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2. Event Selection

Please click on the name of an event to get detailed information about its content.

Are you considering if a doctorate could be the right thing for you? Would you like to learn more about the different paths to a doctorate, how to approach the subject and how you can apply?

All master students of TUM and from other universities are cordially invited to join this event.

TUM Graduate Dean Prof. Hans-Joachim Bungartz presents the unique TUM-model and the TUM Graduate School as central service institution for doctoral candidates.

A tenure track Professor and an Alumnus from the International Graduate School of Science and Engineering (IGSSE) will talk about their personal career, and the team from the TUM Graduate School will be present to answer your questions. Representatives from different Graduate Centers will give you an insight into the particularities and the research culture of their department.

There is more to scientific practice than citing correctly. The daily challenges of a scientific researcher are very different from those a student might face.

Especially at the beginning of the dissertation a lot of questions might pop up:

  • How can I actively shape the working- and supervision relationship with my supervisor?
  • How do I work together with colleagues at my department and internationally?
  • Which are my duties and rights during the dissertation besides my research (e.g. obligation of teaching)?
  • How do I supervise Bachelor and Master theses?
  • What’s more important? Publishing scientific articles or my dissertation?
  • Are there clear rules that can be followed to ensure the functioning of scientific practice and what do those rules look like in the respective research areas? 

These questions and similar points will be discussed in this workshop. You will gain an overview of the basics of scientific practice during the dissertation. The workshop will be held by graduate representatives from different departments.

How can I finance my doctorate at a German university? How to find a topic and a supervisor?

In this seminar, participants will learn about the history, structure and peculiarities of the German system of higher education. We will have a look at the German research landscape with its many universities and research institutes and discuss how current university reforms affect PhD supervision.

Building on this wider context, the second part of the seminar introduces several ways of funding a doctorate in Germany. We will discuss the implications of scholarships and employment contracts, and participants will learn how the type of funding affects their everyday work and the relation to their supervisor and to the university in general.

Sorry! All events are fully booked. Please check our website regularly for new dates and events.

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Please let us know if you have any additional comments or questions regarding the PreDoc program.

With your permission, your data will be collected, processed, and used for the following purposes:

  • Registration for the TUM Graduate School & TUM.Family Summer Party

Your personal data will be collected, processed, and used in the context of the aforementioned objectives in accordance with the Bavarian Data Protection Act (BayDSG).

The collection, processing, and use of your data take place on a voluntary basis.Furthermore, you can revoke your consent at any time without any adverse consequences.

Please send any notice of cancellation to: Technische Universität München, Boltzmannstraße 17, 85748 Garching; E-Mail: international@gs.tum.de

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TUM Graduate School

Technische Universität München

Boltzmannstraße 17
85748 Garching

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