(Warnung) Student representative

Current student representative:
(Due to the missing nomination of an the RTL student in the university elections, the Master's program has to be represented by one of the other until the next elections)

Offcial Student Council: https://gts.fs.tum.de/

Informal arrangement: 

-Annabel Wolf & Hee Ju Hong (cohort 2022)

-Tom Schönbeck (cohort 2021)

It is necessary to choose a student representative who will represent the students' interests in the respective committees. It follows also that each year, a new student representative should be chosen.

Election as a student representative would have to happen as part of the university elections in summer. The nomination has to be completed in April, i.e., candidates should contact the student council  and discuss their candidacy at the very latest by the end of March.

We recommended to nominate a student who is enrolled in the second semester for the summer semester (university elections in June). The candidacy of a student in the second semester usually guarantees a one-year term and prevents the loss of the student representative in the middle of the year.

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  • Homepage Department Educational Sciences

  • TUMonline (service portal for downloading documents, obtaining an overview of your course schedule and grades to date, register and withdraw from classes and examinations, search for people, facilities and rooms..)

  • Moodle (learning management system for learning materials as well as different activities for communication, collaboration and self learning)

  • Facebook Group 2016 (organized privatly by senior students!)

  • Facebook Group 2017 (organized privatly by senior students!)

  • Facebook Group 2018 (organized privatly by senior students!)

  • Facebook Group 2019 (organized privatly by senior students!)

  • LehrerTUM (TUM School of Education Student Association)

  • Keine Stichwörter