Dear fellow Students,

for the Take-off Week (ToW) of the B.Sc. Aerospace we are searching for tutors/helpers who are willing to show the new freshmen what it is like to study Aerospace at TUM.

Date: October 13.-20. (Friday - Friday)

You can register if you are a Bachelor or Master student of the Aerospace program.

What is a HELPER?

You will take over one station for games to explain and supervise on Friday and at the city rallye. Your work duration is on Friday and on Saturday or Sunday for the city rallye.

What is a TUTOR?

You will be assigned a group of some freshmen and show them around as well as bring them together. Your work duration is one week.


Preliminary Schedule (can be subject to changes):

Fri, 13.10.:

  • midday, afternoon: you will take over one station for games to explain and supervise

Sat, 14.10. / Sun, 15.10. (weather dependent):

  • city rallye in Munich (with various tasks/games), similar tasks as on Friday


Preliminary Schedule (can be subject to changes):

Fri, 13.10.:

  • before noon: official event of the department, you and your group will meet for the first time after that event
  • midday, afternoon: having lunch with your group, campus tour in Garching, games and party (open end)

Sat, 14.10. / Sun, 15.10. (weather dependent):

  • city rallye in Munich (with various tasks/games)

Mon, 16.10. - Wed, 18.10. (in coordination of tutor groups, self-organised):

  • individual events, depending on your group motivation and preferences (beer garden, volleyball, museum, dinner,...)
  • we will provide you with further information regarding this as soon you have registered

Thu, 19.10.:

  • evening: pub crawl, open end

Fri, 20.10.:

  • morning: Weißwurstfrühstück (WWF) in StuCafe Garching

Please make sure you have time at all these dates before registering!!

A quick overview of your functions in this context (for tutors):

  • you will be assigned a group of about 10-15 freshmen starting the B.Sc. Aerospace in WS2023/24
  • you will show them how stuying at TUM works
  • you are the first contact person for questions regarding studies and life in Munich
  • you motivate your group to be successful students
  • you can come to the freshmen party for free!! (instead of paying €10,-)

After this week you are very welcome to stay contact with your group, in case they have any questions or want an opionion from a more experienced student.

We will have a little meeting with all the tutors and helpers for the ToW beforehand, there all your questions will be answered, you will also get a little guide and code of conduct.

If you now think that you are perfectly suited for helping in this event, please register in the form below. You will recieve all the needed additional information in the next few days.

Registration is possible until Tuesday, October 10, 23:59

For questions please contact

Thank you for your interest, we are looking forward to an amazing week.

ToW-Tutor Registration


for easier communications during the events

Wishes, notes, etc.

Privacy policy

The data collected here will only be used in the context of the ToW Tutor Registration.

This includes in particular:

Use for the administration of registrations
Contacting the participants within the scope of the organization

If a cell phone number is provided, contact will be made via the Whatsapp messaging service, SMS or phone calls. The provision of a cell phone number is optional.

Only the organizers of the event will have access to the personal data.


The deletion of the data takes place 4 weeks after the event.

Consequences in the absence of consent:

You have the right not to agree to this declaration of consent - however, since the data marked as mandatory fields are required to register for the event, we cannot register you for the seminar without your consent.

Your rights:

a right to information
a right to rectification or erasure or to restriction of processing or a right to object to processing
a right to data portability
you also have the right to lodge a complaint with the Bavarian State Commissioner for Data Protection.

Consequences of revoking consent:

Upon receipt of the declaration of revocation, your data may not be further processed and will be deleted immediately. The revocation of your consent does not affect the lawfulness of the processing carried out up to that point. Please send your revocation to the address below.

Contact Organization Team:

Student Council for Aerospace and Geodesy

Munich University of Technology

Arcisstrasse 21

80333 Munich


I consent to the processing of my personal data in accordance with the Privacy Policy.

  • Keine Stichwörter