Note: The information below only provides guidelines and does not fully reflect the complexities of labor law. Hence, they can only provide an estimate, but no reliable statement about your future salary.

The salaries at TUM are defined by the labor agreement for public service of German states (Tarifvertrag für den Öffentlichen Dienst der Länder, TV-L). Scientific personnel is usually payed by class E13, in special cases (e.g. Post-Docs bringing their own project) it can go up to class E14 or E15 if it involves managerial duties of scientific staff.

On top of the class the salary is determined by the experience level. The entry level will be calculated by TUMs HR department by summing up all relevant experiences from the employees CVs.

Experience Level123456
Required Years of Experience01361015

A detailed list of the salary level and a tax calculator can be found at

The net income depends on the employees tax class:

Tax ClassDescription
IThose single or separated, but not falling into either category II or III.
IISingle and separated, with a child, entitling them to a child's allowance.
III“Married”, or “widowed employees who are within the first year of a spouse's death”
IVMarried employees both of whom receive income
VMarried persons who would normally fall into category IV, but whose spouse is in tax class III.
VIEmployees who receive income from other employment on other, or several different tax cards (Lohnsteuerkarte).

Information on how to retrieve a German tax number can be found in the guide for new employees.

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