
Welcome to the wiki complementing the course Selected Aspects of Seismic Analysis. Here, you can find resources and content treated in the course and example of reports.

The course topics are arranged in four blocks:

  1. Basics of seismic analysis (Dr.-Ing. Francesca Taddei)
  2. Soil-structure interaction analysis (SSI) for seismic design with examples (Dr.-Ing. Francesca Taddei)
  3. Basics of structural vibration control with examples (Prof. Linda Giresini)
  4. Basics of seismic risk assessment and mitigation with examples (Prof. Ali Khansefid)

This wiki page is mainly used to write the final reports in groups. It also contains some basic topics that may be helpful for writing a report on the above mentioned topics.

The content of this page is as following:

A good place to start is the page about the Equation Of Motion, as well as the fundamentals on Harmonic Analysis and Modal Analysis.

Some interesting related projects have been conducted during the past years. To help you to get an idea about the final report, here you can find an example:

Seismic wave propagation using an analytical method.

  • Keine Stichwörter