCH --job-name=test
#SBATCH --partition=epyc
#SBATCH --time=1-0
# Request memory per CPU
#SBATCH --mem-per-cpu=1G
# Request n CPUs for your task.
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=n
# set number of OpenMP threads
module purge
module load apptainer

srun apptainer ...

Passing Environment Variables to Containers

By default, most environment variables are propagated to the container by default. Exceptions are:

  1. An environment variable set on the host will be overridden by a variable of the same name that has been set either inside the container image, or via APPTAINERENV_ environment variables, or the --env and --env-file flags.
  2. The PS1 shell prompt is reset for a container specific prompt.
  3. The PATH environment variable will be modified to contain default values.
  4. The LD_LIBRARY_PATH is modified to a default /.singularity.d/libs, that will include NVIDIA / ROCm libraries if applicable.

To override an environment variable that is already set in the container with the value from the host, use:

APPTAINERENV_* environment variables
apptainer run mycontainer.sif
the --env CLI option
apptainer run --env "MYVAR=$MYVAR" mycontainer.sif
the --env-file CLI option
cat > file <<EOF

apptainer run --env-file file mycontainer.sif

If you do not want the host environment variables to be passed into the container you can use the -e or --cleanenv option. This gives a clean environment inside the container, with a minimal set of environment variables for correct operation of most software. You may then add back some selected environment variables using the methods described above.

If you work on a host system that sets a lot of environment variables, e.g. because you use software made available through environment modules / Lmod, you may see strange behavior in your container. Check your host environment with env for variables such as PYTHONPATH that can change the way code runs, and consider using --cleanenv.

If you set a variable on your host called APPTAINERENV_PREPEND_PATH then its value will be prepended (added to the start) of the PATH variable in the container.

$ apptainer exec mycontainer.sif sh -c 'echo $PATH'

$ export APPTAINERENV_PREPEND_PATH="/startpath"
$ apptainer exec mycontainer.sif sh -c 'echo $PATH'

# or
$ apptainer exec --env PREPEND_PATH=/startpath mycontainer.sif sh -c 'echo $PATH'

For a more detailed explanation for environment variable precedence see Apptainer documentation.

Using Containers exported from docker

If you have a customized docker container on your workstation, you may export it there and convert it to a sif-container on the cluster:

Importing container archives
# workstation
docker images # show all docker containers
docker save $IMAGEID -o container.tar
# HPC cluster
apptainer build container.sif docker-archive:container.tar

Inspecting Container Metadata

apptainer inspect archlinux.sif
apptainer inspect --json archlinux.sif
apptainer inspect --all archlinux.sif

Best Practices using Apptainer

Don't save container images in your $HOME

Container images can become quite big in size and can typically be recreated easily. All your data in $HOME is backed up to tape every day, so it should be avoided to store container images as well as non-essential or temporary data there.

Use SIF containers exclusively

SIF container files are the native Apptainer container format and provide the best performance. Avoid running directory based (sandbox) containers productively.

Unload unnecessary Lmod modules

Most of the available modules on the cluster won't work in a container (MPI modules may be an exception). Since the users environment is automatically propagated to the container. This may break a container (especially when compiler modules are loaded). In order to avoid such issues, use ml purge in your Job scripts before loading apptainer, or use the --contain-env CLI option to disable environment propagation.

Differences and Limitations vs Docker

Read-only by Default

Apptainer’s container image format (SIF) is generally read-only. This permits containers to be run in parallel from a shared location on a network filesystem, support in-built signing and verification, and offer encryption. A container’s filesystem is mounted directly from the SIF, as SquashFS, so cannot be written to by default.

When a container is run using Docker its layers are extracted, and the resulting container filesystem can be written to and modified by default. If a Docker container expects to write files, you will need to follow one of the following methods to allow it to run under Apptainer.

  • A directory from the host can be passed into the container with the --bind or --mount flags. It needs to be mounted inside the container at the location where files will be written.

