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Regulations for Dissertations at the TUM School of Life Sciences for doctoral candidates with entry in the doctoral list AFTER 01.10.2021 and CHANGERS into the new regulation

Criteria for publication-based dissertation at the TUM School of Life for doctoral candidates with entry in the doctoral list BEFORE 01.10.2021

Can a shared first authorship publication be used for the cumulative dissertations by both first authors at the same time?

Yes, this is possible.

I assume that shared first authorships (two first authors) count the same regardless of whether I am listed first or second in order in the journal entry as long as both authors are marked as equally contributing, is that correct?

Yes, the order of the names doesn´t matter as long as the authors are marked as equally contributing.

Muss ich mich selbst zitieren? Do I have to cite myself?

YES - See TUM Citation Guide (Point 4.2 in English version, Point 4.4 in German version).

I have confusion concerning commutative thesis,  I have two first author paper, and 2  co-author paper. Can I use co-author papers in my thesis?

For the publication based dissertation at the TUM School of Life Sciences you have to follow this rules:

First priority condition: two first-author papers accepted for publication (full paper in an international, English language, peer-reviewed journal).

If you have fulfilled this condition you can add co-author papers, more reviews, and more shared first authorship papers.

Regulations for Dissertations at the TUM School of Life Sciences for doctoral candidates with entry in the doctoral list AFTER 01.10.2021 and CHANGERS into the new regulation

Criteria for publication-based dissertation at the TUM School of Life for doctoral candidates with entry in the doctoral list BEFORE 01.10.2021

My cumulative thesis is based on my three publications and may I copy some of the content from the publications in the thesis? I am not sure will this copy be allowed or be thought as plagiarism?

Please make sure, that you do not use written text from the paper as it is in your dissertation. Also, please make sure to cite your own papers in the correct style.

See TUM Citation Guide (Point 4.2 in English version, Point 4.4 in German version).

How do I handle additional results that were not part of the publications, but are important for the further perspectives of the work? Is it possible to attach them to the appendix (as figures) and refer to them in the discussion part when writing about the further perspectives of the work?

You can put additional results that were not part of the publications in the appendix. With this you can refer to this appendix in the discussion. But be carefull, if you want to publish this results later you have to take the Copyright into account:

Write here ...

23 Kommentare

  1. Anonym sagt:

    Cumulative Thesis: Wie beantrage ich die Erlaubnis veröffentlichte Publikationen, z.B. von Elsevier, erneut in meiner Thesis zu veröffentlichen, z.B. in meditum? Gibt es hier eine rechtskräftige Vorlage der TUM? 

    1. Daniela Röder sagt:

      Eine Vorlage der TUM gibt es nicht. Die großen Verlagen erlauben die nochmalige Publikation Ihrer bisherigen Veröffentlichungen zu Prüfungszwecken meist schon direkt im Autorenvertrag, auf der Website oder ähnlichem. Falls dort nichts steht, fragen Sie bitte direkt beim Verlag an. Für Open Access-Publikationen benötigen Sie keine Erlaubnis.

  2. Anonym sagt:

    Can I graduate with a first-author poster that I presented in a conference? 

    1. Daniela Röder sagt:

      Yes, this is possible. You need the first-author poster as a INTERNATIONAL conference to fulfill the qualification element "Discussion of the research project in the international scientific community". And your diessertation has to be written as a monography.

      1. Anonym sagt:

        Thank you very much for the quick reply, Daniela.

  3. Anonym sagt:

    Can I graduate with a submitted shared first-author paper?

    1. Daniela Röder sagt:

      Yes, this is possible. You need the shared first-author publication in an INTERNATIONAL peer-reviewed journal to fulfill the qualification element "Discussion of the research project in the international scientific community". If you don´t have another firstauthor publication, your diessertation has to be written as a monography.

      1. Anonym sagt:

        Thank you for the information and the quick reply, very helpful!

      2. Anonym sagt:

        Does the paper then need to be accepted or is it sufficient if it is submitted? Thanks!

        1. Daniela Röder sagt:

          Until September 30th, 2021 (means next Thursday) the publication only need to be submitted!

          On October 1st, 2021 the new TUM GS Statut takes effect. Then the publication has to be accepted.

          So we can accept a submitted publication for "Discussion of the research project in the international scientific community" until next Thursday.

  4. Julia Kurth sagt:


    is it possible to include unpublished results in a cumulative thesis? If yes, how?



  5. Daniela Röder sagt:

    You can put additional results that were not part of the publications in an separate chapter. With this you can refer to this chapter in the discussion.

    But be carefull, if you want to publish this results later you have to take the Copyright into account:

  6. Anonym sagt:

    Hi Daniela,

    I have another question according to the above mentioned topic. Do I need to write the result chapters then for all results, also the published ones, or just for the part which is not published, yet?

    Thank you very much for your help.



    1. Daniela Röder sagt:

      Dear Julia,

      please sum up all results in the bigger context of your whole dissertation. You don´t need to go in detail. More an overview.

      Hopr that helps.

  7. Unbekannter Benutzer (ga27zis) sagt:

    Hi, I have two co-first authored paper. Both of them have 3 co-first authors (me, plus 2 senior researchers). Both of these papers will be used only in my cumulative dissertation, since the other authors already have their PhD. This complies with the current rules, am I correct?

    1. Daniela Röder sagt:

      Yes, you are correct.

  8. Anonym sagt:

    Hi, I want to make my thesis a publication based one. I am wondering if it is possible that I just put one page of each paper and cite them without put the whole published paper which requires publisher agreement? I can put the whole in the supplementary which will be checked with the examiners but afterwards removed for published?

    1. Daniela Röder sagt:

      Sorry, I missed this entry. In the result part of the dissertation you have to write a summary and authors contribution for each publication. And then, yes, please put the publications in the supplementary for the examiners and leaf it for the publication of the dissertation in the end. By this you need not agreement of the publisherd.

  9. Unbekannter Benutzer (ge35kes) sagt:

    Hi, I'd like to ask about the publication-based dissertation, If I have a non-shared first-author publication, plus an oral presentation at an international conference, could I write a publication-based dissertation? Thanks! 

    1. Daniela Röder sagt:

      Dear Yuanyuan Chen, no, In this case a publication based dissertation is not possible. To do so, you need at least 2 first-authorship publications, both peer-reviewed, published and international. Oral presentation do not count.

      1. Unbekannter Benutzer (ge35kes) sagt:

        Thank you for the information and the prompt reply!

  10. Kevin Korfmann sagt:

    Hi, having one first-author publication,  two shared first-author publication and a first-author review should be sufficient for a cumulative thesis? Any combination of two of the publications/review should be sufficient as well, regardless if I have started before the 1.10.2021 and using the old "Promotionsordnung"? Thanks.

    1. Daniela Röder sagt:

      Yes, regardless the beginnig of your doctorate a combination of the mentioned publications ar possible to write a publictaion based dissertation.