Neurons and Glia Cells [3]
There are many different types of neurons, each is specialized for a specific task.
Neurons consist of a cell body – called soma – and a nucleus that lies inside. There are two types of processes (outgrowths of tissue from a larger body) at each neuron: dendrites and the axon. Multiple input signals are transported along the dendrites, but only one output signal is sent through the axon. At the end of the axon there is the terminal and at the terminal – as well as sometimes along the axon – there are junctions to the dendrites of other neurons. These junctions are called synapses. At the junction there is a gap between the terminal and the dendrite, signals can pass through this gap by usage of neurotransmitters. Neurotransmitters are chemical substances that transport signals between neurons or between a neuron and a muscle. [4]
Glia Cells
Glia Cells outnumber neurons by 10 to 1, they do neither posses axons nor synapses. There are two types of neuroglia: astrocytes and oligodendrocytes. Astrocytes are star-shaped, oligodendrocytes are much denser and rounder.
Glia cells were originally thought to be only structural support. Nowadays more functions are known, e.g. they fill up empty spaces after injuries and their processes lead new neurons to their final position in the brain. [5]
Brain regions
The outer brain can be separated into three main parts: the cerebrum, the cerebellum and the brain stem. The inner brain is mainly included in the limbic system. For more general and precise explications it is easier to use the three anatomical regions of the human brain, though: the forebrain, the midbrain and the hindbrain. The four main parts of the brain belong entirely or partially to these three regions, but the regions do not only contain neuronal mass, but also the ventricles and some nerves: [6] [7] [8]
- The forebrain consists of the diencephalon and the telencephalon. The diencephalon is most of the inner part of the brain, the telencephalon is the outer part of the brain. The biggest part of the telencephalon is the cerebrum.
- The midbrain is between forebrain and hindbrain and belongs to the upper part of the brain stem.
- The hindbrain consists of the myelencephalon and the metencephalon. The myelencephalon is the same as the medulla oblongata, which is the lower part of the brain stem. The metencephalon consists of the pons – which is the middle part of the brain stem –, the cerebellum and the fourth ventricle (cp. fig. 9).
The cerebrum is divided into lobes. The frontal lobe is responsible for movement, planning, personality and intelligence. Movement is controlled by the motor cortex at the back of the frontal lobe (cp fig.5 and motor strip, cp. fig. 4). The parietal lobe is located behind the frontal lobe, the somatosensory cortex is located at its front. It is used for physical perception (i.e. touch). The temporal lobe is at the side of the brain. The upper part is the auditory cortex, which is responsible for hearing. The occipital lobe is at the back of the brain, at the back of the occipital lobe the visual cortex is located (cp. fig. 4 and fig. 5).
Non-specialized areas of the brain are called the association corteces. They create a connection between sensory and motor cortices. Probably these cortices are for reasoning and memorizing.
Speech cognition is done in the left hemisphere of the brain, specifically in Wernicke’s area (upper right part of the auditory cortex, cp. fig. 4 and fig. 5) and Broca’s area (in the left of the frontal lobe, cp. fig 4 and fig 5). Wernicke’s area is for speech understanding, whereas Broca’s area is for speech production.
Figure 4: lobes of the cerebrum, cerebellum and brain hemispheres [1]
Limbic System
The limbic system is a group of structures mainly beneath the cerebrum – but some parts of the cerebrum are also considered to be part of the limbic system –, which lies on both sides of the thalamus and surrounds the basal ganglia (cp. fig. 6 and fig. 8). It partly belongs to the diencephalon and the telencephalon. It is the main brain structure for emotions and is related to the function of memory, too. The hypothalamus, the hippocampus and the amygdala are its most important parts (cp. fig. 6).
The hypothalamus is one of the most active brain areas. Its functions are hunger, thirst, pain, pleasure, sexual satisfaction, anger and several others, too. Many of these functions are executed via the release of hormones by the petuitary gland. In addition, the hypothalamus is the main control of the autonomous nerve system.
The hippocampus converts short-term-memories into long-term-memories.
The amygdala enables decision-making and controls aggression. Furthermore, the olfactory bulb – which is responsible for smelling – is mainly connected to the amygdala. [10]
The cingulate gyrus lies above the corpus callosum (the latter is not shown in fig. 6) and the basal ganglia. Its exact functions are not understood, but it contributes to emotion, cognition and motor functions. [15] The fornix, the dentate gyrus and the parahippocampal gyrus are additional elements of the limbic system. The cingulate gyrus and the parahippocampal gyrus are part of the cerebrum, but are considered part of the limbic system, too.[13]
Figure 6: the limbic system and surrounding structures [12]
Video 1: explanation of the limbic system in 60 s [14]
Important structures of the forebrain that are neither part of the cerebrum, nor the limbic system
There are several strucutres of the forebrain that are neither part of the cerebrum, nor the limbic system. The thalamus and the basal ganglia are two important structures that belong to this group.
The thalamus lies above the brain stem and on both sides of the third ventricle (cp. fig. 6 and fig. 9). It regulates and translates neural impulses to the cerebrum, there they are experienced as touch, pain and temperature. In addition, it transmits information into the limbic system. [16]
The basal ganglia lies above the hypothalamus, hippocampus and amygdala and lies beneath the cingulate gyrus (cp. fig 6). It mainly consists of the caudate nucleus and the globus pallidus. The globus pallidus is surrounded by the putamen. [11] Movement decisions, repetitive behaviors, reward experiences and focusing attention is its function. [10]
Cerebrospinal Fluid System
The ventricles produce cerebrospinal fluid and are hollow cavities in the brain. The fluid flows from the ventricles through canals into the subarachnoid space (cp. fig. 9). Being in the subarachnoid space, the fluid protects the brain within the skull and is continously replaced by the ventricles. If fluid production and absortion is disbalanced, the ventricles and the the cisterna can enlarge, which is a specific disease pattern.
The lateral ventricles are beneath the corpus callosum (cp. fig. 8), the third ventricle is above the brain stem and between the thalamus. The lateral ventricles are connected to the third ventricle by the foramen of Monro. The fourth ventricle is within the pons and in the upper part of the medulla. It is connected to the lateral ventricles by the aqueduct of Sylvius. Cerebrospinal fluid can flow from the fourth ventricle into the cisterna magna, which is a bigger storage area for the fluid. (cp. fig. 9). [1]
2 Kommentare
Unbekannter Benutzer (ga75gov) sagt:
16. Mai 2017I like that you are using many pictures. The compactness of the facts is another thing I like as a slow and unmotivated reader . Unfortunately there are many headings with no content. There's also no bibliography. The last thing I saw is the repetition of a sentence (the pia mater is in direct contact to the spinal chord and brain) in the anatomy part. I hope I was not too mean. Maybe you could also add some links between your own pages, but that's not the most important.
Unbekannter Benutzer (ga39tec) sagt:
17. Mai 2017Thank you for your comment. There were some time-schedule issues with this article, therefore it would be great if you could give it another read today (maybe even before the seminar starts ). Please have a look into tumor symptoms, too.
For the next seminar theme, we are surely going to add a bibliography.