erstellt von Elisabeth Zellmer – Stand: Dezember 2021

Name of ProgramWho applies? / Awarded toWhat is the program aboutWebHuman ressources fundingMaterial ressources fundingTravel fundingPubli-cation fundingGuest fundingFamily & diversity fundingMax. durationMax. fundingDeadlines, callsContact Person
Bridge Financing GrantStudents (TUM, graduated from TUM Master's program)Financial support between start of academic research work immediately after master’s degree and when actual doctoral financing (Stipend)nonononoyes
150 Euros per month/per child
3 MonthsEUR 1,000 per month / max. EUR 3,000 application twice a year: until 30 June (grant starting in fall/winter) and 31 January (grant starting in spring/summer)TUM Graduate School
Ms Zizheng Zhang
TUM-GS Internationalization SupportDoctoral candidates (TUM, internal)Support for spending time abroad. Reimbursement of travel expenses in accordance with the Bavarian Travel Expense Act (BayRKG) research stays up to 4 weeksEUR 1,600 + EUR 1,400 
TUM Graduate School
Ms Zizheng Zhang
TUM GS Internationalization GrantDoctoral candidates (TUM, external)Internationalization funding for doctoral candidates who are excellent in their disciplines, and who are neither employed at TUM, nor do receive a traditional scholarship, fellowship or grant for their doctoral studies. informationmax. EUR 1,6001. quarter – March 15
2. quarter – June 15
3. quarter – September 15
4. quarter – December 15 
TUM Graduate School
Ms Zizheng Zhang
Partnership Mobility GrantDoctoral candidates (TUM)Support for international networking and subject-specific dialogue among doctoral candidates with strategic partner universities. TUM-GS members can apply for travel expenses to attend subject-specific courses, summer schools, workshops and similar events and/or for longer stays for research purposes at partner universities within the scope of the EuroTech and GlobalTech Universities Alliance and with a number of other partner universities. informationup to EUR 500 for travel within Europe
up to EUR 1,000 for travel outside Europe 
at least 4 weeks prior to activityTUM Graduate School
Ms Zizheng Zhang
Diversity Supplement Travel GrantDoctoral candidates (TUM)Support for subject-specific stays abroad by doctoral candidates with family obligations and/or special health/other needs. Doctoral candidates who face significant additional costs when traveling due to physical disabilities or special needs or other special circumstances can also apply for this supplement. informationup to EUR 500 per trip for the travel expenses actually incurredat least 4 weeks prior to activityTUM Graduate School
Ms Zizheng Zhang
Initiative GrantDoctoral candidates (TUM)Support for organization of interdisciplinary workshops of doctoral candidates and similar events and for initiatives by doctoral candidates and social informationup to a maximum of EUR 2,000 per activity 
TUM Graduate School
Ms Zizheng Zhang
Degree Completion GrantDoctoral candidates (TUM)It supports doctoral candidates whose doctoral studies have been delayed due to pregnancy, parental leave, raising children, severe chronic disease/health problems, caring for family members or volunteer commitments. - 6 MonthsContract extention  EUR 1,200  per month x 3 months / EUR 600 - 1,200  per month x 6 monthsno later than 3 months before
the anticipated start date of the grant.
TUM Graduate School
Ms Zizheng Zhang
Emergency FundDoctoral candidates (TUM)helps doctoral candidates who unexpectedly find themselves in financial distress, through no fault of their own, and whose completion of the doctorate is severely threatened. 

TUM Graduate School
Ms Zizheng Zhang
Research Opportunities Week - TUM ROWPostdocs (not TUM, early career) Once a year TUM selects 50 young scientists from all over the world and invites them to the ROW in Munich. During this week, the participants have the opportunity to visit different research facilities at TUM, to meet Professors of their disciplines, to inform themselves about possible postdoc funding opportunities in Germany and to create a scientific week
Application period usually in
September & October
TUM ForTe / Talent Factory
Dr. Neele Meyer
Dr. Pauline Popp
Research Opportunities Week - TUM ROWDoctoral candidates (not TUM, advanced)Once a year TUM selects 50 young scientists from all over the world and invites them to the ROW in Munich. During this week, the participants have the opportunity to visit different research facilities at TUM, to meet Professors of their disciplines, to inform themselves about possible postdoc funding opportunities in Germany and to create a scientific week
Application period usually in
September & October
TUM ForTe / Talent Factory
Dr. Neele Meyer
Dr. Pauline Popp
TUM Global Postdoc FellowshipPostdocs (not TUM, early career) The fellowship aims at external international and German scientists who are currently conducting research abroad. Researchers currently residing in Germany and working at institutions other than TUM are also eligible to apply. Applicants must have completed their PhD within the last three years or must finish their dissertation within the next 12 months. The support from a TUM host is mandatory for the application. yearsstipend of 2 670 € per month
one additional kick-off flat rate of 430 €. Researchers living in the Munich metropolitan area receive an additional allowance of 350 € per month. It is also possible to apply for family benefits.

