Frameless Navigation

What different options are there for navigation in brain surgery? [28,29, 31,32]

What is the accuracy of frame based vs. frame less navigation? (try to find a more recent paper than [30]) [35]

Frameless radiosurgery [33]

Frameless stereotactic surgery [36] is based on fiducial to register pre-operative images to patient space. How to best place the fiducials? [37]

Non-invasive patient tracker - electromagnetic tracker based [38]

Intraoperative photograph showing the skull-mounted tracker (Stryker) before ... Image resource: Frameless and Maskless Stereotactic Navigation with a Skull-Mounted Tracker [34]



Surgical Simulators

Surgical training (education):

  • Systematic assessment of surgical simulation training in neurosurgical context has been conducted by [21]; Cadaver, physical and haptic/computerized simulations all improved students' skills, but computer based simulations gave the least benefit for them (63.8%). Are there other studies supporting or refuting this?
  • AR and VR for surgical training [9]

Surgical Rehearsal Platforms:

  • Pre-operative imaging is used for presurgical planning and rehearsal for example in Dextroscope - measurable benefit due to interpatient variability [24]
  • Specific example for brain tumor surgery? [25, 26]

What parts does a simulator usually include? [22,24]

  • Volume rendering / graphics - algorithms for creating and displaying 3D anatomical models
  • Model response / tissue deformation - 3D models need to react to user interaction
  • Haptics - usually transmitted to the user through an external haptic interface

Model building

  • (non algorithmic) patient specific and/or in larger amounts - 3D printing with multiple materials [23]
  • (algorithmic) anatomical modeling of geometry, visual appearance and biomechanical behaviour of anatomy and tissue [24]

Examples for simulators:

  • NeuroTouch / NeuroVR [26]
  • Patient specific simulator like in other disciplines [27] available?


EDEN2020 is an EU funded project that combines a lot of these technical aspects. Core features include:

  • develop a stearable catheter
  • robotic control of stearable catheter
  • measure brainshift with high accuracy and precision
  • Computational fluid dynamics

  • Mechanical modelling of brain tissue

What else? Are there other (EU) projects to boost technological evolution?


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[14] Madhavan, Karthik, et al. "Augmented-reality integrated robotics in neurosurgery: are we there yet?." Neurosurgical Focus 42.5 (2017): E3.

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[23] Waran, Vicknes, et al. "Utility of multimaterial 3D printers in creating models with pathological entities to enhance the training experience of neurosurgeons: technical note." Journal of neurosurgery 120.2 (2014): 489-492.

[24] Chan, Sonny, et al. "Virtual reality simulation in neurosurgery: technologies and evolution." Neurosurgery 72 (2013): A154-A164.

[25] Azarnoush, Hamed, et al. "Neurosurgical virtual reality simulation metrics to assess psychomotor skills during brain tumor resection." International journal of computer assisted radiology and surgery 10.5 (2015): 603-618.

[26] Delorme, Sébastien, et al. "NeuroTouch: a physics-based virtual simulator for cranial microneurosurgery training." Neurosurgery 71 (2012): ons32-ons42.

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[31] Safaee, Michael, John Burke, and Michael W. McDermott. "Techniques for the Application of Stereotactic Head Frames Based on a 25-Year Experience." Cureus 8.3 (2016).


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[34] Fanous, Andrew A., et al. "Frameless and Maskless Stereotactic Navigation with a Skull-Mounted Tracker." World Neurosurgery (2017).

[35] Bardon, J., et al. "EP 46. Accuracy of deep brain stimulation electrodes placement using frameless system–Nexframe©." Clinical Neurophysiology 127.9 (2016): e195.

[36] White, Tim, et al. "Frameless Stereotactic Insertion of Viewsite Brain Access System with Microscope-Mounted Tracking Device for Resection of Deep Brain Lesions: Technical Report." Cureus 9.2 (2017).

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  • Keine Stichwörter