Software handed out by N.N.
- A wide variety of linux distributions. But at the moment my favourite is ubuntu in a special modified version that I update regulary. It can be used as a "Live CD" and after the straight forward installation all printers in the Cluster are already configured and a few other things like mathematica, root and idl (and a huge selection of other useful tools like sed and awk and vi and latex are automagically installed).
Campus licenses
- Microsoft Office and Windows 7 (and licences) for people employed by TUM
(see Newsletter 2011 and )
- Labview, we have a campus licence.
- Origin (we have a campus licence)
- Solidworks (we have a campus licence)
- Mathematica (we share the licence server of Stefan Recksiegel in the physics department)
(visit\tuph\fph to download iso images)
- for everything else like Adobe Acrobat (from LRZ, 1 licence is about 80Euros) please have a look at
I also have a "Freeware-Windows" disk image with software like gimp, openoffice, inkscape, freepdf ... be continued...
application server of the Physics Department
instructions how to use it see here
Links with further information