Winterschool 2024

Sunday, March 10, 15:30 to Wednesday, March 13, 21:00/Thursday, March 14, 9:00am


Thursday, March 14, 9:00am to Thursday, March 14, 19:00/ Friday March 15, 9:00am

Registration is open until January 31

In March 2024 the Behavioral and Social Sciences Program of the Graduate Center Medicine and Health of Technische Universität München hosts the annual Winterschool for doctoral candidates in sport and health sciences. An invited expert and professors from the Department Health and Sport Sciences will tutor presentations and a workshop and will be available for the whole time for in-depth consultation but also informal conversation.

Scientific Program

The Winterschool offers two formats for active participation: In presentation of project participants share project ideas and projects in their early stages. The Winterschool is a safe environment for discussion, giving and receiving feedback on doctorate projects. Alternatively, participants may submit (parts of) a paper or proposal to a peer-review. Under supervision of a tutor, participants will engage in a sample review process and provide feedback. Subsequent to the Winterschool, there will be a  more hands-on workshop, tutor to be announced.

Accommodation & Costs

The Winterschool takes place at Darmstädter-Haus of TU Darmstadt, beautifully located in the Kleinwalsertal. Accommodation is provided in rooms of four or double rooms. The costs include full board (break-fast, snack, dinner), scientific program, social activities. Beyond the scientific program, there will be some time for snow sport activities.



plus Workshop

TUM students

80 €

20 €

Students from affiliated/ partner institutions

80 €

20 €


240 €

50 €

Registration for Winterschool 2024

Please register here for participation in the Winterschool 2024 in Hirschegg (Kleinwalsertal). There are 18 places available, they are given first come-first serve basis. We will additionally keep a waiting list of up to 6 persons. Registration is final only once you have transferred the participation fee of 80€/20€. 


We collect this data for the purpose of organizing the Winterschool 2024. The data submitted on this wiki will be transfered to and stored at LRZ-servers that may be accessed by Graduate Center staff. Your name will be forwarded to Darmstädter Haus for assigning your room. Some of the data (name, birthdate, ID) is also prerequisite for registering you with local authorities and will be forwarded to them for that purpose.


Data will be deleted 4 weeks following the event. 

Consequences of missing consent

You have the right not to agree to this policy - please note that no registrations are possible without filling in the mandatory fields.

Your rights

right to information

right to correction or deletion of data

right to transfer rights

right to appeal to the Bayerische Landesbeauftragten for data protection

Consequences of revocation

After we receive your revocation, your data will not be used any longer and will be removed from the system. Already concluded operations are not touched by your revocation. For revocation, please contact:

Ina Brüngel

Dekanat SG

Tel.: +49 (89) 289 - 24626

For further information, please visit:

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