About the District

Docks de Saint-Ouen is a district located in the commune Saint-Ouen in the neighbourhood of Paris, France. It comprises the regeneration of an industrial dock site. It has 100 hectares urban district with outstanding environmental qualities, functional and social diversity, high density and urban continuity. 10,000 new residents and 10,000 jobs will be developed around a large urban park of 12 hectares.The district stands out as Eco-quartier or Eco-district by a set of objectives. It designates an urban planning aiming to integrate objectives of "sustainable development" and reduce the ecological footprint of the project. These objectives are listed as:

  • Deployment of a heating network using 75% renewable energies
  • Pneumatic system garbage collection,
  • Shared public parking,
  • Alternative storm water management,
  • Energy efficient buildings.
  • Integration of large facilities serving the metropolitan area (energy hub, waste incinerator, railway,..)

To know more about the district please refer to the official webpage of the district: http://www.saint-ouen-les-docks.fr/

The public urban developer "Sequano Aménagement", responsible (contracted) to design this eco-district, developed a system of environmental management on the Docks de Saint Ouen (ISO 14001).

Before the development

After the development

Before the development

After the development

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Docks de Saint Ouen was chosen in the late 2015 as the third deep dive district by Climate-KIC in SSD. The SSD programme focused on consulting with the early inhabitants of this multiphase development, the result being an innovative collaborative web based application called "NUMDocks" (later changed to "NUM-CITY"), providing communication and information services based on the spontaneous and regular collection of data by the citizens: inhabitants, workers, businesses. The data includes collection and processing of information related to energy consumption, waste sorting, local good exchanges and air quality within the district as well as collaborative platform and discussion forum.

NUMDocks: The urban developer, Séquano Aménagement, asked SSD program via ARIA Technologies to create and to develop the digital collaborative tool “NUM-DOCKS” on the Docks de Saint-Ouen district, an eco-district of Métropole du Grand Paris (France). NUM-DOCKS allows the evaluation of urban sustainable development performance criteria of the district: energy, waste, air quality, social cohesion, etc. thanks to the participation and involvement of stakeholders.

The results of these measurements should enable the developer to determine whether the performance expected during the design of the Docks district are reached, in particular in terms of greenhouse gas emissions. Furthermore, these results, brought to the consciousness of the inhabitants, should incentivize them to modify their behavior, so that they reduce their environmental and carbon footprint.

NUM-DOCKS is a scalable web tool: many other features can be integrated (mobility, circular economy ...) and it is adaptable to any other territory. It contributes to climate adaptation and mitigation on the territory. For more information on the process of designing the tool please check the SSD NUMDocks homepage (http://www.aria.fr/projets/ssd/en/index.html). To have a better understanding of how the tool works, check the video created from the NUMDocks prototype:

District Challenges and Opportunities

Within the scope of the SSD programme, two projects have been selected to be developed on the Docks de Saint-Ouen district:

  • NUM-DOCKS (digital collaborative tool) - The 3D interactive web map client, "NUMDocks" was initially developed on the request of Docks de Saint Ouen district. It consists of different categories each including a series of applications. The district is in fact interested in developing a numerical tool by which the communication between the stakeholders and the district urban planning department can be organized in a more efficient way. Moreover, the overall design of this tool has been done considering it as a main channel for engaging more citizens in the enhancement of their living environment. NUMDocks is a visualization platform which contains several applications: 3D Virtual District Model, Collaborative map, Industrial Plume, Resource Consumption, Building's Forum.
  • ENERGY HUB (management assistance) - In the Docks de Saint-Ouen area, two major public urban facilities have been installed since several decades: the SYCTOM (waste incinerator) and the CPCU (heat production plant). Local authorities wish to develop an Energy Hub integrating these 2 equipments. The principles of industrial ecology are the foundations of this Energy Hub which will provide a framework for building a model for an eco-industrial park.

Partners and Stakeholders

Principal partners from Climate-KIC and the SSD Program

Other partners

Online Services and Tools

Online Resources Paris

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To work further with the resources you need to have access to the page Online Resources Paris. If you do not have access and would like to review the district online resources more in detail please contact me.

Further Resources



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