Please help us extend our database of industry contacts by filling out this form for any TTAC members you found – and also any other industry contacts you feel would be worth sharing with us.
Strictly speaking, we might need consent from the contacts to be allowed to store this data. However, since the contact will probably not have time to fill this form themselves, they cannot give consent here. Therefore, we assume that you will have asked them before giving us their info.

TTAC Members and industry contacts

* Mandatory fields
aka family name
aka "given name", "Christian name"
academic title, e.g. Dr. or PhD
e.g. Google DeepMind
e.g. Senior Research Scientist
e.g. department, location
link to online profile, e.g. LinkedIn
Please select one or more relAI research areas this person has expertise in
Please select one or more relAI central themes this person has expertise in.
your name, so others know who is in contact to this person
Has this person agreed to be contacted directly by relAI members?
email address of contact

Coordinators of Zuse School of Excellence in Reliable Artificial Intelligence

Munich Data Science Institute

Technische Universität München

Walther-von-Dyck-Straße 10
85748 Garching, Germany

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