For applicants who have to take the TUM Test Power Engineering
For applicants outside the scope of the "Lisbon Convention" (third-country nationals) the admission decision in the stage 1 will be made on the basis of the result of a written online aptitude TUM Test Power Engineering.
TUM Test Power Engineering 2025
Application deadline TUM Test Power Engineering 2025 * : 15 January 2025
TUM Test Power Engineering 2025 *: 23 January 2025, 2pm German time (UTC+1)
Here you can find the schedule for the TUM Test Power Engineering 2025. There is no second TUM Test Power Engineering planned for the year 2025. If you do not fall under the Lisbon Convention", have not already taken the TUM Test Power Engineering in a previous year and do not participate in the TUM Test Power Engineerng 2025, there is unfortunately no other possibility to apply for the TUM Master Program Power Engineering in 2024.
However, we recommend checking the wiki page regularly for any changes to this information.
Dates & deadlines application winter semester 2025
- Start of application phase (opening of the application portal): 01 January 2025
- Application deadline TUM Test Power Engineering 2025 * : 15 January 2025
- Sending access data TUM Test Power Engineering 2025 *: 17 January 2025
- Trial run TUM Test Power Engineering 2025*: 17 - 23 January 2025, 12am German time (UTC+1)
- TUM Test Power Engineering 2025 *: 23 January 2025, 2pm German time (UTC+1)
- Sending of TUM Test Power Engineering 2025 certificates *: until 31 January 2025
- Recommended application deadline (especially for non-EU candidates due to visa issues): 15 March 2025
- Final application deadline: 31 May 2025
* : only for third-country nationals outside the scope of the "Lisbon Convention"
Further information about dates & deadlines you can find here.
Please note:
In order to get the visa issue completed prior to the start of the program in October, we strongly encourage non-EU applicants to apply by March 15. Missing documents (e.g. VPD) can be submitted until the final deadline.
The final application deadline for all applicants (including non-EU students) at TUM is 31 May for the next possible intake. Missing documents can not be sumitted after the final application deadline. (Exception: If the VPD document preparation is not yet completed, please upload a confirmation that you have requested the VPD document instead and submit the VPD document through the application portal as soon as you receive it.)
Your application has a chance to lead to admission to the Master Program Power Engineering if ...
... you have a H+ rated (Anabin) Bachelor degree or equivalent in electrical or mechanical engineering, with a strong focus on power engineering and excellent grades.
- ... you can show proof of passing the TUM Test M.Sc. Power Engineering with a score of at least 39 points (only relevant for applicants outside the scope of the "Lisbon Convention"). However, the test result must not be older than 42 months.
The applicant's expertise will be examined as part of an aptitude assessment. Outstanding expertise in the fields of electrical and mechanical engineering, preferably in the field of power engineering, is particularly important. In principle, therefore, any applicant who can demonstrate this knowledge will be considered, regardless of the designation of the bachelor's degree program in which this knowledge was acquired.
Candidates who have failed to prove their eligibility for the Master Program Power Engineering in a previous application process may re-apply once.
Regarding the language requirements, please refer to the information here: ProofofProficiencyintheEnglishLanguage
Special Application Conditions for Certain Countries
For applicants outside the scope of the "Lisbon Convention" (third-country nationals) the admission decision in the stage 1 will be made on the basis of the result of a written online aptitude TUM Test Power Engineering.
If you have not obtained your qualification for postgraduate studies (e.g. your bachelor) at a German university, you need to apply for a Preliminary Documentation (VPD) via uni-assist before applying to TUM. This also applies to entrance qualifications obtained in EU/EEA countries.
Furthermore, applicants from certain countries/provinces must comply with special conditions (e.g. APS certificate). Please check this link to see if this is relevant for you.
Changing Subjects or Courses of Study
If you are already enrolled in a Master's degree program at TUM and would like to change subjects or degree programs, you can find information here.
Fees and Scholarships
For all questions regarding fees and scholarships please refer to the general information of TUM:
Tuition Fees for Students from Non-EU Countries - TUM
A short summary can be found here (status April 2024).
General schedule
After having received your completed application we will carefully evaluate it and decide whether we invite you for an interview. The following table shows the entire decision schedule assuming that we received your application by March 15:
Recommended deadline | March 15 |
Final application deadline We encourage you to apply as early as possible, as otherwise it is highly likely that you will not be able to obtain a visa in time, in case you are admitted. | May 31 |
Interview (Stage 2) | March - July |
Results announced | Admission results will be announced as soon as possible, typically a few days after the TUM Test or interview |
Official admission letter of TUM | Available for download after official notification |
Beginn of winter semester | October 1 |
Beginn of the lecture period | Mid October |
Application Procedure
Detailed information on the application process you will find at these links and their subpages:
The selection of applicants who are admitted to the MSC-PE program is made through an aptitude assessment.
