Install LDAP Utils

Check if your system has intslled ldap utils. You can test this trying to execute ldapsearch

ldapsearch -VV

The output should look like this

ldapsearch: @(#) $OpenLDAP: ldapsearch  (Ubuntu) (Apr  8 2021 04:22:01) $
        Debian OpenLDAP Maintainers <>
        (LDAP library: OpenLDAP 20449)

If not you can install it with this command:

sudo apt install ldap-utils

University Network (MWN)

If you are using your private machine you have to be in the university network (MWN) to bind to the LDAP Host. You can use VPN to access the MWN.

Alternatively you can login to one of the EIKON Linux hosts which have ldap-utils installed.

LDAP Search

You can perform an LDAP search with the following command. Replace <YOUR-TUM-ID> with your actual TUM-ID (e.g. go42tum) and <SEARCHED-TUM-ID> with the TUM-ID (e.g. go42tum) you want to check.

ldapsearch -Z -H ldaps:// -b "dc=ads,dc=mwn,dc=de" -D "cn=<YOUR-TUM-ID>,ou=Users,ou=TU,ou=IAM,dc=ads,dc=mwn,dc=de" -W -s sub "cn=<SEARCHED-TUM-ID>"

You will be prompted for a password which is you TUM Password.

Enter LDAP Password:

The successful result should look like this:

# extended LDIF
# LDAPv3
# base <dc=ads,dc=mwn,dc=de> with scope subtree
# filter: cn=<TUM-ID>
# requesting: ALL

# <TUM-ID>, Users, TU, IAM,
dn: CN=<TUM-ID>,OU=Users,OU=TU,OU=IAM,DC=ads,DC=mwn,DC=de
objectClass: top
objectClass: person
objectClass: organizationalPerson
objectClass: user
cn: <TUM-ID>
sn: YYY
o: TU
givenName: XXX
distinguishedName: CN=<TUM-ID>,OU=Users,OU=TU,OU=IAM,DC=ads,DC=mwn,DC=de
displayName: YYY, XX
memberOf: CN=TUEILBEZU-CFALL,OU=Resources,OU=TU,OU=IAM,DC=ads,DC=mwn,DC=de
memberOf: CN=TUEILBEEV-CFALL,OU=Resources,OU=TU,OU=IAM,DC=ads,DC=mwn,DC=de
memberOf: CN=TUEILBEZU-CFMIT,OU=Resources,OU=TU,OU=IAM,DC=ads,DC=mwn,DC=de
memberOf: CN=TUEILBEGV-0CFSTD,OU=Groups,OU=TU,OU=IAM,DC=ads,DC=mwn,DC=de
memberOf: CN=TUEILDVEV-LDVSTUD,OU=Resources,OU=TU,OU=IAM,DC=ads,DC=mwn,DC=de
memberOf: CN=TUEILDVGV-0WIKI,OU=Groups,OU=TU,OU=IAM,DC=ads,DC=mwn,DC=de
memberOf: CN=TU00000EV-STUDIEREND,OU=Resources,OU=TU,OU=IAM,DC=ads,DC=mwn,DC=de
memberOf: CN=TUEILDVGV-0GRSTGA,OU=Groups,OU=TU,OU=IAM,DC=ads,DC=mwn,DC=de
memberOf: CN=TU00000GV-0STUDENTS,OU=Groups,OU=TU,OU=IAM,DC=ads,DC=mwn,DC=de
memberOf: CN=TUZVHR6EV-ALARMGES,OU=Resources,OU=TU,OU=IAM,DC=ads,DC=mwn,DC=de
memberOf: CN=TUEILDVEV-LDVALLE,OU=Resources,OU=TU,OU=IAM,DC=ads,DC=mwn,DC=de
memberOf: CN=TUEILDVEV-LDVDAVORT,OU=Resources,OU=TU,OU=IAM,DC=ads,DC=mwn,DC=de
memberOf: CN=TUWIFWIGV-0STFAKWI,OU=Groups,OU=TU,OU=IAM,DC=ads,DC=mwn,DC=de
memberOf: CN=TU00000GV,OU=Groups,OU=TU,OU=IAM,DC=ads,DC=mwn,DC=de
department: Studium


# numResponses: 3
# numEntries: 1
# numReferences: 1

You can see the Groups you are a member of indicated by "memberOf:".

All group identifiers have a shape like this: TUEILDVGV-0GRSTGA

Important Groups

TUEILDVGV-0GRSTGAContains all LDV Students, Guests and Others.


Linux Workstations

TUEILDVGV-0HPCGives access to the HPC Workstations


HPC Workstations

TUEILDVGV-0XHPCGives access to Excellence HPC Workstations

TUEILBEGV-0CFSTDStandard Group for CellFace Project Members


Linux Workstations

TUEILDVGV-0KOMCREALecture Participants Komputer & Creativität

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