Project Overview

Project Code: MH 06

Project name:

Research in Epidemiology

TUM Department:

MH - Medicine

TUM Chair / Institute:


Research area:

Epidemiology, Public Health, Medicine, Biostatistics, Cancer Research

Student background:

Health SciencesMedicineNutrition and Food SciencesPsychology

Further disciplines:

Planned project location:

Georg-Brauchle-Ring 56, 80992
Munich, Germany

Project Supervisor - Contact Details



Given name:

Stefanie J.

Family name:




+49 89 289 24951

Additional Project Supervisor - Contact Details


Given name:

Family name:



Additional Project Supervisor - Contact Details


Given name:

Family name:



Project Description

Project description:

What we do
We conduct research based on sound epidemiological methods and principles to gather information on health outcomes such as cancer, in order to make evidence-based decisions for implementation into health policy or practice. Our research team has expertise in many areas of health, statistical and medical sciences including cancer prevention research through screening programs, primary prevention of diseases through lifestyle factors and vaccination as well as infectious diseases epidemiology particularly HPV, HIV/AIDS and Covid-19. In addition, we teach courses that cover scientific basics including study design, epidemiology, statistics, scientific writing, research skills and specializations regarding cancer research and global health. For an overview about us, please see:

What we offer
Our friendly team at the Chair of Epidemiology will support and guide visiting students through a research project where skills such as literature research, scientific writing, data analysis, statistical programming and scientific discussing are primed. There are a range of topics one can work on depending on skill level of the attending student and courses for attending that we run during the time of stay. Additionally, large data may be available for analyses, depending on the research topic. Skills learned during this stay will be beneficial for students considering to improve their research skills and undertake further careers in medicine, epidemiology, public health, health policy etc. This experience would also prime the students for future PhD programs. The international atmosphere at our chair will surely not disappoint as a first glimpse into student life and academia in Europe, Germany and Munich.

What we desire
Outstanding students with the desire and motivation to learn and engage in a small research project of their interest, preferably in a field relevant to our work e.g. cancer epidemiology and screening, public health, global health, and various health outcomes. The student should bring foundational knowledge and preferably statistical programming skills to be able to answer their research questions. This would be suitable for students halfway into their Master’s degrees or in the thesis stage, and those who want to pursue a PhD or research career.

Working hours per week planned:



Required study level minimum (at time of TUM PREP project start):

3 years of bachelor studies completed

Subject related:

Applicants should have a background in basics of human medicine, epidemiology, public health, sociology, health economics, health sciences / services, biostatistics, bio-behavioral health, psychology. Ideally experience with basic research skills such as literature searches and scientific/academic writing is desired. Statistical programming skills with R, SAS, STATA are preferable. Previous experience demonstrating these skills are essential.


A friendly, motivated attitude and independent worker looking to learn.

  • Keine Stichwörter