  • The --writable-tmpfs flag can be used to allow files to be created in a special temporary overlay. Each time the container is executed, a separate temporary overlay is used and then discarded when the container exits. The SIF Container image file is never modified.

  • The container can be converted to a sandbox directory, and executed with the --writable flag, which allows modification of the sandbox content.

  • A writable overlay partition can be added to the SIF file, and the container executed with the --writable flag. Any changes made are kept permanently in the overlay partition.

Of these methods, only --writable-tmpfs is always safe to run in parallel.

A writable overlay file in a SIF partition cannot be used in parallel. Apptainer will refuse to run concurrently using the same SIF writable overlay partition.

Default Mounts / $HOME

A default installation of Apptainer will mount the user’s home directory, /tmp directory, and the current working directory, into each container that is run. Docker does not mount host directories into the container by default.

The home directory mount is the most likely to cause problems when running Docker containers. Various software will look for packages, plugins, and configuration files in $HOME. If you have, for example, installed packages for Python into your home directory (pip install --user) then a Python container may find and attempt to use them. This can cause conflicts and unexpected behavior.

If you experience issues, use the --contain option to stop Apptainer automatically binding directories into the container. You may need to use --bind or --mount to then add back e.g. an HPC project directory that you need access to.

Environment Propagation

Apptainer propagates most environment variables set on the host into the container, by default. Docker does not propagate any host environment variables into the container. Environment variables may change the behaviour of software.

To disable automatic propagation of environment variables, the --cleanenv / -e flag can be specified. When --cleanenv is used, only variables on the host that are prefixed with APPTAINERENV_ are set in the container.

Any environment variables set via an ENV line in a Dockerfile will be available when the container is run with Apptainer. You can override them with APPTAINERENV_ vars, or the --env / --env-file flags, but they will not be overridden by host environment variables.


When a container is run using docker, its default behavior depends on the CMD and/or ENTRYPOINT set in the Dockerfile that was used to build it, along with any arguments on the command line. The CMD and ENTRYPOINT can also be overridden by flags.

An Apptainer container has the concept of a runscript, which is a single shell script defining what happens when you apptainer run the container. Because there is no internal concept of CMD and ENTRYPOINT, Apptainer must create a runscript from the CMD and ENTRYPOINT when converting a Docker container. The behavior of this script mirrors Docker as closely as possible:

If the Docker container only has an ENTRYPOINT - that ENTRYPOINT is run, with any arguments appended

# Runs 'date'
$ apptainer run mycontainer.sif
Wed 06 Oct 2021 02:42:54 PM CDT

# Runs 'date --utc`
$ apptainer run mycontainer.sif --utc
Wed 06 Oct 2021 07:44:27 PM UTC

If the Docker container only has a CMD - the CMD is run, or is replaced with any arguments
# CMD="date"

# Runs 'date'
$ apptainer run mycontainer.sif
Wed 06 Oct 2021 02:45:39 PM CDT

# Runs 'echo hello'
$ apptainer run mycontainer.sif echo hello
If the Docker container has a CMD and ENTRYPOINT, then we run ENTRYPOINT with either CMD as default arguments, or replaced with any user supplied arguments
# CMD="--utc"

# Runs 'date --utc'
$ apptainer run mycontainer.sif
Wed 06 Oct 2021 07:48:43 PM UTC

# Runs 'date -R'
$ apptainer run mycontainer.sif -R
Wed, 06 Oct 2021 14:49:07 -0500

There is no flag to override an ENTRYPOINT set for a Docker container. Instead, use apptainer exec to run an arbitrary program inside a container.

Best Practices for Docker & Apptainer Compatibility

As detailed previously, Apptainer can make use of most Docker and OCI images without issues, or via simple workarounds. In general, however, there are some best practices that should be applied when creating Docker / OCI containers that will also be run using Apptainer.

Don’t require execution by a specific user

Avoid using the USER instruction in your Docker file, as it is ignored by Apptainer. Install and configure software inside the container so that it can be run by any user.

