We would like to cordially invite you to an event of the TUM School of Computation, Information and Technology with its three Centers of Competence

Communication (CoC COM)
Design of Electronic Circuits & Systems (CoC DECS)
Embedded & Cyber Physical Systems (CoC ECPS)

on Friday, July 21st, 2023, starting at 13:30 at the TUM Inner City Campus (Arcisstr. 21; proposed access via the main entrance of TUM). In addition to representatives from industry, we also warmly invite our students. The event offers them the opportunity to get to know the Chairs and to meet industry representatives.


from 13:30Reception with exhibition of posters and demos (Immatrikulationshalle)
14:00  15:30 Three parallel sessions on the research in the CoCs (room according to program)
15:30 18:00

Exhibition of posters and demos (Immatrikulationshalle)




Federated LearningAssociate Professorship of Coding and CryptographyPoster
Post-Quantum CryptographyAssociate Professorship of Coding and CryptographyPoster
Fully Coherent UAV-Based Near-Field Measurement and Transformation of the S67-15 m Ground Station Antenna at the German Space Operations Center in WeilheimChair of High-Frequency EngineeringPoster
Oakestra – A Hierarchical Orchestrator for Edge ComputingChair for Connected MobilityPoster & Demo
A Hybrid Experimentation Platform for TSNChair for Connected MobilityPoster & Demo
5G/6G in practice: end-to-end communication network testbedChair of Communication NetworksPoster & Demo
Digitalization for Immersive EnvironmentsChair of Media TechnologyPoster
Current Research Topics in Line Transmission TechnologyAssociate Professorship of Line Transmission TechnologyPoster
Current Research Topics in Communications EngineeringChair of Communications EngineeringPoster
Current Research Topics in Machine LearningAssistant Professorship of Machine Learning Poster
SmartNIC Technologies @ LISChair of Integrated SystemsPoster
Invasive Computing – Restricted Coherence Regions and Near Memory DemonstratorChair of Integrated SystemsPoster & Demo
A Flexible Simulation Environment for RISC-VChair of Electronic Design AutomationPoster
Machine Vision for Optoelectronic Perovskite Film CharacterizationAssociate Professorship of Simulation of Nanosystems for Energy ConversionPoster
Capturing the Behavior of Industrial IoT Devices and Digital Twin GenerationAssociate Professorship of Embedded Systems and Internet of ThingsPoster & Demo
Simutack - An Attack Simulation Framework for Connected and Autonomous VehiclesAssociate Professorship of Embedded Systems and Internet of ThingsPoster & Demo
Virtual Prototyping of Sensor- and Actuator Systems by Means of Physics-based System-level ModelingChair of Physics of ElectrotechnologyPoster
Spiking neural network for tactile perception using silicon stress sensor chipsChair of Circuit DesignPoster
Ultra Low Power MEMS  32.768kHz Oscillator for Real-Time Clock ApplicationsChair of Circuit DesignPoster
Current Research Topics in Micro- and Nanosystems TechnologyChair of Micro and Nanosystems TechnologyPoster
Chip-Design for Post-Quantum CryptographyChair of Security in Information TechnologyPoster & Demo
PowerPruning: Selecting Weights and Activations for Power-Efficient Neural Network AccelerationChair of Electronic Design AutomationPoster
FXT-Route: Efficient High-Performance PCB Routing with Crosstalk Reduction Using Spiral Delay LinesChair of Electronic Design AutomationPoster

Technology Sovereign Low-Latency Packet Processing

Chair of Network Architectures and Services

Poster & Demo

EDU4Chip - Joint Education for Advanced Chip Design in Europe

Center of Competence Design of Electronic Circuits and SystemsCoC DECS Roll-Up
Teaching IC Design at TUM
TUM Venture LabsUnternehmer TUM GmbHRoll-Up

Get-Together (Immatrikulationshalle)

The program

Starting at 13:30, a joint demo and poster session of the CoCs will take place in the “Immatrikulationshalle”, where current project results will be demonstrated. After presentations (see below), the event will continue in the “Immatrikulationshalle” and later conclude there with a get-together, where food and drinks will be served.

From 14:00 onwards presentations will be offered in three parallel sessions:

Research of the CoC Design of Electronic Circuits & Systems (DECS) in room 0606

14:00 – 14:30

AI Acceleration: Emerging Trends and Novel Architectures (H. Amrouch) 

14:30 – 15:00

EDA for Optical Networks-on-Chip and Optical Computing (U. Schlichtmann)

15:00 – 15:30

EDU4Chip: Emphasizing Chip Design Education at TUM (M. Pehl)

Research of the CoC Communication (COM) in room 0601

14:00 – 14:30

Low-Latency Network Service Experiments (G. Carle)

14:30 – 15:00

Towards Optical Petabit/s-Communications: Novel Fibers and Subsystems (N. Hanik)

15:00 – 15:30

Environment aware Channel Prediction based on Camera Images (W. Kellerer)

Research of the CoC Embedded and Cyberphysical Systems (ECPS) in room 0602

14:00 – 14:22

Towards Autonomous Cyber-Physical Systems – Challenges and Research Opportunities (S. Steinhorst)

14:22 – 14:45

Oakestra – A Hierarchical Orchestrator for Edge Computing (N. Mohan)

14:45 – 15:08

Learning Classifier Tables – Turning ML Decision Making Explainable (A. Herkersdorf)

15:08 – 15:30

Machine learning for innovative photovoltaics (A. Gagliardi)

18:00 End of the Event


Registration period is over

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Kontakt Organisationsteam:

Dr.-Ing. Michael Pehl
Technische Universität München
Chair of Security in Information Technology
Arcisstr. 21,
80333 München

+49 89 289 28252

Bei weiteren Fragen zum Datenschutz kontaktieren Sie gerne den Datenschutzbeauftragten: www.datenschutz.tum.de

Chair for Security in Information Technology

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Georg Sigl

Technical University of Munich

Theresienstr. 90
80333 München

Tel: +49 89 289 28251

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