How to ask a question here?
  1. In the upper right part of this page you find the function "Bearbeiten" - click.
  2. Now you can write your question directly on the page.
  3. After this, click the "Speicher" button in the lower right part of the page.
  4. We get informed about your question via email.
  5. For discussing you can use the comment function.
  6. You can observe this page - log in and see the function "Beobachten" in the upper right part.

Can my day-to-day supervisor join the TAC-Meeting?

Yes, additionally the day-to-day supervisor can join the TAC-Meeting.

Kann man das TAC-Meeting auch im Rahmen eines Vortrags am Lehrstuhl absolvieren oder muss dies ein getrennter Termin sein?

Die TAC-Meetings können auch im Rahmen eines Vortrags am Lehrstuhl, also z.B. im Rahmen des Lehrstuhlseminars, gemacht werden. Im Anschluss findet dann die geschlossenen Runde des TAC-Meetings statt. Weitere Informationen zum Ablauf eines TAC-Meetings finden Sie hier: "TAC-Meeting Information of procedure".

Sollte der Mentor beim TAC Meeting vor Ort anwesend sein oder reicht es wenn er per Video Call teilnimmt?

Der Mentor oder die Mentorin kann auch per Video Call am TAC-Meeting teilnehmen.

GC LS requires all doctoral candidates to participate in another student's TAC-meeting. How do I prove that I did this? Is there a form to be filled out?

On the second page of the “Feedback Session Reporting Sheet TAC Meeting 2” you have to fill in the date, when you attend the university-public TAC-presentation/talk of another doctoral

The TAC meeting should take place 6-10 months after registration. Is this an invariable period or can the TAC meeting be held earlier?

The period for both the first and the second TAC-Meeting is variable. Both can take part earlier or later. The time frame is a suggestion.

When I want to upload the forms from TAC-meeting 2, it says I have to upload a "Aktualisierung der Betreuungsvereinbarung". Where do I find information on this? I.e., is there a form for it?

If you want to update your supervision agreement you can use the current PDF from the dowload section of the GC LS Homepage. If your supervision agreement is still up to date, you can upload a simple document which says "supervision agreement is still up to date".

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