In this manual we show you how to download your Certificate of Enrolment, MVV certificate and other important student documents.


Related topics

1. Log in to TUMonline

Please log in to TUMonline.

Click on the application “Documents”.

Screenshot: Application “Documents”

2. Print student documents

After opening the application “Documents”, all the available student documents are displayed.

Screenshot: Print student documents

The following documents are available:

  • Certificate of Enrolment for the current semester
  • Control section for the purchase or extension of a season ticket of the Munich public transportation network (MVV)
  • Academic Progress Certificate (if applicable)
  • Confirmation of tuition fee payments
  • Application for leave of absence (if applicable)
  • Application for exmatriculation (if applicable)
  • Social security certification (if applicable)

In addition to the documents listed above you may also find other documents like a confirmation of achievements or letters from the Student Management.

3. FAQ

I can't download my student documents – what can I do?

You can only download your student documents for the next semester if

  • you are enrolled or re-registered and
  • have paid your tuition fees in full.

Then you will see the application “Documents” in TUMonline.

If the application still does not appear or if you are experiencing difficulties downloading your documents, please contact and provide a detailed description of the problem.

My student documents contain incorrect information – what can I do?

If the information in your student documents is incorrect, please contact stating your full name, matriculation number and provide a detailed description of the problem.

My document (e.g. Certificate of Enrolment) is missing numbers or letters – why is that?

The problem only occurs if you use Mac OS and open the PDF file in the web browser. If you open the PDF document by right-clicking on the link, using the download manager or saving it in another operating system and opening the file with Adobe reader, no numbers or letters should be missing in the file.