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Multimodal Generative Models

Azade FarshadYeganeh, Y. M.

Linus Salzmann

Causal Generative Models

Azade FarshadYeganeh, Y. M.

Simoleit Cameron

Graph Diffusion Models

Azade FarshadYeganeh, Y. M.

UNG Jacques

Medical Image Reconstruction Using Diffusion Models

Shahrooz Faghihroohi 

Janina Schellenberg

Video Synthesis Using Diffusion Model

Shahrooz Faghihroohi 

Yugay Vasiliy

Handling Motion in Medical Imaging with Spatio-Temporal Generative Models

Magdalena Wysocki

Julien Schulz

Deformable Image Registration with Implicit Neural Representations

Magdalena Wysocki

Zhang Xingyu

Wavelet and Diffusion Models

Mohammad Farid Azampour 

Leonhard Zirus

Neural Implicit Representations for Medical Shapes

Magdalena Wysocki

Laura Leschke

Diffusion-based 3D Shape completion

Miruna-Alexandra Gafencu

Johannes Thyroff

Fine-tuning Large Language Models using Reinforcement Learning

David Bani-Harouni

Tomislav Pavković

Can a Neural Network learn Physiology?

Francesca De Benetti

Donna Hooft

3d reconstruction in context of medical applications

Agnieszka Tomczak 

Arpi Arustamyan

Fast diffusion models

Mohammad Farid Azampour 

Zhang Shihong

  • Keine Stichwörter