It is possible, to send/receive data to/from the VeriStand project. This can be used for:
- Communication with an exernal logic
- HiL Data exchange
- Sending data from web pages to the VeriStand project
The loop runs at 10 Hz.
Communication with an external logic
When using the Python node, only Python 2.7 works!
HiL Data exchange
VeriStand has a custom device to exchange data between different targets via UDP. This works well for targets with a fixed IP (like PXIs and ICs), but not for the local host, where the IP depends on the PC that deploys the project.
Therefor, the data exchange between HiL models and the VeriStand targets runs through the VeriStand Interface in LabVIEW.
1) The user can select the modules, he wants to run with HiL. The 'fromLogic' setpoints for the selected modules will then be sent from the HiL model and cannot be changed by hand by the user.
2) Before starting the experiment, the user should choose the typeday (see Power Hardware in the Loop) and the initialization time for the experiment (time before the actual experiment). One can further select PHIL models where parameters should be changed.
3) The parameters can be changed similar to the "Parameters" (Parameter Definition) section.
In the VI '', the connection of the different district heating grid emulators are defined. If the connection varies from the standard connection, the values in the control and the naming of the HiL models should be updated
Sending data from web pages to the VeriStand project
Data from webpages (e.g. current air pressure or internal measurements of the CHPs) are used in some Conversion models.
The data is read in a separate, slower loop in order to prefent the whole communication loop to be delayed if a web page doesn't answer in time:
2 Kommentare
Unbekannter Benutzer (ge79biy) sagt:
20. September 2022For the first image explain briefly the section of the interface.
Daniel Zinsmeister sagt:
22. September 2022Better?