Instructors: Prof. Dr. Nassir Navab,  Dr. Azade Farshad, Dr. Shahrooz Faghih Roohi, Yousef Yeganeh



  • The preliminary meeting is scheduled for July 9th, from 15:00 to 15:30.


  • The aim of the course is to provide the students with notions about various machine learning techniques. The course is mainly defined by a project.
    • The topics of the projects will be distributed at the beginning of the semester. Each topic will be supervised by a different person. The projects are to be realized by couples.

Course Structure

  • Presentation: 50% Intermediate and Final Presentation (Done by all tutors -- mainly on your presentation skill, progress so far compared to other groups ...etc.)
  • Project Progress: 50% Project Progress (Done by your tutor -- mainly on your weekly progress on lrz git repository.)




27/02/2025Final Presentation






Benchmark for Surgical Video GenerationYunan Li, Karim Elsharawy, Ahmed Eltawel, Anas Elnemr
Conditional Facial Image Generation and Evaluation via Compositional ProfilingYurui Zhang, Luca Mattes Wiehe, Marco Menzel, Emrah Toprak
Deep Learning-based Needle Detection in UltrasoundJiamei Guo, Zhehao DUAN, Maria Christine Neiiendam

Investigating Patients with Rare Diseases Using Graph-Based Models and LLMs

Kamilia Zaripova Kai-Ze Deng, Büşra Nur Zeybek, Tuna Karacan, Fengyuan Liu
Multimodal Learning for Surgical Outcome Prediction

Halil Ibrahim Canakkaleli, Valentin Biller, Huiyu Chen, Ahmed Elghobashy