TUM Global Postdoc Fellowship is a co-financed fellowship. This means that the host needs to co-finance 20% of the fellowship costs
Annual call by TUM ForTETUM ForTe / Talent Factory
Dr. Neele Meyer
Dr. Pauline Popp
TUM Global Postdoc FellowshipDoctoral candidates (not TUM, advanced)The fellowship aims at external international and German scientists who are currently conducting research abroad. Researchers currently residing in Germany and working at institutions other than TUM are also eligible to apply. Applicants must have completed their PhD within the last three years or must finish their dissertation within the next 12 months. The support from a TUM host is mandatory for the application. yearsstipend of 2 670 € per month
one additional kick-off flat rate of 430 €. Researchers living in the Munich metropolitan area receive an additional allowance of 350 € per month. It is also possible to apply for family benefits.

TUM Global Postdoc Fellowship is a co-financed fellowship. This means that the host needs to co-finance 20% of the fellowship costs
Annual call by TUM ForTETUM ForTe / Talent Factory
Dr. Neele Meyer
Dr. Pauline Popp
Practical Research Experience ProgramStudents (from North America, not TUM)10-week summer program for excellent North American students weeksaround EUR 1,200 Application deadline usually in early December Sandra Lessing
+49 (89) 289 -  25159
Scholarships for International StudentsStudents (TUM, international)Scholarships for international students attending the TUM funded through budget resources from the Bavarian government time financial aid per one semesterone-time financial aid of EUR 500 to 1,500 per semesterfor summer semester: end of March
for winter semester:
end of September
TUM CST Scholarship Office
+49 89 289 28065, -28067
Oskar Karl Forster Scholarship for Books and Learning Materials Students (TUM)Financial aid for books and learning materials for students with university entrance certificates from Germany and students with non-German university entrance certificates who are entitled to BAföG assistance
EUR 100 to 500 Application deadline usually in MarchTUM CST Scholarship Office
+49 89 289 28065, -28067
Oskar Karl Forster ScholarshipDoctoral candidates
Financial aid to help cover dissertation printing costs for students with university entrance certificates from Germany and students with university entrance certificates from abroad who are entitled to BAföG
EUR 100 to 500 max. 1 month after the dissertation has been printedTUM CST Scholarship Office
+49 89 289 28065, -28067
Forschungsförderung Leonhard-Lorenz-Stiftung  Doctoral candidates (TUM)Support of academic research at TUM, special consideration of young academics
Conference visits up to EUR 1,500  / Research projects up to EUR 5,000 Application deadline usually in OctoberKuratorium der Dr.-Ing. Leonhard-Lorenz-Stiftung
Prof. Dr. Johann Plank

Forschungsförderung Leonhard-Lorenz-Stiftung  Postdocs (TUM)Support of academic research at TUM, special consideration of young academics
Conference visits up to EUR 1,500  / Research projects up to EUR 5,000 Application deadline usually in OctoberKuratorium der Dr.-Ing. Leonhard-Lorenz-Stiftung
Prof. Dr. Johann Plank

