Dear Student Council Members,

we were asked to search for students who are willing to give some insight to what it is like to study Aerospace at the TUM (especially Bachelor program) at the TUM open campus day 2023 happening in Garching.

Your job is to stand at a information table and talk to interested students, as well as answering their questions about studying, life and so on (not that hard).

3rd semester BSc Aerospace students are best suited for this job, but you can also help if you are in your 1st semester.

The "shift" will be on March 17, 2023 at 13:00-18:00 in Garching.

If there are many interested helpers, we can make more shifts with shorter durations. We will let you know.

Interested in helping? Just register in the form below, we will contact you again the next few days/weeks with further informations.

You can also suggest what compensation you want to get for your commitment. (Sorry, we already asked for better grades and credits, that's not possible)

If you have any questions, contact:

Many greetings,

your student council leadership

TUM Open Campus Day 2023


Privacy policy

The data collected here will only be used in the context of the TUM open campus day.

Only the organizers of this event will have access to the personal data.


The deletion of the data takes place 4 weeks after.

Consequences in the absence of consent:

You have the right not to agree to this declaration of consent - however, since the data marked as mandatory fields are required to register for the event, we cannot register you for the seminar without your consent.

Your rights:

a right to information
a right to rectification or erasure or to restriction of processing or a right to object to processing
a right to data portability
you also have the right to lodge a complaint with the Bavarian State Commissioner for Data Protection.

Consequences of revoking consent:

Upon receipt of the declaration of revocation, your data may not be further processed and will be deleted immediately. The revocation of your consent does not affect the lawfulness of the processing carried out up to that point. Please send your revocation to the address below.

Contact Organization Team:

Student Council for Aerospace and Geodesy

Munich University of Technology

Arcisstrasse 21

80333 Munich


I consent to the processing of my personal data in accordance with the Privacy Policy.

  • Keine Stichwörter