
Telephone Number

Your telephone number is: 089 35831, followed by your extension.

Individual Prefixes

For work related calls, please dial 01 by the number you want to contact. For private calls please dial 05*.

Area code for Munich:089
Telephone numbers:
Universe Cluster35831

* Private calls are logged on a separate bill which is issued quarterly. The charges will be collected by Sonja Lutz-Lampertseder.
When leaving the Cluster, please make sure you leave enough money to cover your private bill (based on an average of your expenses).

See also: Internal contacts


The Cluster uses the VoIP system of the LRZ which enables new services and makes your calls cheaper. The LRZ has not yet solved the problem of using a single LRZ account for the NAS file server and the telephone (as it used to be with your old gFiler), which means I have to set up another special LRZ account for you if you want to use the VoIP website at the LRZ (this is yet another cryptic account and a difficult password, so please ask your sysadmin about this data when you need it).

  • snom320 telephone manual (ignore section on automatic call forwarding)
  • LRZ telephone server (for call registers, voicemail and configuration; login with your LRZ telephone account)
  • pdf manuals for our telephones in Englisch and Deutsch

Short HOWTO for the telephones
(details that are not covered in the manuals but have been discovered by reverse engineering)

How do I activate my answer phone?

Go to *asterisk -> Anrufweiterleitungen* (call forwarding). Where it says "Anrufweiterleitung bei Unerreichbarkeit" (call forwarding during absence) please tick "Anrufbeantworter" (answer phone). Please adjust the value in "Klingeldauer in Sekunden" (length of ring in seconds) to a figure higher than 0. This will be the time in seconds after which the answer phone picks up the incoming call.

How can I retrieve messages from my voicemail?

  Option 1: Go to section 
  *asterisk ->Voicemails* and click on the entry
  (loudspeaker and .wav playback on your PC must
  be activated)
  Option 2: "LED" flashes on your telephone →
  press the letter symbol.
  Option 3: Dial 7999 and follow the instructions.


How do I change my message on the voicemail?

  Call the voicemail under 7999 and change your
  message in "Anrufbeantworterverwaltung" (0) as

How many messages will be recorded?

  The system will record a maximum of 100 new and
  100 retrieved messages. The oldest messages
  will be cancelled automatically.

How long will messages be stored?

  Messages received will be stored a maximum of
  31 days after which they will be cancelled
  automatically without warning. Normally,
  voicemails will be forwarded by email.

Please note that recorded messages cannot be taken off the IVM nor from the Webinterface.

*21*Rufnummer, activate "Rufumleitung Immer"
(call forwarding always), for example: *21*8123 
*21* 		Retrieval of "Rufumleitung Immer"
#21#		De-activate Rufumleitung Immer
*61*Rufnummer 	activate call forwarding during
absence, for example: *61*7999 (in order to
activate the mailbox).
*61*		Retrieval call forwarding during absence
#61#		De-activate call forwarding during absence
*67*Rufnummer	activate call forwarding when busy
*67*		Retrieval call forwarding when busy
#67#		De-activate call forwarding when busy
*31#Rufnummer	activate suppress number for
outgoing calls, for example:

Important: Transfer to the Mailbox is made via the number 7999

You can create an address book with links to phone different people instead of dialing their number each time, for example with a pop up to ask you again …:)

To (un)lock your telephone: press and hold the button “*”.

To connect calls to other colleagues in the Cluster:

    1) Press “Hold” when the call arrives
    2) Dial required extension number (e.g. -7105), press “ok” button
    3) Announce the caller (e.g. “Mr XX wants to speak to you”).
    4) Put down the receiver and the call will be put through.

Is it possible to carry out telephone conferences at the LRZ with more than 3 participants?

Yes, there are the following dial-in numbers:

089-35831-7010 - PIN-Code 7010
089-35831-7011 - PIN-Code 7011
089-35831-7019 - PIN-Code 7019

After dialing you will be asked for the PIN code. The four digit PIN code corresponds to the individual extension number. As long as there are no further people in a conference there will be music.

How many people can participate in a telephone conference?
As many as required.


