This page gives short description for how to control the Leybold Turbo Pump with Arduino and MAX232 (Multichannel RS-232 Driver) IC for Interface Translation.  There are two possibilities to connect to the turbo pump. First - to use RS232 interface of a pump, which is optional. Second - one can use the service interface of a pump, which is integrated in all Leybold pumps and is identical to optional RS232 interface. This means, that even if available pump has some other (SPS, Profibus) interface one can use the service interface to control the pump. The protocol is described in the Leybold supplied Operating Instructions manual. Below are the circuit and source code for arduino with basic commands for starting and stopping of the pump, as well as evaluating the current state/status (normal operation reached, error, ready to run, pump is rotating). 



Leybold also offers same basic software to control and read out of the current state of the pump. You can download it from hier. Choose LEYASSIST. It states that you need a license, however, in the download zip you will find more programs. For basic functionality you need only the TD Server. No license code is needed for the installation of this program. TD server also installs the TD panel. Using the TD Panel one can control and read out the errors of the pump. This could be helpful for understanding the communication protocol. One can analyze the data transfer with some sniffing tool. Important is to use a null-modem cable for connecting the pump to the PC