Don’t install software under /root or in another user’s home directory

Because a Docker container builds and runs as the root user by default, it’s tempting to install software into root’s home directory (/root). Permissions on /root are usually set so that it is inaccessible to non-root users. When the container is run as another user the software may be inaccessible.

Software inside another user’s home directory, e.g. /home/myapp, may be obscured by Apptainer’s automatic mounts onto /home.

Install software into system-wide locations in the container, such as under /usr or /opt to avoid these issues.

Support a read-only filesystem

Because of the immutable nature of the SIF format, a container run with Apptainer is read-only by default.

Try to ensure your container will run with a read-only filesystem. If this is not possible, document exactly where the container needs to write, so that a user can bind in a writable location, or use --writable-tmpfs as appropriate.

You can test read-only execution with Docker using docker run --read-only --tmpfs /run --tmpfs /tmp container.

Be careful writing to /tmp

Apptainer mounts the host /tmp into the container, by default. This means you must be be careful when writing sensitive information to /tmp, and should ensure your container cleans up files it writes there.

Consider library caches / ldconfig

If your Dockerfile adds libraries and / or manipulates the ld search path in the container ( /, you should ensure the library cache is updated during the build.

Because Apptainer runs containers read-only by default, the cache and any missing library symlinks may not be able to be updated / created at execution time.

Run ldconfig toward the end of your Dockerfile to ensure symbolic links and the the are up-to-date.

Building containers

The build command is the “Swiss army knife” of container creation. You can use it to download and assemble existing containers from external resources like Docker Hub and other OCI registries. You can use it to convert containers between the formats supported by Apptainer. And you can use it in conjunction with a Apptainer definition file to create a container from scratch and customized it to fit your needs.

Using a definition file

A definition file is the Apptainer equivalent of a Dockerfile and basically allows you to build customized containers based on imported containers.

This is the recommended way of building containers for all purposes.

Apptainer Definition file







Defines the source of
the base image to build
your container from.
Many bootstrap agents
are supported, e.g.
library, docker,
http, shub,
yum, debootstrap.


Can only bootstrap
from Docker Hub.


Specifies the base
image from which to the
build the container.


Creates a layer from
the specified docker image.


Not supported


Change to a different user


Section to set the
default values for
defined variables in
the definition file.
Used for image building


Support templating build.
Users can change the variable
values among different builds.


Run setup commands
outside of the
container (on the host
system) after the base
image bootstrap.


Not supported.


Copy files from
your host to
the container, or
between build stages.


Copy files from
your host to
the container, or
between build stages.


Declare and set
container environment


Declare and set
a container environment


Provide a help
section for your
container image.


Not supported.


Commands that will
be run at


Commands that will
be run at


Commands that will
be run when you
apptainer run
the container image.


Commands / arguments
that will run in the
container image.


Commands that will
be run when
an instance is started.


Not Applicable.


Commands that run
at the very end
of the build process
to validate the
container using
a method of your
choice. (to verify
distribution or
software versions
installed inside
the container)


Commands that verify
the health status of
the container.


Allows you to install
internal modules
based on the concept
of SCIF-apps.


Not supported.


Section to add and
define metadata
describing your


Declare container
metadata as a
key-value pair.

First, prepare a definition file archlinux.def (example)
Bootstrap: docker
From: archlinux:latest

    testfile /opt

	pacman -Sy
    pacman -S --noconfirm cowsay

    export PATH=/usr/games:$PATH

    date | cowsay
Then build the container image using the definition file
apptainer build archlinux.sif archlinux.def


If you want to create a container with a writable directory (called a sandbox) you can do so with the --sandbox option.

Create the Container directory
apptainer build --sandbox archlinux/ docker://archlinux:latest
Run the container in a writable mode an do the modifications
apptainer shell --writable archlinux/
Convert the container to the native sif-format
apptainer build archlinux.sif archlinux/

Do not use sandbox containers for production jobs!

We do not recommend to work with sandbox containers other than for the purpose of building production grade sif-format containers as they perform a lot worse than sif-files. Also, cleanup (delete) sandbox containers when you're done as they may take up significant amounts of disk inodes, and they can be easily converted back.

