In this manual we show you how to customize your desktop, create Favorites and group them in folders, show and hide applications and filter the list of applications.

The desktop is the entry page of TUMonline and serves as a central hub for all your tasks related to your studies.

Click on the home button to get right back to the desktop (Home) from any application.


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Access your desktop

Please log in to TUMonline.

Screenshot: TUMonline desktop

Customize your desktop

By clicking on the icons shown below you can switch between grid view and list view:

Screenshot: Desktop in grid view with icons for switching the view type

Create Favorites

You can add frequently used applications to your Favorites for quick access from your desktop.

Select an application.

Click on the star icon or open the context menu (three dots).

Screenshot: Add a Favorite

The application has been added to your Favorites. The star icon is now black.

Group Favorites

You can also group your Favorites in folders.

Open the context menu (three dots) and select “Create New Folder”:

Screenshot: Create new folder

Enter a folder name and click on save.

You can find the newly created folder under Favorites.

Screenshot: New folder “Curriculum 1”

You can move any number of Favorites to the folder:

Screenshot: Move Favorite to folder

You can always rename folders or delete them:

Screenshot: Modify folder

Using the desktop

You can search the desktop, show or hide applications or filter the application list by title.


Click on the search button in order to search for staff, rooms or organizations.

Screenshot: Desktop search

Show and hide applications

Click on the button “Show only Favorites” in order to show only Favorites and hide all other applications.

Screenshot: Hide applications

By clicking on Show all applications all applications will be shown again.

Filter by application title

Click into the filter field and type in part of an application title in order to search the application list for one or more applications.

Screenshot: Filter by application title