Obtaining an Email address

TUM ONline / Cluster email

Step 1: PIN for

  • people who have a contract with the TUM receive an initial PIN for login at from their local User Account Manager (e.g. E18 people from Karin Frank, E15 people from Sabine Kaps, etc.)
  • students of the TUM receive their data at immatrikulation
  • people employed by the LMU and guests of the Universe Cluster please contact N.N. or N.N., indicating your name, date of birth, private address, your function at the TUM as well as the start and end of your guest status (this is maximum 6 months).

Step 2: initial login at

  • go to and go to the login page, use your PIN and date of birth for login
  • you will have to set a password during your first login session
  • after that click on your own name in the upper right corner of the browser and you can see your own "Business card", choose edit to alter information (phone etc.)
  • use the link "email addresses" to define your mytum-email address, e.g. You can also set email forwarding there.
  • you find your LRZ-Kennung (LRZ code) (e.g. gu23jih) (you will need this LRZ Kennung for the NAS, network attached storage at the LRZ as well as in the Cluster) on your "Business card" if you choose the link "extended view"


exchange server

A brief manual is available at Exchange TUM. If you use Outlook 2007 you only have to click “Mail” in the system panel of Windows (XP) and choose “Microsoft Exchange Server, POP3, IMAP or HTTP” and state your email address (, your name and password. Outlook uses a system called “auto discover”, if this fails see pages 28 to 35 in the pdf.

Configuration of different clients e.g. thunderbird is described at this LRZ page and a web interface is available via .

Mailinglists in the Cluster

  • ucnews – mailing list for the newsletter (everyone can subscribe and/or unsubscribe, but only Petra Riedel can submit)
  • ucintern – mailing list for the crew at the Cluster building, i.e. all people working in the building
  • ucall – mailing list for all Cluster members (this used to be ucmembers – abolished on 13 March 2009)
  • ucmembers – mailing list for all cluster members with the right to vote at Cluster elections (this was reinstated on 2 October 2009)
  • ucboard – mailing list for the research board (subscription is updated manually)
  • ucsac – mailing list for the scientific advisory board (subscription is updated manually)
  • uckclus – mailing list for the Fabbietti group
  • uccosmo - mailing list for the Weller group


howto subscribe/unsubscribe

fill out the subscription page below, a list moderator (N.N.) has to approve of subscription (you may not be added to ucsac e.g. :) )

not really for you


In the post/printer room there are two separate boxes, one for incoming mail (Eingangspost) and one for outgoing mail (Ausgangspost). Usually, mail is delivered and collected twice a day, around 10 a.m. and 2 p.m.. Each scientist/group will have a mail box in the printer room. Please check your box once or twice a day. Incoming guest mail can be found in the “GUEST” box. Please put all the mail for the Max-Planck institutes in the transparent out-box. ALL other mail into the GREEN mail folder in that box. Private mail (even with stamps on it) will not be accepted. There is a yellow mail box of the German Postal Services at the bus stop close to the Chemistry Department in Lichtenbergstrasse (northern access road to the campus). You will also find a cash machine there.

Video conference system

The public ip address of the Cluster is: – this number (a kind of “telephone number”) has to be communicated to the other conference participant as one can be “phoned” via this number. The DNS entry for ip is

To get it going:

  • The device must be switched on
  • The microphone must be plugged in
  • The TV or the beamer (to provide the images) must be connected to the VGA cable and the equipment has to be connected to the network socket in order to be able to receive the video and the acoustics as data packets.

Instructions for operating and connecting additional equipment: see Manuals.

Erste Schritte Handbuch
VSX Handbuch

Video Conference - EVO

A new EVO client that should work in the LRZ network.

26.10.2009 Peter, Florian and Andi tried the standard EVO client from the EVO website and EVO seems to have resolved their undocumented port usage and we stayed inside the EVO network and were not blocked by the LRZ NAT-o-MAT as before.

basic problem is that the standard EVO Consortium client uses the unreferenced port 8884 (no reference in the white papers/manual of EVO) to look for panda servers all the time and that is blocked by the nat-o-mat of LRZ and your ip-address will be blocked after a short period of time.

Links for further information

  • Keine Stichwörter