Dear TUM PREP partner institution, 

Your student(s) has/have been accepted to TUM's summer research program (TUM PREP). We are very excited to welcome your student(s) in Munich this summer. 

In order to pay out the announced scholarship of € 1,000 sponsored by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), please complete the following STIBET scholarship nomination form and return the printed and originally signed version of this form via e-mail to latest by Wednesday, February 28, 2024. 

Please submit a separate form for each participant joining the Practical Research Experience Program (TUM PREP) in summer 2024. The program starts on July 1 and ends on August 29, 2024.

Please note that this form only serves to nominate students for the DAAD STIBET scholarship of € 1,000, not as a nomination for a TUM PREP applicant. All TUM PREP participants have agreed to and accepted their TUM PREP projects by now. The selection process is completed. 

At the end of this form, you can find a short guide on how to print and submit the Stibet scholarship nomination form.

Thank you for your support.

Best wishes, 


Nomination for DAAD STIBET Scholarship

* Mandatory Fields

I. Home Institution Details

Name of Home Institution*:


Coordinator - Given Name*:

Coordinator - Family Name*:

Coordinator - E-Mail Address*:

II. Exchange Student Details (Scholarship Nominee)

Student - Gender*:

Student - Given Name*:

Student - Family Name*:

Student - E-Mail Address*:

Exchange Period*:

Level of Studies*:

III. Scholarship Nomination Declaration and Data Protection

Stibet Scholarship Nomination Declaration*:

In nominating the above-mentioned student for a DAAD Stibet scholarship, I declare:

  • The availability of this scholarship and its conditions were duly communicated to all students interested in participation in the TUM PREP program (by the TUM Global and Alumni Office).
  • The student was nominated on grounds of academic excellence by a selection committee, comprising at least two staff and/or faculty members. 
  • The selection procedure, including a brief description of how this scholarship was advertised, was well documented.
  • The student will not receive any other scholarship or grant directly related to his/her research project at TUM. However, travel allowances / travel grants are an exception and can be combined with the DAAD scholarship. 
  • The student is not of German nationality and did not obtain his/her university entrance qualification from a school in Germany.

Since TUM wants to achieve greater equality and inclusion at TUM, we would like to invite you to also consider personal and socio-economic factors in your selection process (in addition to the students' academic excellence), such as the cultural and social background of students as well as exceptional mental, physical or family circumstances. Therefore, please consider candidates with priority who have an excellent academic background and who, furthermore, face exceptional socio-economic factors or other circumstances that would prevent them from participating in a mobility activity unless extra financial support was made available.

Declaration of consent for data processing*:

With my permission, the submitted data will be collected, processed, and used by TUM for the purpose of the administration of the DAAD STIBET scholarship for the scholarship holder. The data will be stored for 10 years.

I have been notified that my personal data and the student's personal data will be collected, processed, and used in the context of the aforementioned objectives in accordance with the Bavarian Data Protection Act (BayDSG). The collection, processing, and use of my data take place on a voluntary basis.

Furthermore, I can revoke my consent at any time without any adverse consequences. I will send my notice of cancellation to:

Technical University of Munich, Global & Alumni Office, Arcisstrasse 21, 80333 Munich;

In the event of cancellation, my data will be deleted upon receipt of my notice.

IV. Printing and Sending of the Nomination


To finalize the nomination for DAAD scholarship:

  1. Please first print your filled-in scholarship nomination form ( grey button "1. Print form"). Make sure that the orientation of the document in the printer settings is "Portrait" (vertical).
  2. Then submit the online scholarship nomination via the platform (“ 2. Send nomination").
  3. To finalize your schloarship nomination, please originally sign the printed version of the filled in online-form and e-mail it to

(Place, Date)

(Signature - Study Abroad Advisor at Home University)

Please ignore these fields in the online form. They are only relevant for signing the print version of this nomination form.

TUM Global & Alumni Office

Technical University of Munich (TUM)

Arcisstr. 21
80333 Munich

Sandra Lessing 

TUM PREP Program Manager

Student Mobility Incoming Division


Deadline: February 28, 2024

Nomination form: DAAD STIBET scholarship 2024 

Summer Semester 2024

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