Target release1.1.0
Source (e.g. Github)
Main featuresCKAN extension that allows users to ask for datasets that are not already published in the CKAN instance. 
Prerequisite / Dependencies

CKAN 2.8.0 compatibility

LicenseAGPL-3.0 License
Installed by
Document status


Background and strategic fit

In this way we can set up a Data Market, not only with data supplies but also with data demands.

Installations and Requirements

Installations and Requirements

To install ckanext-datarequest on a production site:

  1. Activate your CKAN virtual environment, for example:

    ENV /usr/lib/ckan/default/bin/activate
  2. Install the ckanext-request Python package into your virtual environment:

    pip install ckanext-datarequests
    // or
    pip install -e git+
  3. Add datarequestsin theckan.pluginssetting in your CKAN config file.

    ckan.plugins = datarequests ....
  4. Enable or disable the comments system by setting up the ckan.datarequests.comments property in the configuration file (by default, the comments system is enabled).

    ckan.datarequests.comments = [true|false]
  5. Enable or disable a badge to show the number of data requests in the menu by setting up the ckan.datarequests.show_datarequests_badge property in the configuration file (by default, the badge is not shown).

    ckan.datarequests.show_datarequests_badge = [true|false]
  1. Restart CKAN. For example, if you've deployed CKAN with Apache on Ubuntu:

    sudo service apache2 reload

User interaction and design

You have two ways for creating, updating, deleting, viewing and closing a datarequest: you can use the graphical interface or the programmatic API.

For a complete explanation, refer to this link:

For a complete explanation, refer to this link:

Questions and Answers

Below is a list of Q&A from user sides:


Further steps