This video describes the setup of the Conversion model.

The Conversion VI can be divided into 7 parts:

  1. Read signals from the devices and creates arrays :
         Temperature - PT100, NI 9216
         Counter Signals, NI 9361
         other signals
         Analog Input, REM 11100
  2. Power Measurement of each phase from the PXI.
  3. Typedef with information regarding the connection of the modules and necessary information to calculate the SI signals
    The Connection_module typedef is created automatically, for more information check here
    When changing the "Connection_Cards" Cluster, include the name when changed at the end of the Cluster name!
  4. Additional Parameters of the house for calculating signals like SOC, Power, ...
  5. Conversation of input signals to SI signals
  6. Calculation of further signals
  7. Output of read and calculated signals for each module
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