List of all RTL Modules

Code (please follow link for description)
Module / Course Name Type ECTS

1. Semester 

ED0223 (basic, compulsory)

Introduction to Methods in Teaching and Learning Science


Introduction to Quantitative Methods course V
Introduction Quantitative Methods Exercise course Ü
ED0232 (basic, compulsory) Writing and Presentation Skills 5
Basic Scientific Writing S
Presentation Skills S
ED0224 (basic, compulsory) Institutions in the International Context of Educational Systems 10
Organization and Management in Educational Systems  S
Educational Systems and Achievement S
Project Seminar S
ED0225.1. (basic, compulsory) Models and Theoretical Conceptions of Teaching and Learning Research
Models of Teaching and Learning Research S
Qualitative and Quantitative Research Methods of Classroom Research S
ED0384  Active Learning (Elective Module A) 5
Active Learning S
ED0231 Reading and Administration of Literature (Elective Module A) 5
Active Reading Strategy S
Literature Administration and Knowledge Organization S
SOT10030  Gaze-based Human-Computer Interaction (Elective Module A and B) V+Ü 6
SOT10032 Tangible Computational Design for Learning (Elective Module A)
S 3
SOT10034 Hackathon: AI Ethics Literacy in Educational Technologies (Elective Module A)
S 3
SOT10055 Learning Analytics: RTLSpecialization (Elective Module A and B)


2. Semester 

Code Modules and Courses

ED0225.2. (basic, compulsory) Models and Theoretical Conceptions of  Teaching and Learning Research 10

Planning & implementation of research works in classroom research I S
ED0226 (compulsory) Advanced Methods in Teaching and Learning Science 5
Test theory and advanced methods in teaching and learning science V
Test theory and advanced methods in teaching and learning science Ü
ED0227 (compulsory) Educational Institutions and Their Quality Development 10
Quality Assurance by Evaluation S
Quality Development by Professionalization S
Basics of Quality Development and Quality Assurance   S
ED0228 (compulsory) Teaching and Learning Processes in Classrooms and Instructional Design 10
Planning and Implementation of Research Works in Classroom Research II S
Planning and Evaluation Educational Research S
Introduction to Teaching and Learning Processes in Classrooms and Instructional Design S
ED0416  Doing Research With the Software R (Elective Module A)  5
Data Analysis in R S
SOT10045 Introduction to Educational Technology and Learning Analytics  (Elective Module A)  S 3

3. Semester 

ED0229 (compulsory) Educational Processes and Outcomes 10

Development of Research Instruments S
Conducting Assessments in Different Modalities Ü
ED0230 (compulsory) Research on Teaching and Learning: Specialization 
Selected Issues in Educational Research S
ED0233  Analysis of Variance (Elective Module B 5
Analysis of Variance Procedures S
Scientific Writing S
ED0234  Video Analysis (Elective Module B 5
Video Analysis S
Scientific Writing S
ED0235 Analysis of Interview Data, Learning Journals and Portfolios (Elective Module B 5
Analysis of interview data, learning journals and portfolios S
Scientific Writing S
 SOT10079 Documenting Tangible Computational Design for Learning (Elective Module B 5
Tangible Computational Design for Learning  S
Scientific Writing S
SOT10055 Learning Analytics: RTLSpecialization S
ED0384 Active Learning (Elective Module A (Warnung) ) 5
Active Learning S
SOT10030  Gaze-based Human-Computer Interaction (Elective A and B) V+Ü 6
Internships (10 ECTS required)
ED0236 Research Internship

ED0237 Internship in Educational Institutions P 5
ED0355 Extended Research Internship P 10
ED0356  Extended Internship in Educational Institutions P 10

4. Semester 

Master Thesis 30 

Current Elective Modules

5 credits from the elective modules A and 5 ECTS from the elective modules B must be earned. 

A module can count only for one category (A or B)!

Current Elective Modules (April, 2024)


WS 24/25

Learning Analytics: RTL Specialization SOT10055

A and B

Winter 24/25

Gaze-based Human-Computer Interaction SOT10030

A and B

Winter 24/25

Active Learning ED0384


Winter 24,25

NEW: Introduction to Judgement and Decision Making


A and B

Winter 24/25

Analysis of Variance ED0233 B
Winter 24/25
Video Analysis ED0234 B
Winter 24/25
Analysis of Interview Data, Learning Journals and Portfolios ED0235 B
Winter 24/25 

NEW: Documenting Tangible Computational Design for Learning 

 SOT10079 B Winter 24/25