Welcome to the Mentee registration form for MINGA Mentoring Program at TUM Department of Informatics!
All fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required. Additional information can be entered at the end of the form. 
An email confirming your registration will be sent to your email address. If you have any further questions, please contact us via minga-mentoring@in.tum.de.

What is the MINGA program about?
MINGA Mentors voluntarily assist their assigned Mentee during his or her stay. This includes, but is not limited to, supporting Mentees in administrative matters, study questions, choice of courses, tips for accommodation, adaptation to life in Munich, and further questions.

Win-Win Situation - international preparation and intercultural learning
Learn more about the MINGA Mentoring Program, its activities and its benefits for MINGA Mentees: http://www.cit.tum.de/cit/minga

Your MINGA Matching
The match with your Mentor will be made based on the information you provide so perceive this form as way to tell us whom you would like to meet and what you would like to share with your Mentor. This registration matches Mentors with international students of the intake for winter semester 2024/2025. International students usually arrive between august and october 2024. As this is during the semester break, mentors might not be in Munich over that period of time, but they will nevertheless be available via email or Zoom. 

You are expected to spend some time with your Mentor, provided your schedule allows it, especially at the beginning of the semester. Approach your Mentor yourself and be active right after the matching. Your Mentor is looking forward to an interactive and reciprocal relationship that is mutually beneficial! There might be some breaks in the communication (e.g. during examination period or travelling time) but make sure that both sides of the MINGA Mentoring Match know about it. 

Important: In case you postpone your TUM study start but have already been matched, please inform us as soon as possible about your withdrawal. You have to apply anew for the next semester! Mentors only sign up for the up-coming semester, not the following one, and therefore usually don't have the capacities to support you anymore.

All event organization, communication and creation of interest groups for the MINGA Mentoring program will happen on Slack, a free app/web service. You will receive an invitation by email after you have been successfully matched. Please pay close attention to our Slack channels as we will announce news, events and important information only via Slack. If you decide to use Slack as an app on your phone, consider enabling notifications. You can find more information about it here: https://slack.com.

You can register as a MINGA Mentee for winter semester 2024 until Sunday, September 22, 2024 23:59 CET, where you will be considered for the matching round!

MINGA Mentoring - Registration for Mentees

Personal information

First Name(s) *

Please enter your first name(s) as it appears (they appear) in your passport.

Family Name *

Please enter your family name as it appears in your passport.

Gender *

Birth date *

Email *

This address will be used for all MINGA correspondence. Please make sure you provide a working address. Your match will receive this address in order to contact you.

Nationality *

Academic details

Country of home university *

Home university *

Please indicate your home university or the university of your first degree. Use the official university name (how it appears on your transcript).

TUM Study Program *

Please indicate your prospective TUM study program at TUM. MINGA Mentoring is open for students of TUM Informatics only.

Language skills

We expect all applicants to have a sufficient knowledge of English and do not consider English skills for matching.
Please indicate 3 languages, in descending order of priority, that you would like to speak with your Mentor. You may skip one or more of these fields.

Language 1

Language 2

Language 3

Would you prefer a German-speaking mentor? *

We may or may not be able to consider your wish depending on the language skills of our mentors.


Indicate up to 3 hobbies or interests (min. 1), in descending order of priority, that you can imagine to share and practice with your mentee in Munich. You may skip one or more of these fields.
Hobbies are grouped together into interest areas; you will be able to further differentiate them according to your interests at a later point in Slack.
Please note that we do not list any hobbies like programming, hacking, etc. as we belong to the Department for Informatics - rest assured that you will have ample opportunity to practice computer science-related hobbies and skills anyway.

Hobby 1 *  

Hobby 2

Hobby 3


As a Mentee, you are expected to take the initiative and contact your mentor yourself. We expect you to meet with your Mentor at least once per month.

Arrival date *  

Please indicate your arrival date in Germany (actual arrival date, not start of semester). If unclear, please provide your best guess. We expect you to be in contact with your mentor via email right after the matching.


  • You are expected to spend some time with your Mentor, as much as your schedule allows it, especially at the beginning of the semester. Set up a meeting as soon as possible!
  • We expect you, as a MINGA Mentee, to approach your Mentor yourself and be active right after the matching. Send an email as soon as possible and plan a meeting immediately after your arrival in Germany if possible. 
  • There might be some breaks in the communication (e.g. during examination period or travelling time) but make sure that both sides of the MINGA Mentoring Match know about it.
  • We expect you to meet about once a month. It is not necessary to meet as a pair - you are very welcome to use our MINGA events to meet and catch up with your Mentor. Please pay attention to the respective Slack channels to receive relevant information.
  • Your Mentor agreed to assist you on a voluntary basis. Please consider this

    I have read the commitment rules and agree to follow them.


Additional comments

Would you prefer a mentor of your gender? *

Depending on availability, we may or may not be able to consider your wish.

Additional information  

Do you have any further comments or wishes? Please note that we may or may not be able to address your remarks.


I confirm that the data I filled in is correct and complete. I have read the information carefully and agree to take part as a Mentee in the MINGA Mentoring program. I agree that my email address is forwarded to my Mentor. I agree to join the MINGA Mentoring Slack group. I agree with the following privacy policy:

With your permission, your data will be collected, processed, and used for the following purposes: Mentees: MINGA Registration and matching
The collection, processing, and use of your data take place on a voluntary basis. Your data will be saved for 5 years.
Furthermore, you can revoke your consent at any time without any adverse consequences.

Please send any notice of cancellation to:
Technische Universität München; CIT Informatics, Boltzmannstrasse 3, 85748 Garching; E-Mail: student-exchange@in.tum.de

In the event of cancellation, your data will be deleted upon receipt of your notice.
To the privacy policy of the Wiki system.
I have read and accept the terms of use of the wiki system.
Terms of use


I have checked my entries and confirm they are complete and correct


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