For security reasons, direct login to the HPC systems is allowed only from within University of Augsburg network. If you want to connect from the “outside” (e.g. from Home), you'll have to establish a VPN connection to the University’s network or use one of gateway systems first. See VPN Service for details. Please note: Working from outside the University of Augsburg may feel slower than from your office, depending on the quality (bandwidth, latency) of your internet connection. If graphical applications feel sluggish and respond slowly, it is usually due to this and not a technical problem with the cluster system. If you have a good internet connection, you should be able to work quite comfortably from Home, except perhaps if you are in countries that are distant to Germany. The following addresses should be used to connect to the cluster system: in order to develop, prepare and submit jobs. whenever you need to transfer data. Important! The login machines are not meant to be used for large computations like i.e. simulation runs. In order to keep these nodes accessible, resource limits are enforced on login nodes, and non-Slurm processes started there will automatically be terminated if their resource usage (including CPU time, memory and run time) exceed those limits. Please use interactive jobs for tasks like pre- or post-processing and even some larger compilations. Note on Remote Desktop There is no such thing like a Remote Desktop for the cluster. The cluster is not a workstation and the use of the Slurm Job scheduler is mandatory for any serious calculation (see above). The cluster can be accessed via SSH exclusively and running GUI applications is only supported using Replace Please note: The settings dialogue of a tool like PuTTY itself is not a terminal, it's only a settings dialogue. So PuTTY only needs to know the hostname you want to connect to, it executes the ssh command automatically when connecting. It will first ask for your username, except if you entered username@ in front of the host name, which would also be ok. It is sufficient to enter "" into the "Host name" field, make sure to NOT add "ssh" in front of it. If you want to use graphical programs on the cluster system, add the option Again replace Please note: Again, tools like e.g. PuTTY have their own setup. To get X11 forwarding with these tools, use the corresponding button. In the PuTTY configuration settings, this would be Connection::SSH::X11::Enable X11 forwarding. Replace After the login you are located in the home directory on the LiCCA cluster. Execute On the login-node one can also access the home directories in the campus files system (CFS) for example for user mustermann CFS-Access is only possible when logging in with a password or from a CFS-enabled Linux machine (Kerberos ticket forwarding via GSSAPI). When logging in via SSH keys, then the CFS is usually not available, unless you temporarily also login additionally via passwort, which generates a Kerberos ticket on the cluster which is then available for up to 7 days until it expires (check via Acceptable use of login node include:How to connect to the cluster
ssh -X
or by exposing webinterfaces via SSH tunneling.From the University of Augsburg campus network
with your university user name (RZ-account).256 SHA256:ZKi0w4Cc24qHbrLQKXX/ifYQ92208g2yhCVPHvgxWz8 (ED25519)
256 SHA256:Wtir42NjctEouY/0qWHw1rSIxtnBPECs/uCaSo5TCaU (ECDSA)
3072 SHA256:QMjYUo/d0UyQ2csp0IndfDI+jxMhvLhIY2f4KwDO/wc (RSA)
, which enables X11 forwarding (see below).ssh -X
with your university user name.Outside of the University of Augsburg campus network (external access)
Using VPN (VPN einrichten)
Or alternatively use one of the gateway servers
with your university user name (RZ-account).ssh
After login
to get to know the full /cfs/home/m/u/mustermann/