Convert sif-container to sandbox folder
apptainer build --sandbox archlinux archlinux.sif
Use care when converting a sandbox directory to the default SIF format. If changes were made to the writable container before conversion, there is no record of those changes in the Apptainer definition file, which compromises the reproducibility of your container. It is therefore preferable to build production containers directly from an Apptainer definition file instead.

Using GPUs inside containers

To make use of GPUs, simply pass the --nv flag.

apptainer exec --nv ollama.sif ollama serve

Warning when no GPUs/GPU driver is available (not fatal)

When using the --nv flag on a host that has no GPU, you will receive the following warning

WARNING: Could not find any nv files on this host! 

It is up to the container do decide if this is a fatal outcome or if it will work with just the CPU cores as well.

cuda-compat modules

apptainer does not work yet with our cuda-compat modules, so you may want to stick to cuda/12.2.2, which is installed on all GPU nodes. Technical details here.

Using Container instances

Interacting with containers running in the background

Apptainer is most used to run containers interactively, or in a batch job, where the container runs in the foreground (using run, exec and shell), performs some work, and then exits. Apptainer, also allows you to run containers in the background in a “detached” or “daemon” mode where the container runs a service. An Apptainer container running a service in the background is called an instance, to distinguish it from the default mode which runs containers in the foreground.

Starting a container instance in the background
apptainer instance start mycontainer.sif myinstance1

This command causes Apptainer to create an isolated environment for the container services to live inside (but will still inherit all environment variables present). It will execute the contents of the startscript file which can be defined when you build the container via the def file. You can also use the instance run command if you want the container to execute the runscript when the instance initiates.

You may run multiple instances of the same container if there is no conflict in open ports.

Listing user-initiated instances
apptainer instance list
apptainer instance list --logs # show locations of container logfiles
Interacting with instances
apptainer exec instance://myinstance1 cat /etc/os-release
apptainer run instance://myinstance1 # run the %runscript
apptainer shell instance://myinstance1 # open a shell on an instance
Stopping instances
apptainer instance stop myinstance1 # stops only myinstance1
apptainer instance stop myinstance* # stops all instances starting with myinstance
apptainer instance stop --all 		# stops all instances
apptainer instance stop -a    		# stops all instances

Furthermore, in contrast to Docker, Apptainer has the concept of so-called apps, which allow for multiple (different) startscripts per container that can be called using the --app CLI option.

Starting an app instance of a container
apptainer instance start --app myapp mycontainer.sif myapp-instance

When this app instance is started, it will begin to run the %myappstart from the container’s definition file in the background. If there is no %myappstart the container will stay idle in the background.

Example Slurm Job Template for Running Container Instances

#!/usr/bin/env bash
#SBATCH --job-name=test
#SBATCH --partition=epyc
#SBATCH --time=1-0
# Request memory per CPU
#SBATCH --mem-per-cpu=1G
# Request n CPUs for your task. At least 2 (1 for container, 1 for script)
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=n 
# set number of OpenMP threads to n/2 to allow both the container
# as well as the python script to utilize n/2 cpu cores.
module purge
module load apptainer

apptainer instance start mycontainer.sif myinstance1

module load anaconda
conda activate env

srun python3 ...

Using MPI with containers

The usage of MPI applications works in principle, however the documentation for this cluster is currently a Work-in-Progress.

Cache Maintenance

When working with a lot of different container images the size of the cache folder in your personal scratch space may become huge. Use apptainer cache clean which allows for the following options:

-D, --days int       remove all cache entries older than specified number of days
-n, --dry-run        operate in dry run mode and do not actually clean the cache
-f, --force          suppress any prompts and clean the cache
-h, --help           help for clean
-T, --type strings   a list of cache types to clean (possible values: library, oci, shub, blob, net, oras, all) (default [all])
Remove a cached files older than 30 days, preserve the latest files
apptainer cache clean --days 30