Graduation ScholarshipStudents (TUM, international)Registered international students with the aim of completing a degree.
EUR 750 - 1,500 (payment in three installments)Application deadline usually in JuliTUM CST Scholarship Office
+49 89 289 28065, -28067
Carl von Linde Senior FellowshipProfessors (TUM)Active TUM faculty members with a distinguished track record in research who intend to develop innovative, high-risk topics in their scientific research areas, if possible within a trans-disciplinary team, are eligible to become Carl von Linde Senior Fellows. Carl von Linde Senior Fellows should be well-established within the TUM network with at least three years of experience as a TUM professor. yearup to EUR 50,000  for research-related costsPublished once a year on the TUM-IAS website.
Rudolf Mößbauer Tenure Track ProfessorshipProfessors (not TUM)TUM-IAS Fellows are expected to develop independent and vigorous programs, including the acquisition of research funds and the societal positioning of their fields. Besides the development of their research, Fellows are expected to participate in TUM-IAS programs and organize activities in order to contribute to the intellectual life of the Institute and the university. Furthermore, candidates should be committed to excellence in undergraduate/graduate teaching and in supervising PhD candidates, although the emphasis of the professorship lies in the creative development of the proposed new field of science and/or technology. year6-year Fellowship, TTAP Position (W pay scale, initially W2)
Academic career options: from a permanent position as Assoc. Professor  to Full Professor
EUR 150,000 expense account for research support
Published once a year on the TUM-IAS website.
Rudolf Mößbauer Tenure Track ProfessorshipPostdocs (not TUM)TUM-IAS Fellows are expected to develop independent and vigorous programs, including the acquisition of research funds and the societal positioning of their fields. Fellows are expected to participate in TUM-IAS programs and organize activities in order to contribute to the intellectual life of the Institute and the university. Candidates should be committed to excellence in undergraduate/graduate teaching and in supervising PhD candidates, although the emphasis of the professorship lies in the creative development of the proposed new field of science and/or technology. year6-year Fellowship in the position of TTAP (salary accordung to the W pay scale, initially W2)
Academic career options: from a permanent position as Associate Professor on to Full Professor
EUR 150,000 expense account for research support
Published once a year on the TUM-IAS website.
Hans Fischer FellowshipProfessors (not TUM)  - TUM Deans, EHP, IAS Board can nominateFunding for outstanding early-career (doctorate completed within the past 12 years) international scientists who intend to explore innovative, high-risk topics in their scientific research areas together with a TUM Research Group. The nominee and planned TUM‑IAS Host should submit a joint proposal. Fellowship (with a planned residence at TUM of ca. 9 months within this period)Award of EUR 30,000 EUR 50,000 for travel, housing, and research-related costs + support of 1 doc candidate (75%)Published once a year on the TUM-IAS website.
Hans Fischer FellowshipPostdocs (not TUM) -  TUM Deans, EHP, IAS Board can nominateFunding for outstanding early-career (doctorate completed within the past 12 years) international scientists who intend to explore innovative, high-risk topics in their scientific research areas together with a TUM Research Group. The nominee and planned TUM‑IAS Host should submit a joint proposal. Fellowship (with a planned residence at TUM of ca. 9 months within this period)EUR 30,000 plus EUR 50,000 Euros for travel, housing, and research-related costs + support of 1 doc candidate (75%)Published once a year on the TUM-IAS website.
Rudolf Diesel Industry FellowshipResearchers (Industry) - TUM Deans, EHP, IAS Board can nominatePurposes to enhance collaboration and knowledge-sharing between research units at TUM and company research laboratories. To increase international collaboration, TUM-IAS especially welcomes applications from companies from outside Germany. funding for Fellows with family responsibilities (for example for childcare/school fees), additional administrative support3 year fellowshipResearch fund (up to EUR 20.000), flexible, depending on the specific needs of the projects + support of 1 doc candidatePublished once a year on the TUM-IAS website.
Hans Fischer Senior FellowshipProfessors (not TUM)  - TUM Deans, EHP, IAS Board can nominateFunding for outstanding international scientists who intend to explore innovative, high-risk topics in their scientific research areas together with a TUM Research Group. The nominee and the planned TUM-IAS Host should submit a joint proposal. funding for Fellows with family responsibilities (for example for childcare/school fees), additional administrative support3-year Fellowship (with a planned residence at TUM of ca. 9 months within this period)Award of EUR 60,000 plus EUR 50,000 for travel, housing and research related costs, such as the organization of workshops etc. A further EUR 50,000 can be allocated to the Fellowship if required.
+ support of 1 doc candidate (75%)
Published once a year on the TUM-IAS website.
Hans Fischer Senior FellowshipPostdocs (not TUM)  - TUM Deans, EHP, IAS Board can nominateOutstanding international scientists who intend to explore innovative, high-risk topics in their scientific research areas together with a TUM Research Group are eligible for a TUM-IAS Hans Fischer Senior Fellowship. The nominee and the planned TUM-IAS Host should submit a joint proposal.
3-year Fellowship (with a planned residence at TUM of ca. 9 months within this period)Award of EUR 60,000 plus EUR 50,000 for travel, housing and research related costs, such as the organization of workshops etc. A further EUR 50,000 can be allocated to the Fellowship if required.
+ support of 1 doc candidate (75%)
Published once a year on the TUM-IAS website.
Anna Boyksen FellowshipProfessors (not TUM) - nominee: TUM HostFunding for outstanding scientists from outside TUM who intend to explore gender- and diversity-relevant problems with regard to the natural and engineering sciences together with a TUM research group. The proposal is to be submitted jointly by the nominee and the planned TUM-IAS host.
2-year fellowship (with a planned residence at TUM of 3-6 months within this period)EUR 20,000, plus EUR 50,000 for travel, housing and research-related costs (depending length of stay)Any time
Anna Boyksen FellowshipPostdocs (not TUM) - nominee: TUM Host Funding for outstanding scientists from outside TUM who intend to explore gender- and diversity-relevant problems with regard to the natural and engineering sciences together with a TUM research group. The proposal is to be submitted jointly by the nominee and the planned TUM-IAS host.
2-year fellowship (with a planned residence at TUM of 3-6 months within this period)EUR 20,000, plus EUR 50,000 for travel, housing and research-related costs (depending length of stay)Any time
Albrecht Struppler FellowshipPostdocs (TUM, physicians  University Hospital Klinikum r.d. Isar)Aimed at  outstanding, high-potential early-career scientists who have already or will shortly receive their certification as medical specialist (Facharzt/ärztin) and who have already successfully secured third-party funding. The Fellowship offers a relief of up to 50% from clinical duties, which gives Fellows time to carry out a transdisciplinary research project in collaboration with scientists from a department/school different to the TUM School of Medicine.
3-year Fellowshipup to 50% of the Fellow’s salary (TV Ärzte Ä2/Ä3 + EUR 15.000 for consumables + support of 1 doc candidate (75%, 3yrs) or 1 postdoc (100%, 2 yrs) (cofunded by ME)

