Dear Graduates,

Congratulations on successfully completing your studies at the Technical University of Munich. 

We want to celebrate this important event together with you and your relatives. 

To appropriately honour your achievements over the past years, we are organizing an academic ceremony on Friday, 12 July 2024, from 5 to 8 p.m, in which a bronze medal in recognition of graduation will be presented.

This event will take place in the MW0001 and MW2001, located at the University's Campus Garching. 

Participation in the event is free of charge.

Preliminary program (modifications reserved):

5 p.m. Start of the Graduation Ceremony

  • Welcome
  • Keynote Speech
  • Teaching Award Ceremonies
  • Graduate Tribute

Approx. 6:30 p.m. – 8 p.m. Standing Reception with Beer and Brezeln and Live Music (Old's Cool Big Band)


Please dress appropriately for the occasion. 

Pictures will be taken during this event and used by TUM. Please inform the organisation team or photographer on-site if you prefer to avoid being in the pictures.

Registration is possible from Friday, 7 June 2024.  

For registration, please sign up with your personal data if you graduated between June 2023 and June 2024.

Please note that we can only consider graduates with all necessary ECTS officially registered with the registrar's office by 30 June 2024 (Please check TUMonline).

To make changes, please don't fill the form twice, but contact 

Within a few minutes after registration, you will receive an email.  Please also check your "Spam" or "Junk Mail" folder.

We are looking forward to your numerous attendance! 

Who can take part in the Graduation Ceremony 2024?

If you have completed or will complete your Master studies in one of the following Masters Programms between 1 June 2023 and 30 June 2024.

You will receive an invitation with the link for registration.

We look forward to your participation. You may bring up to three guests to accompany you. 

M.Sc. Automotive Engineering

M.Sc. Energie- und Prozesstechnik

M.Sc. Entwicklung und Konstruktion

M.Sc. Entwicklung, Produktion und Management im Maschinenbau

M.Sc. Fahrzeug- und Motorentechnik

M.Sc. Human Factors Engineering

M.Sc. Industrielle Biotechnologie

M.Sc. Luft- und Raumfahrt

M.Sc. Maschinenbau und Management

M.Sc. Maschinenwesen

M.Sc. Materials Science and Engineering

M.Sc. Mechatronics, Robotics and Biomechanical Engineering

M.Sc. Mechatronik und Informationstechnik

M.Sc. Mechatronik und Robotik

M.Sc. Medizintechnik

M.Sc. Medizintechnik und Assistenzsysteme

M.Sc. Nukleartechnik

M.Sc. Power Engineering

M.Sc. Produktion und Logistik

M.Sc. Risk and Safety

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