Application procedure 2024 at a glance
For applicants outside the scope of the "Lisbon Convention"
For applicants inside the scope of the "Lisbon Convention"
Aptitude assessment
The aptitude assessment for MSC-PE comprises two stages.
Please note: In stage 1 of the aptitude assessment, there is a difference between applicants who have obtained their Bachelor's degree in a country within or outside the scope of the "Lisbon Convention". Applicants who have obtained their Bachelor's degree in a country outside the scope of the "Lisbon Convention" are referred to as "third-country nationals" in the following. Please note: The deciding factor is the country in which you obtained your Bachelor's degree and not your nationality as a person. In stage 1 of the aptitude assessment, third-country nationals must provide valid proof of passing the TUM Test Power Engineering with a score of at least 39 points (test result must not be older than 42 months). Therefore, please check carefully if the country where you have obtained your Bachelor's degree has ratified the "Lisbon Convention". Information on this can be found at this link Please note that there really is a ratification. A signature alone is not sufficient.
Stage 1:
For third-country nationals the result of the TUM Test Power Engineering is assessed, for other nationals the grade of the bachelor degree and the subjects passed are assessed. In both cases, the highest possible score is 55 points. Applicants who have achieved 45 points or more are admitted directly. Applicants who have scored less than 45 points but at least 39 points will be invited for an interview (stage 2). Applicants with a test score of less than 39 points are not considered eligible for the MSC-PE program.
Stage 2
Applicants with less than 45 points but at least 39 points in stage 1 get an invitation for an interview.
The interview usually takes about 20 - 30 minutes and can be done in person at TUM or as video conference.
The content of the interview covers the following main topics:
- Motivation for MSC-PE (max. 15 points)
- Expertise and ability to do scientific work (max. 30 points)
- Communication skills in the English language (max. 10 points)
For the final score of stage 2, the mean value of your score in the interview and the score of stage 1 is calculated. Hence, the highest possible final score is 55. If your score of stage 2 is at least 40 points you will get admission.
TUM Test Power Engineering
Please note: Only applicants for the Master's program in Power Engineering who have obtained their Bachelor's degree in a country outside the scope of the “Lisbon Convention” need to provide proof of successful participation in a TUM Test Power Engineering.
Application & Admission
All applicants who have registered an online application account for the study program M.Sc. Power Engineering by the registration deadline TUM Test Power Engineering are admitted to the TUM Test Power Engineering. In other words, registering an online application account for the M.Sc. Power Engineering program is a prerequisite for taking the test. A separate registration for the TUM Test Power Engineering is not required. Information on how to register an online application account can be found here. To register for the TUM Test Power Engineering it is desirable, but not mandatory, to have uploaded all documents required in the application portal. However, please make sure that you have completed the online application account for the M.Sc. Power Engineering to the extent that you can finalize the creation of the account with the "SEND" button. Please ensure that you have selcted all the checkboxes at the end. Press the "Send" button. The status of "Submission of application" must be displayed with a yellow "?" button follow by a date (see screenshot below). If you have any problems sending your application successfully, please contact
Please note that you will not receive any further confirmation of admission to the TUM Test Power Engineering at this stage.
If you would like to take the TUM test "off campus" (e.g. from home), an additional paid ($25) registration with Proctorio is required. This paid Proctorio registration takes place during participation in the mandatory TUM Test Power Engineering trial run.
If you would like to take the TUM test "on campus" at a TUM location, you must notify us via email to
Full registration for the TUM Test is ensured when the mandatory Trial run has been successfully completed.
Access data
Access data for the TUM Test Power Engineering (including the trial run) will be provided by email one week before the TUM Test Power Engineering. Please make sure to check your email account including the SPAM folder regularly for incoming emails from us during this period.
Proctored online single-choice test, based on the Moodle platform
45 min
The TUM Power Engineering test covers the three subject areas mathematics, electrical engineering and mechanical engineering. The exam will be about basic knowledge in these three areas, which should have been taught as part of your previous studies. To prepare for the test, we therefore recommend that you repeat and refresh your knowledge of the basics in these three subject areas from your previous studies.
