Kategorie: Verwalten
Ivonne Paulus-Lins (IHK Exportakademie)
This course is useful for:
Alle Mitarbeitende, die sich einen Einblick in die Exportkontrolle wünschen
Was Sie hier lernen können:
At the end, the participants are:
- sensitized to the concerns of export control
- and will be able to assess where export control should be consulted in their day-to-day work
What you can learn here:
Export control e.g. for:
- international research collaborations
- business trips
- Exports of scientific equipment
- Development of new technologies
- Recruitment of or cooperation with foreign guest scientists
These methods are used:
- presentation
- case study discussions
Where you can find further information:
BAFA Handbuch Exportkontrolle und Academia:
Target group: All TUM employees
Cost: 0 €
Course location: virtuell via zoom