TUM Global Visiting Professor ProgramProfessors (TUM)   Joint research projects (new and ongoing)
  Preparation of research proposals for third party funding
  Activities to develop/foster research collaboration
  Research-orientated teaching in English.
  Exploring the possibility of a more long-term collaboration in the framework of a TUM-IAS Fellowship one week to three months

Travel to/from TUM,  accommodation, Travel during stay at TUM, teaching assignments, honorarium for public lecture, development costs for virtual cooperation/teaching formats.Usually: Call once a year with 4 deadlinesDominik Beisser
+49 (89) 289 - 25422

TUM Global Visiting Professor ProgramTUM Junior Fellows  Joint research projects (new and ongoing)
  Preparation of research proposals for third party funding
  Activities to develop/foster research collaboration
  Research-orientated teaching in English.
  Exploring the possibility of a more long-term collaboration in the framework of a TUM-IAS Fellowship one week to three months

Travel to/from TUM,  accommodation, Travel during stay at TUM, teaching assignments, honorarium for public lecture, development costs for virtual cooperation/teaching formats.Usually: Call once a year with 4 deadlinesDominik Beisser
+49 (89) 289 - 25422

Teaching in Europe with Erasmus+Staff (TUM)opportunity to simultaneously gain teaching and practical experience abroad at a European university days to no more than 60 days

includes at least 8 hrs of teaching per week at partner university
accommodation and travel expenses (according to EU regulations)Applications are possible all year round.Sarah Huber
+49 (89) 289 - 28678
Teaching in Europe with Erasmus+Doctoral candidates (TUM)opportunity to simultaneously gain teaching and practical experience abroad at a European university days to no more than 60 days

includes at least 8 hrs of teaching per week at partner university
accommodation and travel expenses (according to EU regulations)Applications are possible all year round.Sarah Huber
+49 (89) 289 – 28678

