TO DO: write nicer and add examples but should work for now J!!

  • Comments MUST be in English
  • Using %% will start a new section for your code. You can use this to structure the code and give each section a headline and a short description of what is done is this section.
  • Should be clear but just to be sure: Comments have to be located above the part of the code to which they refer. (or beneath it if necessary, but not at some random part of the program)
  • Each file (component, subsystem, function etc.) should have a short description in the initial comment section. If it requires Inputs these inputs (what the input is, what unit should be used for it etc.) should be described in this section as well.
  • This allows the use of the help(filename) command to get some information about the code. You can try it out and get an example for this by typing help('components.HX') in your command window.
  • Comments should explain the code in a way that someone who is familiar with V-HAB and has basic engineering knowledge can understand how it works
  • If equations from literature are used in the code provide citation for the literature and the equation number/page under which the equation can be found
  • If the equation is a combination of several equations or is derived from an equation that can be found in the literature provide citation and a short description how to arrive at the equation represented in the code
  • References should always be made to the original source
  • If TO DO comments remain at the end of your work explain the things that have to be done in a way that someone else can understand what has to be done and why.
  • When defining properties add a comment at the end of the line that specifies the unit of the property
  • If something uses a unit that is not an SI unit say that in the comments and provide the units after the code line in a comment
  • When you finish your thesis/term paper no out-commented unused code should remain. If it does contain out-commented code, explain at the beginning of the out-commented code section why this code is out-commented and what it originally did.
  • Keine Stichwörter