Umfrage Biorender

Die mit  *  gekennzeichneten Felder sind Pflichtfelder.

The fields marked with * are required.

First Name: *

Last Name: *

E-Mail: *

School: *

Professor / Unit: *

Current position: (e.g. professor, group leader, PostDoc, PhD student, 
other) *

Do you currently pay for a license? *

Would you be interested in having access to BioRender Premium through an 
institutional license with TUM? *

Are you currently using Biorender? *

What do you / would you use BioRender for? (Publications, 
Posters/Presentations, Grant Applications, Collaborate with my team, 
Educational Material, Course Work) *

Some additional questions if you already use biorender:

Are you able to make figures faster with BioRender?

Does BioRender help you communicate your science more effectively?

Does BioRender improve the quality of your grant proposals?

Does BioRender improve the quality of your education materials?

Is it easier with BioRender to create high-quality illustrations with 
other illustration tools (ex. Powerpoint or Adobe)?

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