About the District

Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park is a sporting complex built for the 2012 Summer Olympics and the 2012 Summer Paralympics, and is located in Stratford, in the east end of London. It is spread over 200 hectares and contains the athletes' Olympic Village and several of the sporting venues including the London Stadium and London Aquatics Centre, besides the London Olympics Media Centre. It is owned and managed by the London Legacy Development Corporation, which is a Mayoral Development Corporation (MDC) responsible directly to the elected Mayor of London.

Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park was selected by Climate-KIC as one of the first districts to start working with their European-wide SSD programme to offer the opportunity to co-develop and demonstrate how new thinking, coupled with effective tools, technologies and policies, can lead to factor-4 improvement (twice the environmental impact for half the cost) in city district performance across a range of sustainability measures. The developed solutions are intended to be replicated city-wide and also in other districts.

District Challenges and Opportunities

Within the scope of the SSD programme, four key themes were identified:

  • Resource Efficient Buildings - Focusing initially on the iconic London Aquatics Centre and Copper Box Arena, this workstream will create tools and approaches to enable low cost, low energy, low environmental impact management and maintenance of future ready non-domestic buildings.
  • Energy Systems - The energy systems workstream will create an efficient, smart, low carbon, resilient energy ecosystem, with specific focal points including optimisation of district energy systems, community engagement and benefits and increased renewable energy generation.
  • Smart Park / Future Living - Implementing user facing digital and data solutions that deliver financial and CO2 efficiencies and prioritise quality of life improvements for those who live, work and visit the Park.
  • These are all underpinned by the fourth workstream, Data Architecture and Management - Implementing efficient and robust data management solutions that support the identification and trialling of innovative solutions and provide the foundation for improved Park operations, user experience and approaches that can be replicated by others, including through the London Data Store.

Partners and Stakeholders

Principal partners from Climate-KIC and the SSD Program

Other partners

Online Services 

Online Resources London



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