Teaching in Europe with Erasmus+Postdocs (TUM)opportunity to simultaneously gain teaching and practical experience abroad at a European university days to no more than 60 days

includes at least 8 hrs of teaching per week at partner university
accommodation and travel expenses (according to EU regulations)Applications are possible all year round.Sarah Huber
+49 (89) 289 – 28678
Teaching opportunities outside of Europe with Erasmus+Staff (TUM)opportunity to go abroad to teach in non-European countries. The “international dimension” of the program offers funding for stays at one of the participating partner universities worldwide least five days up to 2 weeksamount for individual support (activity days and usually two travel days) and support for travel expenses (according to EU regulations)December 15, 2021

please check website for future deadlines
Sarah Huber
+49 (89) 289 – 28678
Teaching opportunities outside of Europe with Erasmus+Doctoral candidates (TUM)opportunity to go abroad to teach in non-European countries. The “international dimension” of the program offers funding for stays at one of the participating partner universities worldwide least five days up to 2 weeksamount for individual support (activity days and usually two travel days) and support for travel expenses (according to EU regulations)December 15, 2021

please check website for future deadlines
Sarah Huber
+49 (89) 289 – 28678

Teaching opportunities outside of Europe with Erasmus+Postdocs (TUM)opportunity to go abroad to teach in non-European countries. The “international dimension” of the program offers funding for stays at one of the participating partner universities worldwide least five days up to 2 weeksamount for individual support (activity days and usually two travel days) and support for travel expenses (according to EU regulations)December 15, 2021

please check website for future deadlines
Sarah Huber
+49 (89) 289 – 28678

PROMOS (seminar papers and final theses)Students (TUM)supports students with grants for the completion of seminar papers and final theses in universities, companies and scientific institutes outside of Erasmus+ zone up to six months to 6 monthsMonth installments + travel cost supportApplication deadline usually June 1/ December 1 if your stay abroad will take place primarily after June 1/ December 1 (e.g. for stays abroad between April and September). Angelika Weindel
+49 (89) 289 - 25473
PROMOS (study and competition-related travel)Students (TUM, group) - application via TUM representative / lecturergrants for participation in subject-specific study and competition-related travel (group travel) to countries inside and outside Europe is available for travel with a maximum duration of 12 days.EUR 30 per day per participant within the EU

EUR 45 per day per participant outside the EU 

Angelika Weindel
+49 (89) 289 - 25473
PROMOS (TUMexchange applicants)Students (TUM, TUMexchange applicants)In terms of equal opportunities and diversity, participants in the TUMexchange program may also apply for PROMOS funding for stays from winter semester 2021/22 onwards. Personal and socio-economic criteria will have priority when selecting the scholarship holders. 

After acceptance of the TUMexchange place by the applicant, an e-mail with all information about the PROMOS application will be sent automatically Angelika Weindel
+49 (89) 289 - 25473
Study/work abroad grant (internships and Freemovers)Students (TUM)Internships as well as independently organized stays abroad outside of Erasmus-Zone to a maximum of six months. Funds will be paid for the actual duration of the stay. Includes travel cost support of up to EUR 1,000  in accordance with the travel cost allowances of the DAAD. In certain cases: monthly living cost support abroad in the amount of €300Last possible application usually in September, for stays abroad in the current year.Angelika Weindel
+49 (89) 289 - 25473
Erasmus+ ScholarshipsStudents (TUM)Grants provided for stays in chosen partner universities in- & outside of Europe.
3 programs
- Study abroad within Europe with Erasmus+ (    )
- Internships within Europe with Erasmus+ (
- Promoting equality and inclusion through Erasmus+ grants  (

Depending on program & country - check website
TUM without BordersStudents (TUM)Travel cost support is available from the TUM Global & Alumni Office for academic activities in developing countries.  nonoyesnonono
Travel costs up to EUR 1.000 for up to 3 personsApplications can be submitted continuously during the year until all the funds are used up. Early application recommended.Angelika Weindel
+49 (89) 289 - 25473
TUM without BordersStaff (TUM)Travel cost support is available from the TUM Global & Alumni Office for academic activities in developing countries. nonoyesnonono
Travel costs up to EUR 1.000 for up to 3 personsApplications can be submitted continuously during the year until all the funds are used up. Early application recommended.Angelika Weindel
+49 (89) 289 - 25473
Swiss-European Mobility ProgrammeStudents (TUM) Scholarship grants provided for studying abroad, internship or graduation theses as well as term papers  in Switzerland.
2 programs:
- Study in Switzerland (
- internship, graduation or term paper ( 

