1. We ask you to be sure about all your choices before you apply using this form, since once it is sent you can't make changes to your submitted data anymore
    and can not open another application for the current call. There are two calls for application per year one in May and one in October. For the next call you can apply again.
  2. Technical constraints when filling in the web form.
    • Fields followed by a star ( * ) are mandatory.
    • Allowed file types for uploads are exel and pdf. 
    • If you try to upload the exact same file more than once in several upload fields, the form can not be submitted.
      In case you tried to do so, please reload the page and upload distinct files.
  3. For more information about the application process, the deadlines and the current project choices, please check our website NII Tokyo.
  4. Only Master's students or PhD students of TUM Informatics are eligible for this program.

Personal Information

Family Name/ Surname: *

First Name: *

Nationality: *

Gender: *

Email: *

Your Matriculation number: *

Academic Records

Your IN.TUM Study Program: *

Choose your TUM Informatics program

Current TUM Semester in your Master's program: *

TUM Grade Average: *

Achieved TUM ECTS in the current MSc Program (Sum): *

Information about pending courses (only if applicable):

Subject title of your Bachelor's degree: *

e.g. BSc Information Technology, BS Computer Science, BSc Informatics. Check your transcript or certificate for the English subject title.

Country of your Bachelor's degree: *

University of your Bachelor's degree: *

Average Grade of your Bachelor's degree: *

Grade Scale in your Bachelor's degree [Highest-Lowest passing grade]: *

Link to explain your grading system (only for non German Bachelor's degrees):

NII Research Project Choices

Project Choice 1
Project Number: *

Project Name: *

Research Area: *

Professor: *

Received Feedback from the Professor already: *

Project Choice 2
Project Number: *

Project Name: *

Research Area: *

Professor: *

Received Feedback from the Professor already: *

Project Choice 3
Project Number: *

Project Name: *

Subject Area: *

Professor: *

Received Feedback from the Professor already: *

Additional Information for your stay

Intended Time of Stay (90-180 days): *

Title and Full Name of your TUM Supervisor/ Contact Person: *

Intended as Master's Thesis, Guided Research or extracurricular research project: *

Motivation Part 1: Your Experience with Japan: *

You can extend the text field to write a longer text.

Motivation Part 2: Your Expectations on Japan: *

You can extend the text field to write a longer text.

Talk with Martina von Imhoff: *

Required Uploads

NII Application Form (filled in and ready to be forwarded): *

only .xls or .xlsx files are accepted.

Your CV: *

only pdf file accepted.

Bachelor's Transcript of Records (and if available Grading Table/Ranking): *

only pdf file accepted.

TUM Master's Transcript of Records: *

only pdf file accepted.

Studienverlaufsplan (integrative plan for your Master's degree at TUM - see excel form on website www.in.tum.de/nii-tokyo)

only pdf file accepted. Convert excel form to pdf.

Email correspondence(s) with respective NII researcher(s) as one pdf: *

only pdf file accepted.

Declaration of Consent

I accept the following conditions: *

With your permission, your data will be collected, processed, and used for the following purposes: Application for the NII International Internship Program
The collection, processing, and use of your data take place on a voluntary basis. Your data will be saved for 5 years.
Furthermore, you can revoke your consent at any time without any adverse consequences.

Please send any notice of cancellation to:
Technische Universität München; Department of Informatics, Boltzmannstrasse 3, 85748 Garching; E-Mail: student-exchange@in.tum.de

In the event of cancellation, your data will be deleted upon receipt of your notice.
To the privacy policy of the Wiki system.
I have read and accept the terms of use of the wiki system.
Terms of use


I have checked my entries and confirm they are complete and correct

Check of your Data Entries

Please check your entries and uploads before you click apply, since further changes to your application won't be possible online.

I have checked my entries and confirm they are complete and correct: *

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