Please understand that we cannot provide any further information on the content of the test.
Option 1: Non-TUM location ("from home")
Software-assisted supervision (Proctorio)
- Proctorio user fee: 25 $
Option 2: TUM location ("on campus")
- Room:
0002, Seminarraum (5414.EG.002)
- Room:
- Human supervision
- Human supervision
- To participate in the TUM Test Power Engineering (both for the "from home" and "on campus" option) you have to provide and use your own computer that meets these requirements.
- Browser: Chrome, Edge, Brave
- Proctorio supervision plugin
- For the "from home" option: webcam (built-in or external) and microphone (built-in or external).
Trial run & Payment
It is obligatory to perform the trial run in time several days before the TUM Test. The "real" exam is only visible and accessable for you after you have taken the DEMO exam. Please study also carefully the demo video and info pages provided in your TUM Test Power Engineering Moodle account. Please use exactly the same technical equipment (e.g. computer, browser, microphone, camera) and room environment that you will have at the TUM Test. Also, the trial run is when you pay the $25 registration fee for Proctorio.
A few days after the TUM Test Power Engineering you can download a confirmation of participation together with the test result. If you want to apply for the M.Sc. Power Engineerint, you have to upload this certificate as one of the documents in your TUMonline application account.
ZOOM Emergency Hotline
Meeting-ID: 637 1898 5418
Code: TUMPE2025
Emergency Phone
(Only, if ZOOM option is not available)
+49 89 289 24273
Required documents
Please note: If you do not have all documents available yet (e.g. VPD), you can still prepare and submit the application via TUMonline and add the missing documents in TUMonline up until the application deadline.
For details on documents to be submitted, please refer to the information in the TUMonline application portal, as well as to the Glossary of Documents
Below you will find additional information on these documents.
TUM Test Power Engineering Certificate
Applicants for the Master's program in Power Engineering who have obtained their Bachelor's degree in a country outside the scope of the “Lisbon Convention” must provide evidence of successful participation in a TUM Test Power Engineering.
Please note: The deciding factor is the country in which you obtained your Bachelor's degree and not your nationality as a person.
Please note: In the TUM application portal, you will be asked to upload a "Notification of successful of successful participation in the TUM Test Power Engineering with min. score of 33 points". However, 33 points is only a formally required minimum score for your application to be accepted. In the subsequent aptitude assessment based on the test result, a minimum score of 39 points is required in order to be classed as suitable for the degree program.
APS certificate ("Certificate of the Academic Evaluation Center")
Please check here if you need to provide an APS certificate. The APS certificate is required to apply for the VPD.
VPD ("Vorprüfungsdokumentation") - Preliminary Record Examination for foreign applicants
All applicants with an entrance qualification that was not obtained at a German university need to have their documents processed by uni-assist. This also applies to entrance qualifications obtained in EU/EEA countries. Uni-assist generates a preliminary record examination (VPD), which determines whether applicants qualify for postgraduate studies in Germany.
You must submit a VPD that was issued specifically for your application to TUM. A VPD issued for an application at another German university will not be accepted for your application at TUM. However, if you wish to apply for more than one degree program at TUM, it is sufficient to apply for one TUM-specific VPD.
Your VPD will be accepted at TUM for an unlimited period of time as long as there have been no changes to the Master's entrance qualification.
If the undergraduate program has not been completed at the time of application for MSC-PE, the VPD will be based on coursework received to that point.
To apply for the VPD, please submit your documents to uni-assist e.V within the relevant application period. Please be sure to send your VPD to TUM as soon as you receive it.
More information on the VPD you will find here.
Please note:
- Verification of your documents with uni-assist does not qualify as an application for TUM. You will need to apply to TUM via TUMonline before the relevant application deadline.
- If you have questions about applying for a VPD, please contact uni-assist directly. We cannot provide this information as uni-assist is a separate institution from TUM.
- If the selection option for the appropriate winter semester does not yet exist in the UniAssist application portal, please select the option for the previous summer semester.
Curriculum Vitae
Include an up-to-date (!) version of your CV in table form. Make sure, your education, projects, and professional experience are clearly stated. The length of the CV should not exceed two (maximum three!) pages.
Transcript of Records
It is not required that you have fully completed your previous degree at the time you apply for MSC-PE. However, you must have earned at least 150 credits in your previous degree program. Please submit your latest transcript of records. Your overall grade (CGPA) and the grading system should be clearly visible.