Susanna March
+49 (89) 289 - 25461

Dalma Alagha
+49 (89) 289 - 23260

Study stays worldwide with TUMexchangeStudents (TUM)offers B.A. and M.A. students of all fields the possibility for a study-related stay in the selected country outside Europe

Axel Gumann, B.A.
+49 (89) 289 - 22950

ATHENS Programme: Study one week in EuropeStudents (TUM)offers students and doctoral candidates of TUM the opportunity to stay abroad at 23 partner universities in Europe (e.g. ParisTech, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Delft University of Technology). Twice a year – in mid-March and mid-November – specialized courses take place at the same time at all ATHENS universities
Participation in the program is free of charge, but the costs for travel and accommodation have to be paid by student/doctoral candidate.
Susanna March
+49 (89) 289 - 25461
ATHENS Programme: Study one week in EuropeDoctoral Candidates (TUM)offers students and doctoral candidates of TUM the opportunity to stay abroad at 23 partner universities in Europe (e.g. ParisTech, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Delft University of Technology). Twice a year – in mid-March and mid-November – specialized courses take place at the same time at all ATHENS universities Nononononono
Participation in the program is free of charge, but the costs for travel and accommodation have to be paid by student/doctoral candidate.
Susanna March
+49 (89) 289 - 25461
Study virtually within the EuroTeQ networkStudents (TUM)Through a joint course catalogue, students of the EuroTeQ partners have the opportunity to attend virtual courses at the partner universities. TUM students can take courses at DTU, TU/e, L'X, Technion, TalTech and CTU – and also at TUM itself. Nonononononomaximum for each semester: 3 couresNo funding, but access to virtual couses @ EuroTeQ Universities
Frauke Schweinsberg-Denniger
+49 (89) 289 -  22582

Scholarships for International StudentsStudents (TUM, international)TUM awards scholarships for international students funded through budget resources from the Bavarian government. NonononononoReapplication for each semester possibleEUR 500 up to 1,500 per semester Ususally:
Oct for winter semester
March for summer semester
TUM Center for Study and Teaching
Scholarship Office
Tel +49 89 289 -28065, -28067
Graduation Scholarship Awarded by TUMStudents (TUM, international)As part of the DAAD STIBET I program, TUM awards the graduation scholarship from the Federal Foreign Office. nonononononoUsually in the semester before submittal of Bachelor or Master's thesis
e.g. July for submittal Sept-Dec
EUR 750 up to 1,500 (payment in three installments)
TUM Center for Study and Teaching
Scholarship Office
Tel +49 89 289 -28065, -28067
Maximilian Graf Montgelas FellowshipsStaff (TUM, administrative)offers administrative employees the opportunity to strengthen their international competence through stays abroad and exchanges with renowned partner institutions minimum of five days and a maximum of six weekstravel and accommodation expenses will be reimbursed in accordance with the Bavarian Travel Expenses ActPeriodic calls for applications are planned for the future.Dr. Daniel Holl
+49 (89) 289 - 25402
Montgelas WorkshopsStaff (TUM, administrative)In the Montgelas Workshops, colleagues from TUM and international partner universities exchange ideas on current topics in university administration nonononononoParticipation in Motgelas WorkshopParticipation in Motgelas WorkshopCheck website for upcoming eventsDr. Daniel Holl
+49 (89) 289 - 25402
Continuing education and training in Europe with Erasmus+ and EuroTeQStaff (TUM)Gives TUM employees the opportunity to pursue continuing education and training in other European countries. Erasmus+ offers programs in 32 countries – at universities, companies and other private institutions. Our partners in the EuroTeQ network have a special status in this regard. nonoyesnononoat least two days to no more than 60 days for Erasmus +

