Every bachelor student must craft a thesis in order to complete her/his graduation. The workload comprises 12 ECTS which is equivalent to 360 hours of work or 9 weeks.
For the admission of the thesis you must have absolved at least 120 ECTS. The admission documents are issued in the Student Administration Office (Studiendekanat).
The scope of your work is on scientific topics and methodologies. This includes analyzing the state-of-the-art, analyses and evaluation and is less focused on implementation work.
The bachelor's thesis takes at least 9 weeks and at most 20 weeks.
A successful completion of the thesis includes a written report and a presentation about your scientific work. The desired scope of the thesis are 40-60 pages including your bibliography.
In addition, it is necessary to create a Wiki-Page that summarizes the most important results of your work
If you fail in the first trial, you can repeat the bachelor's thesis with a new topic.
Procedure / Checklist
- Find a supervisor
- Prepare a project plan/research proposal
- Work hard
- Craft a thesis report
- Presentation
Documentation of your work
Project Plan
More information about the projetct plan/reserach proposal can be found here.
Ask your supervisor to create a wiki page for you and make sure you have sufficient permissions to edit this page.
More information about the presentation can be found here.
- General Information (only available in german): FAQ Bachelor EI (BSEI)
- Thesis Administration Information (only available in german): click here.