This document must be upload as an authenticated copy. See the main page of the application requirements for details.
If the original document was not issued in German or English, you have to upload an authenticated copy of the translated document (to German or English) as well. However, it is not sufficient to send the translation only.
Proof of Proficiency in the English Language
With regards to proof of English proficiency, please see the link below. Pay particular attention to the information "Verification of English Skills by Language of Instruction".
Proof of Proficiency in the German Language → Optional
During your studies you can acquire German language skills e.g. by attending lectures offered in German language or by taking a dedicated German language course at the TUM Language Center.
GRE (Graduate Record Examination) / GATE (Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering) / AWA (Analytical Writing Assessment) → All Optional
Copy of GRE / GATE / AWA certificates.
Crediting of Previous Academic Studies
The check of the creditability of moduls from your previous studies for MSC-PE can only be done after full enrollment at TUM, i.e. at the beginning of the first semester of your MSC-PE study. A preliminary check or crediting during your application phase is not possible.
Deferment of the start of studies / Reserving your spot
If you decide to postpone your study after sucessfull admission please please follow the guidelines here.
If admission to the Master's program in Power Engineering has been granted, it is valid for all subsequent applications for this program. According to the current status of the statutes, there is no time limit on the validity.
Please note:
- You will not be automatically readmitted for next year's study programs. You must become active yourself and create a new application in the application portal again, taking into account the deadlines. To do this, please resubmit last year's application documents with an updated CV. However, you do not have to go through the whole aptitude assessment again. The admission requirements are still fulfilled. If the application portal asks you to upload a document "Notification of successful participation in a TUM Test Power Engineering", please upload your admission letter instead.
- Deferment is only possible for a full year, not for only one semester.
We recommend applying as early as possible (preferably as early as January of the corresponding year). This will give you enough time to prepare for your trip to Germany.
In this context, we would like to inform you that TUM plans to introduce tuition fees for international students as of winter semester 24/25. Unfortunately, we do not have any detailed information about this at the moment. It is expected that you will find all information about this on our website from fall 23:
And one more note: We do not recommend enrolling for a semester in which you cannot arrive in time for the start of classes. The majority of courses in the program, as well as almost all exams, require your presence on-site. In addition, taking certain exams is mandatory starting in your 1st semester. If you cannot be on-site during your first semester, it may jeopardize your academic success. You can find more information here: under "Study Progress Monitoring".
Visa Matters
Unfortunately, we cannot influence individually the processes of issuing visas by the local German embassies. We are also unable to communicate with the responsible embassies in this regard. This is the sole responsibility of the embassies. Please have understanding for this.
However, we refer to the regularly held TUM info sessions Visa and Residence Permit. Further information you can find here.
Furthermore, it is possible to apply for a "Prospective Student Visa" even without admission. This means that the applicant do not have to wait for admission to apply for a visa. The "Prospective Student Visa" is valid for three months and gives study applicants the opportunity to meet the requirements for admission. If the time is not sufficient, the period of stay can be extended thereafter for a maximum of another six months. Once students have been granted admission, they can then apply directly for a residence permit for study purposes.
At this point we explicitly refer to the Disclaimer.
Grade Converter
This grade conversion tool, together with your degree program’s Academic and Examination Regulations (FPSO), is a tool to help you convert grades earned in countries other than Germany, based on the “modified Bavarian formula":
- Nmax = Maximum grade of the foreign grading scale
- Nmin = Minimum passing grade of the foreign grading scale
- Nd = Grade obtained abroad
- Z = Grade value sought in the German grading system
Enter the maximum grade, the minimum grade, and your grade obtained in the system used at your university.
The result is your respective grade in the German system. The grades represent the following assessments of the examination performances:
- – 1.5 “very good”: excellent performance
- 1.6 – 2.5 “good”: performance well above average
- 2.6 – 3.5 “satisfactory”: average performance
- 3.6 – 4.0 “sufficient”: performance meets the standards in spite of deficiencies
- From 4.1 “fail”: performance does not meet the standards because of substantial deficiencies
Please note: This tool is only intended to provide a first orientation and the results are in no way binding.
Further Information
We also refer to the information under the following links
- TUM homepage: Power Engineering
- ED wiki: Starting your studies – M.Sc. PE
- ED wiki: "News" on the page Students – M.Sc. PE.
The information on these wiki pages is provided for orientation purposes. No legal claims can be derived from incorrect statements. Only the corresponding official documents (e.g. APSO, FPSO) are legally binding.