There following mailinglists are currently available:

News Mailinglist

All active HPC users will be subscribed automatically. This is a protected mailinglist and only the HPC-Team is allowed to send out mails via this list. The following information will be sent via this list:

  • New Software module announcements
  • Software deprecation notices
  • Maintenance and Downtime notices
  • General Information

Discussion Mailinglist

Interested HPC user may subscribe manually via this link (TODO: insert proper link).

HPC user may discuss all kinds of technical HPC-related topics (no smalltalk or offtopic content allowed):

  • general usage questions
  • errors and problems

For small inquires the HPC-Chat may be more suitable while all kind of requests should be adressed to the Service Desk.

Dedicated Mailinglists for the Individual HPC Resource

see also the dedicated mailing lists for the respective HPC resource: