
MedTech OneWorld was founded in 2017 by the current heads Fabian Jodeit and Markus Eblenkamp. The center bundles know-how for the implementation of international medical technology R&D projects, above all, but not exclusively, for emerging and developing countries and with a focus on medical plastics engineering. The projects are characterized by

  • cooperation at eye level with local partners
  • solutions tailored to regional conditions and needs
  • frugal innovations
  • sustainability

These projects are the central elements of our innovative teaching format Project-Oriented International Student EDucation POISED with the aim of training highly qualified and internationalized graduates as high-performing employees of the future.

In 2018 MedTech OneWorld initiated the student group MedTech OneWorld Students, meanwhile a steadily growing and largely self-organizing group of highly skilled and motivated students, which is sustainably supported by the parent institution MedTech OneWorld.


  • Since 2003: Establishment of the focus on medical plastics technology at the TUM Chair of Medical Technology
  • Since 2006: Implementation of the general training in plastics engineering at the TUM Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
  • 2006: Foundation of the AKZEPT network for medical plastics technology; members: medical technology companies from the DACH region focusing on plastics technology
  • 2015: Stay of our former student Fabian Jodeit in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia; cooperation with Addis Ababa University (AAU)
  • 2017: Stay of our students Mira Mahavadi and Jerome van Betteraay in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia; cooperation with Tegbare-id Polytechnic College
  • 2017: Foundation of TUM MedTech OneWorld by Fabian Jodeit and Dr. Eblenkamp
  • 2017: Foundation of MedTech OneWorld Students: official accredited group of students, currently 50 members, since May 2019 e.V.
  • 2017: Conception of POISED projects: Project-Oriented International Student EDucation. So far 5 students have worked locally in our Ethiopian network on the production of plastic parts for prostheses.
  • Since 2018: Fabian Jodeit & Dr. Markus Eblenkamp: Members of the Task Force Global Health of the TUM President
  • October 2018: 1st Singaporean - German Symposium on Medical Plastics Engineering, Singapore
  • December 2018: Participation in the TUM Winter School of the Center for Global Health with a lecture on International Medical Engineering
  • March 2019: Approval TUM Global Incentive Fund: Collaboration with KNUST on development of frugal sterilizers
  • April 2019: 1st Ethiopian - German Networking Days on Medical Technology, including 1st African - German Symposium on Medical Plastics Technology, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
  • April 2019: MoU between Tegbare-id Polytechnic College, GIZ, TUM MedTech OneWorld on cooperation in the field of medical plastics technology
  • September 2019: 2nd Singaporean - German Symposium on Medical Plastics Engineering, Bangkok, Thailand
  • October 2019: Approval IGSSE International funding. Collaboration with Ethiopian institutions in Addis Ababa on the topic: INTEGRATE - INitiative for a Translational Ethiopian-German Research group to Achieve Transfemoral Exoprostheses
  • December 2019: Approval Funding Bayerische Staatskanzlei. Collaboration with KNUST on the topic: Verbesserung der Hygiene in kleinen medizinischen Einrichtungen Subsahara Afrikas durch Nutzung des lokalen ingenieurwissenschaftlichen Potentials
  • Integration of OTH Amberg Weiden (Prof. Burkhard Stolz) into the MedTech OneWorld Initiative
  • September 2020: Approval Funding for BMBF/DAAD call “Partnerschaften für nachhaltige Lösungen mit Subsahara-Afrika 2021 bis 2024”. Collaboration with Ethiopian academic, public and industrial partners on the topic of recycling of medical plastic waste. Establishment of an integrated Center of Competence on Medical and Plastics Engineering at Tegbare-id, Addis Ababa
  • September 2022: African-German CIMPLE Networking Days, KNUST, Ghana
  • October 2023: Medical Circular Economy Conference, TUM, Garching, 26 October 2023

  • December 2023: Trinational Winter School, KNUST, Kumasi, Ghana

  • March 2024: Advisory Board Workshop and Stakeholder Meeting, ASTU, Adama, Ethiopia

  • October 2024: Project Workshop, KNUST, Kumasi, Ghana

Selected Projects

INTEGRATE: INitiative for a Translational Ethiopian-German Research Group to Achieve Transfemoral Exoprostheses

INTEGRATE stands for an initiative that concentrates in 4 related scientific doctoral projects on prosthetics as one of the most important health topics in Ethiopia. Ethiopian amputees cannot currently buy sufficient prosthetic solutions on the local orthopedic market. Even the financially stronger growing middle class cannot be treated properly with local solutions because all components are imported and can therefore not be maintained in Ethiopia. The overall goal of the project is to develop components for a transfemoral exoprosthesis during a frugal innovation process using modern software solutions and manufacturing technologies that solve the restrictions for a long-term successful solution. Particularly the combination of the challenging conditions of local manufacturability and robustness of the whole system for the use in a developing country with a significant biomechanical improvement of the currently used solution from the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) will be targeted. The fundament for the overall development will be a structured analysis regarding the requirements, local patient related circumstances and available materials and technologies for the production in combination with a conception for a quality assurance system to fulfil the regulatory affairs. Taking that into account we quantify first the differences between the currently used solution and a high-end solution with a gait lab analysis and develops afterwards a parametric optimized design, with a focus on the prosthetic foot and material selection. We then optimize that parametric design using a co-simulation between Simpack and Matlab via Simulink, to define a final version that minimizes asymmetries during the gait cycle and the metabolic work for the patient. We will transfer that optimized version into a locally producible solution taking into account the supply chain for the materials, the moulding process and production costs.

Verbesserung der Hygiene in kleinen medizinischen Einrichtungen Subsahara Afrikas durch Nutzung des lokalen ingenieurwissenschaftlichen Potentials

Im vorliegenden Projekt soll in einer Entwicklungszusammenarbeit zwischen der KNUST in Ghana und der TUM in München eine Kooperationsplattform für die Entwicklung von medizintechnischen Lösungen etabliert werden, die speziell auf die Rahmenbedingungen und Anforderungen von lokalen medizinischen Versorgungszentren im ländlichen Raum der Subsahara-Region optimiert sind.

Die Etablierung dieser medizintechnischen Kooperationsplattform soll pragmatisch entlang des Fallbeispiels der Entwicklung eines lokal in Ghana fertigbaren Sterilisators erfolgen. Die Verfügbarkeit steriler Instrumente und Utensilien ist eine Grundvoraussetzung für eine professionelle medizinische Versorgung. In der Vielzahl der medizinischen Zentren im ländlichen Gebiet der Subsahara-Region sind funktionierende Sterilisatoren jedoch häufig nicht vorhanden, sodass grundlegende medizinische Versorgungen nicht oder nur mit einem Infektionsrisiko durchgeführt werden können. Im vorliegenden Projekt soll daher in Kooperation mit der KNUST in Ghana und lokalen handwerklichen Betrieben und beruflichen Ausbildungsinstitutionen im Sinne einer frugalen Innovation ein robuster, preiswerter, leicht zu wartender und lokal fertigbarer Sterilisator entwickelt werden, der speziell für die Rahmenbedingungen und Anforderungen eines lokalen medizinischen Zentrums im ländlichen Raum der Subsahara-Region optimiert ist. Anhand dieses Entwicklungsbeispiels sollen in Zusammenarbeit zwischen KNUST und TUM entlang der gesamten exemplarischen Wertschöpfungskette die regulatorischen, technologischen und marktwirtschaftlichen Rahmenbedingungen erarbeitet und so vor Ort in Ghana nachhaltig die Expertise für medizintechnische Entwicklungen in der Subsahara-Region etabliert werden.

CIMPLE – Circular Medical Plastics Engineering

The massive accumulation of medical plastic waste is a major burden on our environment. However, the plastics used for medical products are often of very high quality. The aim of the overall project (Module 1 + Module 2) is therefore to develop organizational and technological strategies to recycle or reuse medical plastic products, in the best case as new medical devices in a circular approach. By creating an Integrated Training Center (ITC), the measures of Module 2 will provide tailored expertise to the research work of Module 1. As academic partners TU Munich, OTH Amberg Weiden, Addis Ababa University, Adama Science and Technology University and the Tegbare-id Polytechnic College will be involved, supplemented by the associated partners from industry and public Black Forest Solutions, Nehlsen, Berliner Stadtreinigung and German RETech Partnership. It has been consciously ensured that academic institutions at different educational levels (university, university of applied sciences, vocational school) work together in the ITC as all competencies are necessary for a practical implementation of the results obtained in Module 1. The ITC will be located at the T-PTC College in Addis Ababa. For organizational support, an ITC Office will be established there with a branch office at TU Munich. Training elements are the biannual Advisory Board Workshops (ABW) and the annual Spring Schools and Symposia. The main tasks of the ABW are an audit of the scientific work of Module 1 and the strategic design of the ITC. In addition, the ABW is also the platform for joint advanced training measures for senior scientists and lecturers. The Spring Schools, which is open to the project associated graduates of Module 1 as well as to students of the participating Ethiopian and German academic institutes, will provide profound knowledge in the fields of medical and plastics technology, sustainable engineering, and scientific and intercultural competence. The opportunity to participate in the Spring Schools, which will take place in Addis Ababa together with the Symposium, will be supported by the awarding of travel grants to students selected by a scholarship selection committee.

The ITC is intended to serve as a platform for academic German-Ethiopian exchange. Concepts will be implemented to integrate the courses of the ITC into the curricula of the participating academic institutions. This starts with the validation of the Spring School as a course for the curricula of the students at their home universities and also includes the joint supervision of Master and PhD students. It will be continued with the establishment of joint degree programs for Master and PhD students. Based on this, the establishment of a DFG International Research Training Group is planned to continue the ITC beyond the project period.

Since the ITC will be designed in close cooperation with industry and public institutions, it is expected that the ITC, in addition to its task of knowledge support for the research work of Module 1, will become a contact point in the region for questions of medical and plastics technology in academic and economic terms and will act as an example of high-quality, networked, international and practice-oriented education beyond the borders of the country. With this perspective, the ITC can thus develop into a Competence Center for Sustainable Medical Engineering.


Project Workshop, KNUST, Kumasi, Ghana (21 - 25 October 2024

Advisory Board Workshop and Stakeholder Meeting, ASTU, Adama, Ethiopia (23 - 29 March 2024)

Opening Integrated Training Center, KNUST, Kumasi, Ghana (20 December 2023)

Trinational Winter School, KNUST, Kumasi, Ghana (18 - 21 December 2023)

Medical Circular Economy Conference, TUM, Garching (26 October 2023)

African-German CIMPLE Networking Days, KNUST, Kumasi, Ghana (29/30 September 2022)


2nd Singaporean-German Symposium in Bangkok (19 September 2019)

After last year's premiere in Singapore, MedTech in cooperation with Messe Düsseldorf organized the 2nd Singaporean-German Symposium on Medical Plastics Engineering on 19 September 2019 as a guest symposium within the T-PLAS fair in Bangkok, Thailand. Particular attention was paid to antimicrobial plastics, additive plastics technology and sustainable plastics engineering. The event was an excellent opportunity to expand our network with Southeast Asian and German partners from science and industry as part of the MedTech OneWorld initiative.

Visit of the Ethiopian Delegation (26 July 2019)

Organized by the GIZ, together with the Bavarian Ministry of Economic Affairs, the TUM International Center and the OTH Amberg-Weiden we had the honour to welcome an Ethiopian delegation with representatives of important Ethiopian academic institutions on September 26, 2019. The aim was the exchange on the topic of integrated higher education.

Visit of Philip Yeo and his Team (28 June 2019)

Philip Yeo, one of the most influential people in Singapore's scientific landscape, and his team from Advanced MedTech and Dornier MedTech were our guests. We had a very inspiring exchange of ideas about joint R&D activities in Singapore and Germany.

1st Ethiopian - German Networking Days on Medical Technology (16 April 2019)

From 15 to 17 April 2019 TUM MedTech OneWorld in cooperation with the Tegbare-id Polytechnic College and the GIZ organized the 1st Ethiopian - German Networking Days on Medical Technology, including the 1st African - German Symposium on Medical Plastics Engineering. 70 Ethiopian and German participants from academia, business and politics took part in the Networking Days, which were extremely instructive for all participants with honest insights into the possibilities of medical and plastics technology in Ethiopia. Thus, the foundations for a sustainable network for medical technology in general and for medical plastics technology in particular were laid in Addis Ababa.

MedTech OneWorld, Tegbare-id Polytechnic College and GIZ sign MoU (15 April 2019)

In the presence of the Bavarian Minister-President Markus Söder, Markus Eblenkamp and Fabian Jodeit signed a Memorandum of Understanding between TUM MedTech OneWorld, GIZ and TVET/Tegbare-id Polytechnic College in Addis Ababa on 15 April to create the basis for a future cooperation in the field of medical and plastics technology.

Radio Report Prosthesis Development in Ethiopia (19 March 2019)

WDR 5 Quarks - Prothesis for Ethiopia by Katharina Nickoleit (07.03.2019)

Newspaper article on prosthesis development in Ethiopia (17 March 2019)

"Steh auf und geh" by Katharina Nickoleit

Symposium on Medical Plastics Engineering (10 October 2018)

Plastics technology plays a key role in creating innovative medical products. Although the basic technologies used are of a general nature and are applied in all economic sectors, numerous specific aspects must be taken into account in medical technology that make medical plastics technology particularly challenging. This "Medical Delta" of plastics technology for the manufacture of medical products was the focus of the symposium and was elaborated by experts from renowned institutions. The essential elements of the process chain for the production of medical plastic components were taken into account: Raw materials, processing technologies, surface technology, regulatory affairs.

In addition, the symposium was to serve as the kick-off event for a permanent joint initiative and formation of international cooperation clusters on medical plastics engineering in Singapore. The aim was to bring together Southeast Asian and German industrial and scientific partners with their employees and students to carry out joint R&D projects, medical technology product developments and international training.

Congress Zukunftsrat der Bayerischen Wirtschaft (17 July 2018)

Networking Symposium on Additive Manufacturing (6 February 2018)

Additive manufacturing is a technology that brings about new business opportunities. In particular, the biomedical industry will be revolutionized by additive manufacturing as 3D printed medical devices and prosthetics are commonly used in patient care. This symposium has aimed to bring together potential partners and collaborators from Singapore and Germany. It has showcased the R&D work carried out in both countries and has explored the impact of additive manufacturing on the biomedical industry.


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