If you are specifically interested in one of the topics, feel free to contact the individual supervisor even prior to the registration period. 

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Topics for Summer Term 2024

Topic DescriptionSupervisor

Comparative Analysis of Electric Grid Reliabilty: A Rural vs. Urban Perspective from the U.S. and Germany

Key Questions

  1. What lessons can be learned from the EIA-861 U.S. Annual Electric Power Industry Report to assess geospatial diffenrences in the electric grid reliabilty?
  2. How does electric reliability performance differ between rural and urban areas in the U.S.?
  3. Describe the main differences between rural and urban grids in the U.S. and their impact on grid reliability. What are the unique challenges and solutions in maintaining energy reliability in rural areas as opposed to urban areas?
  4. In what ways do regulatory frameworks in the U.S. and Germany influence the resilience and reliability of rural and urban energy systems?
  5. Highlight the differences in power reliability between the U.S. and the German power system. What data sources are available for assessing geospatial differences and trends in the electric grid reliability in Germany?

Applications for Virtual Reality and Digital Twins in Power Systems

Key Questions

  1. Explain the concepts of Virtual Reality (VR) and digital twins, specifically in the context of their use in engineering applications.
  2. In what way can digital twins improve efficiency and accuracy in electrical grid operation, especially with respect to renewable energy generation.
  3. How can digital twins enable better prediction and management of vulnerabilities in power systems, particularly in the face of extreme weather or cyberattacks?
  4. How can digital twins be used in conjunction with VR to improve preparedness of energy sector personell for crisis situations?
  5. Describe the state of the art of VR and digital twins application in power systems for both Germany ant the USA. What are the main limitations in technology and infratsructure? 

Data-Driven Modeling for Renewable Energy Systems and Energy Storage Systems

Key Questions

  1. What is data driven modeling? Explain prequisites and differences to other modeling approaches for renewable energy systems and energy storage systems.
  2. How can experimental data be used to obtain models for renewable energy systems? How can those models be used for commissioning of large-scale power plant projects?
  3. Which parameters of advanced grid support functions (voltage, frequency) of renewable energy systems and energy storage power plants can be pedicted based on experimental data? Describe the necessary setup and machine learning techniques.
  4. Which role do renewable energy systems / energy storage systems play in context of resilience and adaptability of the power grid?
  5. In what ways can data driven models contribute to those factors when integrating renewable energy resources in the grid? 

Avoiding low voltage power grid overload by dimming controllable consumers

Key Questions

  1. Why is grid overload an issue at all?
  2. What are the regulations deriving from §14a EnWG?
  3. What do DSO need to to to comply to these regulations?
  4. How can these regulations be applied to consumers?
  5. How can consumer profit from these regulations?

Stability: definitions and classification

Key Questions

  1. How is the definition of stability developed with the years?

  2. How was the stability classification defined for 20 years? Define which phenomena are included in each category, time scales, causes, types of analysis, and examples.

  3. How does the grid have changed within the last 20 years?

  4. Which types of stability definitions are available/valid today? Which new stability definitions have been introduced within the last 20 years? Define which phenomena are included in each category, time scales, causes, types of analysis, and examples.

  5. Which types of stability definitions are valid for microgrids? Define which phenomena are included in each category, time scales, causes, types of analysis, and examples.



Integrating Hydrogen Electrolysis into Renewable Power Systems

Key Questions

  1. Explain how hydrogen addresses the problems arising with large-scale integration of renewable energy sources in power systems.
  2. What is the state of the art in Hydrogen Electrolysis?
  3. What are the technological and economical barriers to large-scale deployment of hydrogen electrolysers in power systems?
  4. Identify the main operational challenges associated with integrating electrolysers into the power grid, including grid stability, and the storage and transportation of hydrogen.
  5. Explore the current policy measures and incentives in Germany to promote hydrogen electrolysers. Are there any ongoing projects?


V2G – State of the Art and Regulatory Frameworks

Key Questions

  1. Explain the general technical principle of bidirectional charging of electrical vehicles. Define and explain the differences between Vehicle to Grid (V2G), Vehicle to Home (V2H) and Vehicle to Load (V2L).

  2. Outline the state of the art of V2(G/H/L). List available vehicles and charging equipment and compare relevant key figures (charging / discharging power, battery capacity, …) as well as available applications.

  3. What current regulations and standards are relevant specifically for the application of V2(G/H/L)? What changes are to be expected in the near future? Focus on Germany and the United States of America and draw a comparison.

  4. Compare economic benefits and drawbacks of V2(G/H/L). Consider applications for individual vehicles and fleets of different sizes and also consider stationary home and community storage systems as a benchmark.

  5. Give an overview of recent and ongoing research projects. Summarize available results, especially in context of applications of V2(G/H/L) supporting microgrid operation and general impact on distribution grids.


Environmental Impact of Power Grid Expansion

Key Questions

  1. Give an overview of proposed expansion measures of power and grid utilities (cables, substations, active components, …) in the upcoming decades. Focus on Europe and the United States of America. Why are those measures necessary?
  2. What materials are typically used for components and utilities in the power and grid? Also consider materials used for construction measures (substations, fundaments for masts, …). Assess the environmental and climate impact of extraction / production processes required.

  3. What are other impacts on the environment? Consider deforestation, draining of peatlands, surface sealing and similar measures.

  4. Compare the expected environmental impact of the grid expansion measures to the benefits of the transition of power systems from fossil fuels. Are there differences between the affected domains?

  5. Are there any approaches and innovations to reduce the environmental impact of grid expansion? Present relevant research projects and innovations.



Resilience in Energy Systems

Key Questions

  1. How is resilience defined within the energy sector/for energy systems? Differentiate between resilience, system adequacy, system security, system stability and security of energy supply.
  2. What are the key dimensions/components of resilience? How can resilience be measured and quantified in energy systems, what metrics are most effective for assessing resilience levels?
  3. What strategies are commonly implemented to enhance the resilience of energy systems?
  4. How do technological innovations, such as smart grids and renewable energy integration, contribute to or impair/affect the resilience of modern energy systems?
  5. What is currently considered as the most pressing challenge or vulnerability facing energy systems in terms of resilience, and what strategies are being proposed or implemented to address this issue?


The Renaissance of Nuclear Power (?)

Key Questions

  1. Explain the principle of electricity generation using nuclear power. Which reactor types are mainly used (built) today?
  2. From the commissioning of the first reactor to the present day, what role has nuclear power played in the global electricity supply? Discuss significant events.
  3. How sustainable is nuclear power? What potential is offered, for example, by measures to reprocess the fuel rods?
  4. What developments can be expected in the future and what are the main drivers of these developments (politics, technical progress, safety, economic efficiency, etc.)?
  5. How has the public reaction to nuclear power been in recent decades (criticism, support, etc.)?
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