2-5 days + 2 travel days for EuroTeQ
travel and accommodation expenses will be reimbursed in accordance with the Bavarian Travel Expenses ActAny time Sarah Huber
+49 (89) 289 – 28678
Continuing education and training outside of Europe with Erasmus+Staff (TUM)gives TUM employees the opportunity to pursue continuing education and training in non-European countries. The international dimension of the program offers funding for stays at one of the participating partner universities worldwide. nonoyesnononoat least five days. Depending on the budget it may be possible to fund stays of two weekstravel and accommodation expenses will be reimbursed in accordance with the Bavarian Travel Expenses ActTUM G&A office publishes call every fall for the following 18 monthsSarah Huber
+49 (89) 289 – 28678
Global Incentive FundProfessors (TUM)supports the initiation and deepening of international relationships worldwide and in particular with selected partner universities informationTravel grants & accommodation (also for cooperation partner); Development costs of project specific virtual cooperation formats;
Workshop costs (catering, room rent, consumables, stationary, workshop material, etc.);
Salary for TUM-contracted research assistance & student assistance;
Honorarium for keynotes/public lectures
TUM G&A office publishes call usually twice a yearDominik Beisser
+49 89 289 25422 
Global Incentive FundTUM Junior Fellowssupports the initiation and deepening of international relationships worldwide and in particular with selected partner universities informationTravel grants & accommodation (also for cooperation partner); Development costs of project specific virtual cooperation formats;
Workshop costs (catering, room rent, consumables, stationary, workshop material, etc.);
Salary for TUM-contracted research assistance & student assistance;
Honorarium for keynotes/public lectures
TUM G&A office publishes call usually twice a yearDominik Beisser
+49 89 289 25422 
DeutschlandstipendiumStudents (TUM)A scholarship for young talents at TUM: Both TUM students and our partners in industry share in the benefits of the Deutschlandstipendium (National Scholarship Program). It enables talented students to tap their potential and puts our industry partners in contact with highly-qualified specialists and leaders of tomorrow early on monthsEUR 300 Application period usually in June & JulyTUM
+49 89 289-28064, -28067
IPT – International Project TeamsProfessors (TUM)
As of 2020, annual calls for IPT specifically target collaborations of TUM PIs with TUM's strong international partners. With this program, IGSSE aims at strengthening TUM's network around the globe, supporting international and interdisciplinary scientific collaboration across all of TUM’s disciplines.
IPTs consist of one principal investigator and two doctoral researchers each at TUM and at the international partner university. At TUM, one doctoral researcher is funded by IGSSE, while the other is funded by the TUM principal investigator through other channels. Additionally, a coordinating postdoc at TUM supports each team. yearsTUM Funds for IPT:
    1 doctoral scholarship per project for four years (2000 € per month stipend)
    Mobility funds for doctoral researchers (4000 € total)
    Funds for research stay aborad (4000 € total)
    Funds for student helpers (4000 € total)
    Direct project costs/consumables (4000 € total)
Annual call by IGSEETel: + 49 89 289 10632 
JADS – Joint Academy of Doctoral StudiesProfessors (TUM, ICL) for doctoral candidatesFlagship partnership program of TUM and Imperial College London
Each year, a call for project proposals on the selected topic is published at both TUM and ICL. Up to six collaborative research projects, with each individual project led by both an Imperial and a TUM supervisor and underpinned by two doctoral candidates (one from TUM and one from Imperial) as well as one postdoctoral researcher will be supported and form a cohort. yearsTUM Funds for JADS
1 doctoral scholarship per project (2.000 € per month stipend)
    Mobility funds for doctoral researchers (4.000 € total)
    Fund for research stay at ICL (4.000 €)
    Funds for student helpers (4.000 € total)
    Direct project costs/consumables (4.000 € total)
Annual call by IGSEEIsabelle Rittinghaus
+49 89 289 10612 
EIT Urban Mobility - Doctoral Training NetworkDoctoral candidates (TUM, + from particpating EIT Urban Mobility partner universities)As part of the EIT Urban Mobility's Academy, the new EIT Urban Mobility Doctoral Training Network is a collective of universities, academics, and doctoral candidates that seeks to promote innovation and entrepreneurship in the field of urban mobility based on the knowledge triangle education, research, and business. doctoral candidates with 2 or more years left before completing their dissertationEIT Urban Mobility provides funding for members to participate in EIT networking and training eventsBi-annual calls (starting May 2020)EIT Urban Mobility DTN Office
Corinna Niederreiter
+49 89 289 10607
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