Group Members:

  • Akbar Suriaganda
  • Moritz Naser
  • Omar Ahmed
  • Tarek Elsherif

Game Document


Milestone 1: Game Idea (November 18th 2020)

Milestone 2: Prototype (December 2nd 2020)

Milestone 3: Interim Demo (December 3rd 2020)

Milestone 4: Alpha Release (January 27th 2021)

Milestone 5: Playtesting (February 10th 2021)

Milestone 6: Final Release (February 24th 2021)

  • Keine Stichwörter

6 Kommentare

  1. Oliver Jung sagt:

    1. What is your favorite aspect of the proposed game? Why?

    The ice breaking mechanics together with the events are a really good idea in my opinion because they make the game more dynamic
    by providing a constantly changing level and challenge the players in multiple ways.

    2. What is your least favorite aspect? Why?

    I don't like the fact that players who died can't play anymore and have to wait until the other players finished playing.
    The ability to swim might not solve this problem. On the one hand, it helps protecting the players from dieing
    but on the other hand, it also possibly increases the time it takes until the other players die. Therefore, dead players might have to wait even longer.

    3. Which single change or addition would you suggest to most improve the game?

    As a solution for this problem, you could enable the dead players to influence parts of the environment and the events in order to not exclude them from the game.

  2. Unbekannter Benutzer (ga58kal) sagt:

    Things I like

    - Really cool art design -- of course I don't know if the game will look like the art, but the art looks super cute
    - The game design seems really fair and not relying on randomness to gain huge advantages

    Things I am unsure about

    I think you have to be careful to not create frustrating moments through random events that are not recoverable


    I am having a hard time to write down suggestions for your project, mainly because I am not really knowledgeable about your game's genre. Just judging from what you want to achieve, I would maybe start with a super simple platform and first try to figure out, how complex the platform can be, before visibility and movement becomes an issue, especially because every player will look at the same screen. From there I would start to try to introduce the other mechanics and always keep an eye on the fairness and also possible visibility issues on the screen.

  3. Unbekannter Benutzer (ga42mud) sagt:

    This I like:

    I really like the contrast between the dark setting and adorable character designs.

    The game seems very easy-to-learn, hard-to-master to me.

    This is what worries me:

    You mentioned this game to appeal to people who like party games. To be honest I'm not sure if this is the case. The gameplay mechanics seem very skill-based and consistent. And I don't think the randomness in form of the breaking floor is enough of a spectacle to qualify your game as a party game. In the worst case this randomness can get in the way of more serious and competitive players.


    Personally I would add a comeback mechanic or a possibility to influence the game after losing.

    Depending on the direction of your game (wacky party game or serious competitive game), I would focus solely on one direction. That said, I can see both options working together in harmony without getting in the way of each other.

  4. Min Shan Luong sagt:

    1. What is your favorite aspect of the proposed game? Why?

    I really love the cute artstyle (so adorable!). Apart from that, I think the idea of knocking the other players off the plattform is very well suited for a party game, a fun principle, and the random events make it more exciting.

    2. What is your least favorite aspect? Why?

    I personally think it would be more fun if players, that have have not made it back to the platform in time, have the chance to get back on the plattform again. I know that there are popular party games where players that have lost are actually completely out for the rest of the game, and cheering on the others is what they often do instead, but I still think it's a bit harsh to have only one chance.

    3. Which single change or addition would you suggest to most improve the game?

    Maybe you could add something like multiple lives, or a mechanic similar to Bomberman where dead players can get back to the game after knocking another player off.

  5. Unbekannter Benutzer (ga84mim) sagt:

    1. What is your favorite aspect of the proposed game? Why?

    I like the Character Desing. It has the good qualities of a strong and iconic character style.

    2. What is your least favorite aspect? Why?
    Physic based games are difficult. I hope, at least if you want a "good" game and not a whacky game, where physic bugs are a feature, that you are able to mak it a stable game.

    3. Which single change or addition would you suggest to most improve the game?
    If the game is fast pace, instead of the other comments i read i don't think multiple lives or playing after the grave is necessary (but maybe a nice addition). To keep the game interesting in the long run maybe some settings (if you not already thought of it) could be useful instead (change occurences of calamities from many to none, change the disapearance of tile etc.) and also easy to implement.

  6. Unbekannter Benutzer (ga58len) sagt:

    1. What is your favorite aspect of the proposed game? Why?
    I enjoy the character design a lot, I also like how you solved water buoyancy.

    2. What is your least favorite aspect? Why?
    I also think that dead player might get bored if the game drags on to long and they can't do anything in that time.

    3. Which single change or addition would you suggest to most improve the game?
    Give dead player something to do and have different levels like for example different ice formations for the platform.